
sending php session variables to flash..

hi all, i am currently working on highscore system with php,mysql and flash. everything is done except a few things. i am struck at sending registered users and and guest users to the flash file. since 2 days im working but no luck. actually what my problem is in my highscore system i have provided the score submission to both registered...

Session maintenance in iphone when call interrupt iphone app

Hi, I am working on an iphone application in which user need to login to visit some restricted area for this I am using web services. My problem start when user login successfully but if a call interrupt the app then after call attend the session in app get lost i.e user get logout. How can i maintain a user login/session even a call int...

Set a field in my pojo session JAVA class with Spring

Hi all, I have a session bean (scope session) class. I have a servlet filter "called" by external server, and extract some informations in the request. This class update an attribute value named 'TOTO' in the current client session. I have a service (@Service) called cyclically from my client side (Flex). This service read the attribut...

Can I enable and disable sticky sessions on a load balancer from the website behind it?

My challenge is the following. I'd like to uphold the Post/Redirect/Get pattern for posted forms, but after the redirect I still want to show the state of the form in case of invalid fields. This information can be passed by storing it in session quite easily. However these sites usually run on multiple webservers behind a load balancer...

Storing user-id in session variable

When a use is logged in (Through open-id) we are creating a session variable named "UID" and storing the unique user-id in it. Later we are checking the session to see if the user is logged in. I think this is not the right way, but I could not force the team to change this, as I cannot show how this implementation can be cracked. Can an...

Session expire issue after deploying in virtual server

Hi, I have app which works fine with visual studio and also local IIS server deployment witout any issue with its session. but after deploying the code to server virtual server (IIS 6, windows 2003) it dosent work properly. Session gets null in subsequent requests and after few navigations in the site, and this issue is only oc...

click a link pass a session variable to the next page

I have a page where I am using a PHP while loop to echo the names and addresses of our dealers. For the email link, I want the user to be able to click the link, which would then take him to a form that emails that person. I know that you can't mix Javascript and PHP, so how do I tell which link the user has clicked on so that I can pa...

PHP : Delayed database request also without live page

So for example I click a button what will send something to the database after 1 minutes, but I want to send it also if I leave the page :) So if I leave the page when 30 seconds left from the 1 minutes the countdown will continue until reaches 60 seconds, then sends the data to the database. Hope it's clear. I think that I should use...

PHP Is there a better way to protect my pages than using header(location) ???

I am protecting my pages by checking the values of my sessions. Is there a more secure way of protecting my pages other than changing the Header Location if the sessions are not valid??? Am I doing anything right??? I have the following at the top of each page: <?php session_start(); //VERIFY LOGIN $validkey = 'br1ll1an...

Why do people save session data in hashed form?

I'm writing a project where after registration I save id of each client in session. As I know, session stores data on server side, so it seems to be secured. But I've seen many times when session variables stored in hashed form. So, why do they do it? Thanks much ...

Using WCF DataContract in MVC SessionState using AppFabric cache

Hi, I have a Data Access Layer, a Service Layer, and a Presentation Layer. The Presentation Layer is ASP.NET MVC2 RTM (web), and the Service Layer is WCF (services). It's all .NET 3.5 SP1. The problem is that in the services, the objects being returned are marked with the [DataContract] attribute. The web is using the AppFabric Cache (...

PHP Sessions and Passing Session ID

I have an API where I am passing the session id back and forth between calls. I set up the session like so: // start API session session_name('apikey'); session_id($data['apikey']); // required to link session session_start(); Although I named my session and am passing the session id via GET and POST using the name, PHP does not autom...

What is actually php session_id?

I understand the $_SESSION thing and I use it, but what session_id really is and what does it give? I don't get it, can you give me a hand? Thank you. ...

what's the best way to save sessions in a database?

i'm planning on making my own custom session handling functions. i want to save it in the database but i have some doubts. is it viable or will just slow down my app? i have to save the session after each set or can i just save it all at once? because i had this idea to put this function in the class destructor method. so, when the pro...

How session works? Where to save the session value? How to increase session life time?

How session works? Where to save the session value? How to increase session life time? ...

Session vars problem php

Well I have unexpected situation here. I am using a code form a site I made long time ago and it works there. I have 3 pages: - news.php - newscheck.php - newsadd.php I have session_start() on every page. In newscheck.php, I generate session_vars for the fields and echo them in the same page so the user to check the info. And they ar... - undo delete session

Hi I'm storing the orders in sessions and i give the possibilty to user to delete the order, but i'm trying to create an "undo" but i don't know how. When the user ask to delete the session (the order), what you advice me to do to have the possibility to undo it? It don't need to be after X minutes, just in the same page so if he delet...

Indy HTTP Client: sessions like in web browser

I'm making a program for registration on a website. For this, I use C++Builder and Indy (TIdHTTP). How it works: Program receives registration page via GET and extracts CAPTCHA picture address from it; downloads the CAPTCHA (GET) and serves it to user; sends the data provided by user to the website in POST request. Problem: The CAPT...

Liferay: SessionCreateAction, SessionDestroyAction

Hi, Post Session Creation action can be denifed in a class that is extended from Similarly class that extends from will do Post Session Destroyal actions. But I could not find any specific implementation in classes SessionCreateAction and Sessi...

What if PHP sessions are already started?

I'm making somewhat of a "module" that gets included into another unrelated PHP application. In my "module" I need to use sessions. However, I get the 'session has already been started...' exception. The application that my "module" is included into is starting the session. If I cannot disable sessions in this application, what are my op...