
Execute function on session destruction

I am developing a web-based user interface that plots some data from a database and displays it to the user. There are, literally, millions of different graphs that may be generated, so my idea is to dynamically generate the graph, save it to a temporary file, serve the web page and finally remove the image after a certain period of time...

NHibernate - how do you know if database operation succeeded?

Hi all If for example, I call session.Save(myObject), how do I determine if the operation succeeded or if it failed because my database server has been dropped out of a hang glider? Does NHibernate throw a particular type of exception in this circumstance? Thanks David ...

Google app engine users Auth: djangoappengine Vs Web2py Vs Webpy

I'm going to develop a small web application on Gae with a registration section, login\logout and stuff like that. Since Google app Engine does not support session out of the box and i don't want to restrict access using google Accounts, i am forced to pick a Framework that offers this kind of facilities. My choices are: Web2py Djan...

Saving session data securely in PHP

I was trying to understand how sessions work in PHP and found that session data is by default stored in the file system. In a shared hosting environment, session data can be read by PHP scripts written by any user. How can this be prevented ? ...

Can Wicket handle two requests from the same page within the same session concurrently?

When I click on link 1 and then, before the response was received, click on link 2 on the same page, I get a "Page Expired" error from Wicket. Is Wicket conceptional capable to do such a concurrent processing? Any ideas why Wicket loses the session (it seems to reside on tomcat though)? ...

AttributeError: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'session'

Hello, I keep getting this error at random times and whenever I touch the django.wsgi file, it gets fixed only to happen again after a few hours. I'm lost as to what to do. my middleware_classes is as follows: MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.cache.UpdateCacheMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', ...

will this work as an alternative to http cookie?

I'm using php for my site and was wondeirng if it would be a good idea to use the $_SERVER md5($_SERVER['remote_addr'] + $_SERVER['http_user_agent'])) into a cookie_auth field in the user table. When the user logs in, php will use the above key to re-check the current user and compare it to the stored key and if matched get credintial...

php session variable not updating a 2 dimensional array after initializing...

I'm almost embarrassed to ask because it seems so simple, but I can't get it to update. When the user logs in I set the session vars like array('users'=>array('timezone'=>'America/los Angeles')); I can then retrieve the data as follows: $_SESSION['users']['timezone'] and it works fine. However in the user profile page the user can ch...

CakePHP + jQuery AJAX callback - Not deleting session via $session->flash();

Basically it breaks down like this: A master template page is loaded when one visits the application. Links are handled by an onclick handler, which reload relevant portions of the master via a jQuery ajax call, trigger other events, etc. After the initial onclick handler completes, it then calls two or more ajax callbacks which update...

Sessions not working PHP

My website doesn't start a session when I visit, I don't know why but my website works like this: <?php session_start(); $title = "Home"; include("include/header.php"); include("include/functions.php"); ?> ...HTML stuff here... <?php include("footer.php"); ?> But when I check with Cookies (add-on for Firefox) there are no...

How do I use AJAX to GET info from server without resetting the session timeout?

I would like to make a periodic background request from JavaScript on the client to my web application (ASP.NET, IIS 7), but I don't want the request to affect the ASP.NET session timeout. Is there a way to do this? ...

select tied to session object

I'm using rails' select helper on my page, dynamically populated with Categories on a page showing news articles. Changing the select should refresh the page and show news articles for the selected category. I'm storing the category id in the session. How do I make my select show persist the correct selected value? Currently trying this ... save textbox on redirect

I am new to and I am trying to save the state of some textboxes on redirect. I have a dashboard interface with drilldown. The main dashboard page has a date range option (textbox for both start date and end date) for the information displayed and I need to save the date range chosen by the user. I know that I can put the info int...

Session that never expires like on, unless the user clicks logout

I am building a mvc application. I want session to never expire, once the user login, unless the user clicks on logout. Whats the best way of doing it? I have used FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, createPersistentCookie); and set createPersistentCookie to true, but still I get logged out after sometime. ...

Injectin Session Bean to Session Scope Managed Bean

Consider that we inject a stateless session to a stateful session bean/seesion scoped JSF managed bean and the stateful session bean has multiple methods. Will the injected stateless session bean reference remain the same or will be available across multiple method calls? ...

Calling the Session before any Controller Action is run in MVC

Hi, I have this authentication check in my global.asax file in the Session_OnStart() call: if (Session["Authenticated"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); } This kind of session authentication is tightly coupled in all our web apps so I have to use it this way. This global.asax sits in an older ...

Refreshing an entity throws an NHibernate.UnresolvableObjectException

Hello all, The entities and mappings I'm talking about in this question can be found here :) Here is the context: I have a parent view-model which helps to manage some entities, and which has its own session. From this VM, I open another view-model (with its own session too), do some changements to the entity (add and/or remove child...

How do I do Session Management with RackSpace Cloud?

If I am running more than two instances of a server (using rackspace-cloud's ip groups), how do I manage my sessions with PHP? Is there a way to make users 'sticky' to the server they logged into originally? I do use memcached, but all of the cloud systems have memcached on them, I need to insure a users session gets to the right ser...

img, empty src make influance on php working in IE?

i hate situations, when i can't explain the behavior of compiler. So help me please to understand, how it possible... i have two php files - index.php, and admin.php. in index.php i make registration, and captcha checking, and if they are correct, i set the value of session variable to somevalue,(at first it has anothervalue) and redire...

Dropbox like remote authentication

I am trying to write a dropbox like system with a linux server and client. So far my java (language chosen randomly) client basically makes calls to unison to sync over ssh. At this point I would like to add a user account system so multiple people can use the same server, like dropbox. The problem is I am not sure how to support multip...