
ObjectOutputStream .writeObject

hey i have some problems with this code... This is a JDialogForm in which I have jTextField and button. I want to save data from this Jtextfield when i click button to use it in another window but i don't know why it doesn't work. I always get Exception ek and the message i have put there. private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt... invalid stream header: 7371007E

Hello, this is pprobably a simple question . I got a client Server application which communicate using objects. when I send only one object from the client to server all works well. when I attempt to send several objects one after another on the same stream I get StreamCorruptedException. can some one direct me to the cause of t...

How to serialize a protected property in wcf

I have two classes (Person and Address) that i need to send via wcf, the classes look like this: public class PersoanaFizica :IExtensibleDataObject { [DataMember] private Guid _id; [DataMember(Name = "Id")] protected virtual Guid Id { get { return _id; } set { _id = value; } } private Extensi...

using dictionaries with WebServices

Hi! I tried to pass a dictionary via WebServices. However it is not serializeable. So i wrote an Own Class that makes it serializeable: using System; using System.Net; using System.Windows; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; namespace Platform { public class ...

Data dump of Hibernate-based application

Is there some tool for do dump data to some format. May be XML, JSON, CSV etc for using it in other application(may be with other DB engine) ...

Serializing WPF RichTextBox to XAML vs RTF

I have a RichTextBox and need to serialize its content to my database purely for storage purposes. It would appear that I have a choice between serializing as XAML or as RTF, and am wondering if there are any advantages to serializing to XAML over RTF, which I would consider as more "standard". In particular, am I losing any capability ...

how can i unserialize a field whic is in the serializable class

Hi there, I want to make a class serializable but i dont want make serializable some fileds in this class. how can do that? Thanks for your helps. ...

C# and F# lambda expressions code generation

Let's look at the code, generated by F# for simple function: let map_add valueToAdd xs = xs |> (fun x -> x + valueToAdd) The generated code for lambda expression (instance of F# functional value) will looks like this: [Serializable] internal class map_add@3 : FSharpFunc<int, int> { public int valueToAdd; internal ...

confused about how to use JSON in C#

The answer to just about every single question about using C# with json seems to be "use JSON.NET" but that's not the answer I'm looking for. the reason I say that is, from everything I've been able to read in the documentation, JSON.NET is basically just a better performing version of the DataContractSerializer built into the .net fram...

Deserialize JSON Objects in Asp.Net MVC Controller

Hey guys I'm trying to deserialize an object which was generated by LinqToSql. The user is allowed to edit the data of the object in the view and then it gets posted back to the controller. The edited Data comes in JSON. How does this action have to look like? Something like... public ActionResult(JsonObject json) { MyClass c = Js...

Why is my WCF RIA Services custom object deserializing with an extra list member?

I have been developing a Silverlight WCF RIA Services application dealing with mock financial transactions. To more efficiently send summary data to the client without going overboard with serialized entities I have created a summary class that isn’t in my EDM, and figured out how to serialize and send it over the wire to the SL client ...

Cookie problem in classes

Hi there, I want use cookie in my web project. I must serialize my classes. Although my code can seralize and create cookie for my some classes, it cant create cookie for serializable my class which has NonSerialized fields. This is my seralize and cookie code : public static bool f_SetCookie(string _sCookieName, object _oCookieValue, ...

Interview question: about Java serialization and singletons

In an interview the interviewer asked me the following question: is it possible to serialize a singleton object? I said yes, but in which scenario should we serialize a singleton? And is it possible to design a class whose object can not be serialized? ...

Debugger Visualizer and "Type is not marked as serializable"

I am trying to create a debugger visualizer that would show control hierarchy for any Control. It's done but I'm getting the exception "Type is not marked as serializable". How do I overcome that? Control is a .NET Windows Forms framework type, I can't mark it as serializable. ...

JavaScriptSerializer deserialize object "collection" as property in object failing

Hi All, I have a js object structured like: object.property1 = "some string"; object.property2 = "some string"; object.property3.property1 = "some string"; object.property3.property2 = "some string"; object.property3.property2 = "some string"; i'm using JSON.stringify(object) to pass this with ajax request. When i try to deserialize ...

Rails: Serializing objects in a database?

I'm looking for some general guidance on serializing objects in a database. What are serialized objects? What are some best-practice scenarios for serializing objects in a DB? What attributes do you use when creating the column in the DB so you can use a serialized object? How to save a serialized object? And how to access the serializ...

Why Isn't My .Net Object Serializable?

I've got a 'MyDataTable' class that inherits from System.Data.DataTable I've implemented ISerializable in my class and have a 'Public Overrides Sub GetObjectData...' But when I try to serialize the an object of 'MyDataTable' I get an error saying that 'MyDataTable' is not marked as serializable. If I used a DataTable instead - my code...

Serializing an extended form object

I've been reading up on this whole subject, but I never came across this specific problem. I already understand that the whole idea of serializing an entire form is a horrible idea and just doesn't work. But, I am encountering a bit of a different problem. I have a class that inherits the "button" form object, that I call DataButton. No...

Deserialize unnamed json array into an object in c#

Wondering how to deserialize the following string in c#: "[{\"access_token\":\"thisistheaccesstoken\"}]" I know how to do it if the json was: "{array=[{\"access_token\":\"thisistheaccesstoken\"}]}" I'd do it like this: public class AccessToken { public string access_token {get;set;} public DateTime expires { get; set; } }...

Is there a framework for .NET that supports Erlang's concept of "mobile code"?

In other words, "A serialization framework for closures and their set of (IL-code) dependencies". ...