
sql reporting services formats ( datetime, numbers ...

i put the format of a textbox using expression like Format(Fields!name.Value, "dd/MM/yyyy") can i somehow set a global format for datetime and currency/floats without having the need to set it for each textbox in part ...

Cannot expose service method in ADO.NET data service

I am trying to create a method that can be exposed through an ADO.NET data service. No matter what I do, the client cannot see the method that I am exposing. I am out of ideas. Please help: [WebGet] public ObjectResult<Product> GetAllProducts() { ProductOrdersEntities entities = new ProductOrdersEntities(); r...

Is it possible to reset wm6 service(dll), but don`t reset the device?

Already tired to constantly reset device for test couple lines of code)) ...

I can't seem to call my web service from C# Forms app

I have a web site which has a simple web service. I can call the web service successfully from javascript on the page. I need to be able to call the same web service from a C# forms application. The web service code is very simple: [WebService(Namespace = "")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)...

Web Service Question c#

I have a web service method, this calls functionality thats pretty complex in a c# class library. In the class libraries there are a lot of try-catch scenarios. What I would like to do is... if an error is detected, I want to set the return value of the webservice to false, and abort the thread, is this possible? ...

Automatically Restarting a chat server application on system restart

I developed a chat application with an attendant chat server. Everything is working fine. The issue now is the fact that whenever the chat server goes down (for instance, the server system shuts down as a result of power failure or some other problem), by the time the server system come back on, the chat server would have to be restarted...

Drupal RPC Fault

Hopefully someone can help me with this problem. I'm starting to work with Drupal Services & Adobe Flex. I created a simple service and installed the AMFPHP module. In Adobe Flex when running the application, I don't seem to have a problem...and everything runs fine showing the data However, after uploading the .html and .swf files t...

Specify the port precisely for a webservice in Web.config

I want to precisely set the port for a .NET 3.5 web service using the client services api I have been trying to get this to work using to no avail I have my domain mydomain .com / Appservices where is Appservices is an app root. I can login to my web site using the login page but t...

Best way to throttle email on Windows Server 2008

I have a server with SMTP set up for my site's outbound email. In order to not get blacklisted I'd like to limit outbound emails to under an arbitrary threshold (let's say 500 per hour). What's the best way to implement this? The two possibilities I see would be: 1) Some sort of outbound throttling within the SMTP Virtual Server (Not...

Update integrated progress bar in original activity

Hi, I've been trying to get my progress bar view to work in my file scanner application, and I'm thoroughly stumped by the proper combination of Activities, Services, Threads, and Handlers. Here's the structure: My Activity contains a Horizontal-styled ProgressBar. On menu item click, I spawn a Service which, onCreate(), which is where ...

Windows like services development in LINUX using MONO?

Hi, I just moved from .net development to LINUX MONO development... and i don have much experience with linux dev earlier.. I have a requirement to create a background service (like windows services) in mono c#.. is it possible.. And is it possible to access the LINUX native APIs from mono c#. (like winAPI calls from win c#).. Che...

Is there any service that allows you to send letters via snail mail?

I'm working on some software that needs to send emails to users, and occasionally letters through USPS. Is there any service with an API that allows you to do this and pay x amount of money per letter or something, or does this have to be a manual in house print, package, and mail process? ...

Can I develop ASMX web services in Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition?

I need to know if I can develop ASMX web services using VS 2008 Standard Edition, or if I need Professional Edition? I can't find this anywhere. Thanks. ...

Custom Delivery Extension DLL not loading - Why?

To all, I have deployed the Printer Delivery Sample and another FTP Delivery Extension. Neither one are showing the WebControl HTML table as it is defined in the custom assembly DLL. When I attach to the browser and access the subscription html content Visual Studio 2008 fails to attach to the DLL and allow walk through of the code. Th...

Is there a way to force svcutil.exe to ignore SSL certificate issues?

I need svcutil.exe to generate a proxy class for me, but the problem is that the web service can be accessed only via HTTPS and the SSL certificate is self signed. How can I force svcutil.exe to ignore this issue? ...

Is SOAP obsolete?

What is the current best practice for implementing Web Services? Is it still with SOAP? Windows Communication Framework is seemingly better, but isn't it SOAP under the covers? ...

unable to run postgres as windows service

I had this in my windows services: C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin/pg_ctl.exe runservice -N "postgresql-8.4" -D "D:/PostgreSQL/8.4/data" -w It never finishes executing. But if i did this on the dos shell: C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin/pg_ctl.exe start -N "postgresql-8.4" -D "D:/PostgreSQL/8.4/data" -w notice that i only cha...

Alternatives to WCF

I'm currently implementing a Silverlight application using WCF for the communication between client and server. I've heard that using WCF we're bound to use some Microsoft technology at the client side, and can't easily replace this with "anything" - at least with the default SOAP implementation of WPF. So my questions are: Is this...

Matrix Reporting Services Problem

I have a matrix with rows indicating a name (Ex Store name) and I have data pertaining to that in the DATA cells. I also have another date field in this format (MM/DD/YYYY). I would like to use a cross tab between Store Names and Just the Month of the date field. Jan Feb Mar Apr (From Date) A (Store Name) 10 5 ...

HttpWebRequest: how get the session id

Hi, we are using a web service for a web site to communicate with an external server. External server ask for a session id. Our following code ask external server: HttpWebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(ExtUrl) as HttpWebRequest; webRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ExtAccountToUse, ExtPassword); HttpWebResponse webRe...