
serialize doesn't include hidden fields

I run serialize on a form, where on of the fields is hidden - and it's a very important field, which should be posted. Is there any way to easily serialize it through jQuery or should I write my own function? ...

Serialize/marshal/reverse engineer unknown structure

Is there a way to deserialize or marshal or somehow parse a byte array back into a structure when you don't know what that structure was in the first place? The structure probably came from C++. Some background: I have a flight simulator for R/C planes and I'm trying to figure out if I can automate it. There is no API. I know how to aut...

How to Serialize/Deserialize Wrapped data in RESTful Web Services?

Hi I'm new to RESTful web services. I've created a RESTful web service. I need to wrap the response and requests. The contract is [WebGet(ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml, UriTemplate = "/vacancies/{ID}", BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped, RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml)] [OperationContract] DataTable GetVacancyInXm...

jQuery Table rows drag and drop plugin

Hi, I'm using this plugin to enable drag and drop table rows on a page. The plugin comes with a serialize function, which passes the ID of each table row to an AJAX function, like this: serializeTable: function(table) { var result = ""; var tableId =; var rows = table.rows; for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) { ...

Can Cocoa Touch UI objects be serialized, transmitted over a network, and reconstituted on a client?

I've been working on and off with a team that's developing an iPhone app. Like a lot of other developers new to Cocoa Touch, we decided to create a hybrid Cocoa-Web app which was essentially a few buttons controlling some UIWebViews -- partly to (a) leverage existing web development expertise, partly because of (b) the advantage in pushi...

python serialize string

I am needing to unserialize a string into an array in python just like php and then serialize it back. ...

Serializing a very large list

Hi, I'm gettint a large amount of data from a database query and I'm making objects of them. I finally have a list of these objects (about 1M of them) and I want to serialize that to disk for later use. Problem is that it barely fits in memory and won't fit in the future, so I need some system to serialize say the first 100k, the next 10...

Serialize Specialized List<>

Hi everyone, I have a specialized class, BusinessObjectList, with this declaration: public class BusinessObjectList<T> : List<BusinessObject> where T: BusinessObject {} And I want to serialize objects of this class, like: info.AddValue("myList", myList); I tried to add the interface ISerializable, but with no success. public cla...

prototype serialize returns function instead of serialized string

Hi. I have a script. In it is code. I have a page. In it is some stuff from db. There is an edit button. When pressed, a div pops up and is populated with form fields via ajaxrequest -ing an external php file. the form has a name, and that name is nameEdit. On that form is a button that calls a js function--i.e. submit. in this js func...

Jquery .serialize isn't including the FIRST SET at INDEX 0

My jquery looks like this: var as = $("input[name=as[]]").serialize(); var bs = $("input[name=bs[]]").serialize(); var cs = $("input[name=cs[]]").serialize(); but it's not serializing the first set at index 0. ...

How to serialize parameters in Web Service method

Hi, I have this problem. I have WCF .Net C# web service with this method: public interface IMyService { // TODO: Add your service operations here [OperationContract] ListOfRequests GetListOfRequests(string par1, string par2, string par3, ...

Remove pk field from django serialized objects

I'm serializing a bunch of objects with: json = serializers.serialize("json", objects, fields=('name', 'country')) I have not included 'pk' in my fields list, but the produced JSON includes a primary key with each serialized object. I do not want my API to expose primary keys to the general public. Short of munging the output JSON, ...

serialize problem in php

I want to serialize a multidimension array in php: $arr['foo'] = array('bar'=>'foo'); I'm going to pass $arr to an eval function and so i needed it to be serialized. When eval runs, it actually passes this as an argument to a class method, call it helper method, this helper method then takes that argument and converts it back to a rea...

jQuery double quotes

hi there, i have this form: <form name="myForm" action="#"> <input type="text" name="firstField" /> <input type="text" name="secondField" /> <input type="submit" name="submitButton" /> </form> and i have an ajax request: $('input[type="submit"]').click(function(){ var serialized = $('form').serialize(); /...

Writing Encoded Objects to File

Hi all, I'm looking for a low-level encryption to write questions/answers for a test/exam application in Java. Both the questions and exam are objects. Basically, I need a way to serialize a object, write it to a file, whilst encrypting everything so no one can read the question/answers without my program. I've heard of Protocol Buffer...

jquery serialize post

I have a div with elements below it that I am serializing. I am then posting that data to another page. The problem I have is I want to add something to the post but am unsure how. For example I have this: var tabs_sorted = $("#sortable_tabs").sortable('serialize'); $.post(DOC_ROOT+"helpers/update_tab_position.php", tabs_sorted); It t...

PHP how can i append data into a serialized array

if i have a serialized can i append more values to it? should i unserialize it first -> add data and then serialize it again? ...

Problem Serialization

I'm getting the following Exception: There was an error reflecting type 'ValoradorHC.estruturas.dispoHotel'. when i try to Serialize my class My code is: Public Function getXMLdeObjecto(ByVal obj As Object) Dim ser As New XmlSerializer(obj.GetType()) Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder() Dim writer As New S...

Serialising and immutable objects

I have a class which is intended for immutable use, hence I would like to label all the fields final. However the class is serialized and deserialized to send over the network. For this to work an empty constructor is required. This prevents me creating the final fields. I'm sure this is a fairly common problem but I can't find a solut...

Get the greatest value into serialized data with php into mysql column

Hi What is the way to get the greatest value into a serialized data. For example i have this in my column 'rating': a:3:{s:12:"total_rating";i:18;s:6:"rating";i:3;s:13:"total_ratings";i:6;} How can I select the 3 greatest 'rating' with a query? thanks a lot ...