
I have a Single File And need to serialize multiple objects can Iin c# ??

I have a single file and need to serialize multiple objects of the same class when ever a new object is created. I can't store them in arrays as I need to serialize them the instance an object is create. Please, help me. ...

Serialize all fields

Hey, I checked out the jquery serialize docs and I am trying to find the best way too serialize all fields in my form and then print the output, the demo has something like: function showValues() { var str = $("form").serialize(); $("#results").text(str); } $(":checkbox, :radio").click(showValues); $("se...

Serializing Null Values from a REST API Response

Hi! I've recently used WCF to consume a REST API. I used an entity class to serialize REST XML Reponse, here's the part I have a problem: <grid-cell-size type="decimal" nil="true"/> and in my C# class: [XmlElement("grid-cell-size")] public decimal? GridCellSize { get; set; } but the result is Input string was not in a correct form...

jquery save element positions (serialize?)

Hello. How do I save elements positions in a div? Do i use serialize and if yes how do I do it? I have this div: <div id="produtlist"> <img id="productid_10" src="images/pic10.jpg" class="sortableproduct" alt="" title="" /> <img id="productid_11" src="images/image1.jpg" class="sortableproduct" alt="" title="" /> <img id="...

jquery serialize and $.post

I'm trying to send a lot of data from a form using the $.post method in jQuery. I've used the serialize() function first to make all the form data into one long string which I will then explode serverside. The weird thing is when I try and send it using $.post it appends the result of the serialize() to the URL as if I was sending it usi...

Using jQuery to grab the content from CKEditor's iframe

Hey guys, I have this custom written CMS that uses CKEditor *(FCKEditor v3) for editing content. Along with that I'm using the jQuery Validation plugin to check all fields for error prior to ajax-based submission. For passing on the data to the PHP backend, I'm using the serialize() function. Problem is, serialize manages to grab...

How can i serialize variable with type of Int64 in JavaScript without loss of accuracy?

Hi everybody,How can i serialize variable with type of Int64 in JavaScript without loss of accuracy? My development platform is. NET. ...

Jquery sortable list won't serialize, why?

I'm implementing a sortable list of images with jquery in a Zend Framework application. I just can't get the .sortable('serialize') method to return more than an empty string. When I try with a few simple examples outside my application it works. Does it matter that the snippet below is wrapped in various other and other tags. I think...

Serialize internal Javascript objects (like Range)

Hi. I'd like to store some internal Javascript object like Range but I haven't found a way to save it. What's the best way to save it ? I thought to serialize it but I haven't found anything on the net. Is there a library that helps doing that? jquery? ...

How to edit a Rails serialized field in a form?

I have a data model in my Rails project that has a serialized field: class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base serialize :options end The options field can have variable data info. For example, here is the options field for one record from the fixtures file: options: query_id: 2 axis_y: 'percent' axis_x: 'text' units: '...

PHP - Serialize floating points

Hi, I am generating 10 random floats between 6 and 8 (all for good reason), and writing them to a mysql database in a serialized form. But one quirk seems to emerge at the storage time: Before storing I'm just outputting the same data to see what it looks like, and this is the result I get a:10:{i:0;d:6.20000000000000017763568394002504...

Feedback on code to Serialize, Deserialize and Save Image

Here is my code to Serialize, Deserialize and Save an image to the file system. I have looked at many examples of serialization/deserialization and I just want to get some feedback as I am sure my code could be improved. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I know this is a common problem so hopefully this question will be a good r...

How to serialize a UIView? (iphone)

Hi everyone, Is it possible to serialize a UIView object? If yes how can I do that? Thanks ...

JSON Serialization with class inheriting from Dictionary<T,V>

I have a class that's currently inheriting from Dictionary and then adds a few first class member properties to it. Roughly: public class Foo : Dictionary<string, string> { public string Bar { get; set; } public string Baz { get; set; } } Upon serializing an instance of this object to JSON however, it appears that the serialize...

what is php serialize for

I just learned about serialize() and unserialize() functions today and I think it is really cool but I am wondering what are some good uses for this? I know people serialize things to put into a database. Could you give me some example uses where it is helpful? Also I see serialized code in javascript often, is this the same, like a s...

Cache Object in PHP without using serialize

I have a complex object that I create in a PHP script. I am looking for a way to store this object such that subsequent requests do not have to recreate it, or spend time unserializing and rebuilding it. Using xdebug I find that I spend half of the entire request time building this object. Even when I store the object explicitly in APC (...

Serializing a checkbox array

Hi all, long time reader/first time poster here. So I've got a checkbox array that posted just fine to my table when I had an ajax post via: var createListingString="&features=" + arrayCheckBox; Now I'm jquerying EVERYTHING (and loving it), but each time I try to post my array with data: $("#create_listing_1").serialize(), I just ge...

Rollback and Preview in a CMS

I am creating a CMS and am using serialize to handle publish and rollback, which seems to work fine. Basically, The normal site tables are what gets displayed and anything not displayed is serialized in a separate table. The problem however is in making the 'Preview' functions work. Since the front end is created using normal SQL ca...

serialize a large array in PHP?

I am curious, is there a size limit on serialize in PHP. Would it be possible to serialize an array with 5,000 keys and values so it can be stored into a cache? I am hoping to cache a users friend list on a social network site, the cache will need to be updated fairly often but it will need to be read almost every page load. On a singl...

[Serializable] on Interface or similar

Hi I have an Interface as Contract. Now I'd like to define all Classes implementing the Interface as Serializable (XML). What I'd like to do is something like follows: public void DoSomethingWithElement( string element ) { IElement e = DeserializeElement(element); } void SerializeElement(IElement e) { XmlSerializer xmlForma...