JUnit Servlets testing with jndi lookup for the datasource
How to make unit test of servlets which uses jndi for lookup of datasource (JDBC) ? ...
How to make unit test of servlets which uses jndi for lookup of datasource (JDBC) ? ...
Hi Filters are like servlets but managed by the web container but there is service() method in servlets but there is no method called service in filters. There are three only three methods init(), doFilter(), and destroy().Can anybody elaborate on this ? ...
Hi experts! I'm implementing a URL shortener like bit.ly. For this, I have a Java servlet backend which does a response.redirect(targetURL) for every redirection request. This works fine for HTTP requests, but I'm having a problem with file:// protocols. The problematic case is this: The target is a directory (such as file:///N:/somef...
I'm looking for a component break down of Java EE (or previously know as J2EE) and J2SE E.g. J2EE 1.3: Servlet 2.3, JSP 1.2. JSTL 1.0, ... J2EE 1.4: Servlet 2.4, JSP 2.0, JSTL 1.1, ... JEE 1.5: Servlet 2.5, JSP 2.1, JSTL 1.2, ... In a simple table It can be extracted from: http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.3/docs/ , http://jav...
I recently ran across this problem while trying to implement a service that has really simple data entry. Basically what I want to do is to be able to send an email to a special email address and the mail should be parsed and then the data is to be processed by my application. Now I can find hundreds of tutorials on how to send mails fro...
I read everytime Filters are like servlets. Resin is a servlet container. Is there exist any filter container to initialize filters or does it take the role in servlet container only. Can anybody elaborate how it works? ...
Hi Servlet is also java program but there is no main method in servlet.Who will take role of main method on servet. ...
I am a newbie servlet programmer. I am trying to do this right. I wrote a filter to intercept a servlet request and check if the URL needs the user to be logged in. If so the user gets directed to the login page. This is working. But then I want to redirect the user back the page he wanted to go to in the first place. What is the corre...
Hi, I have a doubt regarding the use of servlets. In the application I'm building I use Html pages to ask the user for info. Imagine a Html page that lets the user request to see on the screen the content of a data base. What I'm doing is: 1.- From the Html page I'm calling a servlet that will open a connection with the database. 2....
i´ve read a little about java's structure and could someone tell me if my view of all these components are correct: JSP corresponds a View Servlet corresponds a Controller Bean corresponds a Model Faces correspond layouts to render display is this roughly correct? ...
Hi. I am developing a dynamic web project j2ee web application using eclipse. I have an existing jasper report file in .jrxml format found in web-inf/jasperreports folder. How do I access these files from my java classes in the src folder. I am not even sure if context path is the right term for the root folder of the application so plea...
Hello I'm implementing a client-server GPS application. Client side is a J2ME midlet that sends GPS location via HTTP/XML to a Java Webservice (Tomcat servlet). The servlet stores positions in SQL database. The other client app is a web browser that can login and see the actual position of midlet using Google Maps. This client is writte...
What's the easiest way for me to get Eclipse running with a Java servlet container on Ubuntu 9.10? I've tried a number of things, hitting dead ends each time. The best setup would use Ubuntu packages as much as possible, not require running Eclipse as root, and be able to debug running servlets. Dead ends so far include run-jetty-run, ...
WebSphere logs the warning message “SRTServletRes W WARNING: Cannot set header. Response already committed” for one JSP request. I need the respone headers later in my code. I did some research and understood that Servlet is trying to send more data to the output stream, but the stream is already been committed. I did not understand wh...
Hi, HTML form has some text boxes and a drop down box. Drop down has huge values, and takes lot of time to fetch from database. So I want to load the page first and while the user fills the form (text boxes) I want to load the drop down box (without his knowledge :-) ). But without any event trigger, how do I make call to database ag...
Hi, I'm working in an application using Tomcat and servlets. There is a servlet (audioProcess) that receives the name of an mp3 file, that is played. This servlet also processes the mp3 file and stores the result in a txt file. The content of this txt will be replaced when the audioProcess servlet is invoked again (with a different mp...
Hi, I've developed a j2ee application, now say sample.war is the file. When we port this to tomat webapps, it explodes to sample folder. But if we want to run this application for two people, how do we do that? some thing like http://address.com/user1/ and http://address.com/user2/ and in this we have different CSS (only the look varies...
class mstLeastCountEdit { mstLeastCount reff; HttpServletRequest request; HttpServletResponse response; String msg = ""; String LcDesc=""; int i = 0; int noOfRows = 0; HttpSession session=request.getSession(true); Integer ccode=(Integer) session.getAttribute("companycode"); void updateEdit(mstLea...
i am using tomcat, i defined some error-page in web.xml and mapped 404 error to page /error/error.jsp, but i need a servlet to detect if the resource exist, i want to set the Response status to 404 if the resource is not available, but tomcat would not redirect to the page i defined, so my question is: is there any api to get the page l...
Hi, My Spring Dispatcher servlet url-pattern is /* (as spring MVC REST suggests) Now all the request are resolved by this Servlet. even CSS/JS/Images also get resolved and handled by servlet.. So, Spring MVC tries to find controller.. :( How to bypass this? Is there any standard way out of this problem?? & Don't want to change url-...