
closing all web pages on session time out

Hi, When a session is timed out in application, we need to close all the web pages those are already opened by a user. Each page has sign out link. When the user click on that link, the home page is redirected to that page. In this case, the other opened pages also needs to be closed. How can we do this? ...

When will session be expired?

I set session timeout to be 5 minutes in web.xml. And once session expired sessionDestroyed() will be executed. But I want session to be alive as long as browser window is still there. So in each JSP page there is a piece of JavaScript code that visits an image on the server every 100 seconds. Basic idea regarding this part can be found...

How to call sessionDestroyed when a session times out

I am new to JSP. I used the following code in a class that implements HttpSessionListener to get SESSION OUT when the session times out: public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent arg0) { System.out.print("SESSION Created"); } public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent arg0) { System.out.print("SESSION...

Notify user about session timeout in J2EE

My requirement is to notity the use with a popup saying that the user session is about to time out in x seconds in case user does not perfrom any activity on the web page. Addition to this requirement is to decrement the value x seconds dynamically in the popup. The environment I use is J2EE. Please suggest. ...

C#.NET How to set session time out to 6 hours with forms authentication?

In my application I use Forms Authentication and sessions. How do I take care that the user is logged out after a period of 6 hours? In my web.config I set the sessions time-out to 360 minutes. But after a period of 10 minutes of inactivity I have to login again. I also set my forms authentication timeout to 360 minutes. What is it I ...

logged out after 2-3 minutes of inactivity

Hi guys, The session in my application often gets expired. session_gc_maxlifetime is set to 24 minutes(default); since my apps is a real time application that basically uses AJAX. Every second my ajax function calls a http request. As far as i know my session should not expire because it always called upon the ajax request. It works ...

ASP Web App Timing Out Erratically

I am going to be working on an ASP web application for a client. They are having problems with sessions timing out after periods of time ranging from 5 minutes to 4 hours after logging in. Is there any known issues I should check to try to resolve this problem? ...

Spring Security session-management setting and IllegalStateException

I'm trying to add <session-management> in my Spring Security namespace configuration so that I can provide a different message than the login page when the session times out. As soon as I add it to my configuration it starts throwing "IllegalStateException: Cannot create a session after the response has been committed" when I access the...

How do I make my site automatically sign out a user when they close their browser?

Let's suppose I have a sign-in form. When I sign in successfully I am redirected to the logged in home page. Currently, when I close this page without signing out, and re-open Firefox, this logged in home page is started again. I want it so that when the user closes their browser the session is the session is expired and when they nex...

Drupal timeout - how to amend timeout length?

Hiya, I'm looking to create a custom module which hooks into the Drupal timeout procedure. It needs to fire a quick ping to another server when a user times out - so that they are logged out of the systems on the second server too. Thing is... I can't find any documentation about how Drupal manages it's timeout. What I have been able ...

Does an AJAX PostBack reset the session timeout?

I know that if I do a full post back to the server through a button click or other server control, that the internal session timeout is reset. However, if I have a button that is wrapped within an UpdatePanel, or another piece of code wrapped within an AJAX post back to the server, will the internal session timeout be reset as well? ...

Ruby on rails - Authlogic : periodically check if user session is valid

Hi, I'm looking for a solution allowing me to check periodically if the user session has expired and if so redirect him to the login page. I'm using Authlogic gem, so what I'm doing is call a function that make a test on current_user. My USER_SESSION_TIMEOUT is 5minutes so I make this ajax call every 5:10 minutes. <%= periodically_ca...

Session Time out

When my login page is loaded browser is creating the session . But user doesn't log in until the session times out . But after that he tries to login. But as session has been already destoryed he is taken to session expire page. Now my requirement If session get destroyed when user is still on the login page i should redirect him to ...

J2EE -- Handling HttpSession session timouts while serving flash content

While serving flash based training material users peroidically experience a HttpSession session timeout. Currently the inactivity timeout is set to default (30mins). Questions: Would it be a good idea to attempt to increase MaxInactiveInterval for any user who is requesting a training flash video to prevent the timeouts? Would a b...

When is Session_End() called in ASP.NET MVC ?

I have configured my Web.Config file as follow in a ASP.NET MVC 2 project: <sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="1"/> And added the following in Global.asax.cs: protected void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Session_End"); } protected void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)...

how to define logout on session expired with grails and acegi security

Hi, I'm using the Acegi security Grails plugin in my application and sometime it's look like the session expired, the session variables not available anymore like session.user , but the user is not redirect to the login page. if you know how to deal with this problem i'll be happy to get your help. Meni ...

ASP.NET Session State Timeout Problem

I am trying to detect a session state timeout in my application and am unable to do so. I have a base class that derives from System.Web.UI.Page as follows:- public class BasePageSessionExpire : Page { override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnInit(e); if (Context.Session != null) { ...

Session-timeout configuration doesn't work?

In web.xml I have this <session-config> <session-timeout>2</session-timeout> </session-config> <listener> <listener-class>myapplication.SessionListener</listener-class> </listener> In the I have public void sessionDestroyed (HttpSessionEvent event){ System.out.println("Visitor Removed!!"); } Bu...

Forms Authentication logs out very quickly , locally works fine !!!

Hello to all, There's a problem that i am facing with my hosting company, I use a project that uses FormsAuthentication and the problem is that though it successfully logs in, it logs out VERY QUICKLY, and i don't know what could be the cause of that, so in my web.config file i added those lines: <authentication mode="Forms" > <forms...

How to avoid an HttpException due to timeout

I'm working on a website powered by .NET asp/C# code. The clients require that sessions have a 25 minute timeout. However, sometimes the site is used, and a user stays connected for long periods of time (longer than 25 mins). Session_End is triggered: protected void Session_End(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Hashtable trackingInforma...