
Are there any session security loopholes in my PHP script?

After I authenticate user login info, i create this session for them: $_SESSION['username']= $userName; Then, I redirect them like this: header('' . $_SESSION['username']; I want my website to have a beauty URL, something like: Thus, in all my redirect links (HTML <a...

Encrypt a Session Object

First off: I'm working on an e-commerce site that will accept credit cards. In order to get from the "Enter your information" page to the "Confirm your information" page, I need to store the credit card information somewhere that it can be retrieved before it ultimately gets sent to the payment gateway. I'm currently leaning towards st...

Unique session id in python

How do I generate a unique sission id in Python? ...

Bad handling of PHP sessions variables?

I'm currently using the following code in my cms to check if visitor is logged in as admin so that he can edit the current page: if($_SESSION['admin']=="1") { echo "<a href="foobar/?update">edit</a>"; } But I'm worried that the code is unsafe. Can't $_session variables easily be modified by the user? What would be a safer pra...

All Children in Child Collection Not Loading When Parent is Found Through Child Values

OUR PROBLEM: If the user which sould be notified is in the requested List ("users") it's Address Association is initialized with the query provided above. If we call the NotifyUser-Method the Address Association should be initalized with all Addresses of the user, but in this case the Address-Association is cached, and we only get the A...

Prevent Form spam with the session

Hello, I've already read most of the questions regarding techniques to prevent form spam, but none of them seem to suggest the use of the browser's session. We have a form that sends an email to given email address and we didn't like the idea of using "captchas" or Javascript, as we wanted to keep the user journey simple and accessible...

Detect enter/exit session under KDE/Gnome with FreePascal

I'm asking this question after I got a very good answer to: How do I detect the 2 states of “Switch User” in Windows My intention is to find out if the Switch User under KDE/Gnome has a similar API call I can monitor with FreePascal. If not with FreePascal, at least the respective lib entry used in C/C++ ...

passing session id via url

I'm trying to get my script to use url session id instead of cookies. The following page is not picking up the variable in the url as the session id. I must be missing something. First page ini_set("session.use_cookies",0); ini_set("session.use_trans_sid",1); session_start(); $session_id = session_id();...

Spring MVC @SessionAttributes confusion!

I'm using 2.5 and doing everything via annotations. I have a simple form that allows the user to edit an object. The controller behind it creates the object and adds it to the model on GET, and processes the changes on POST (submit). It works fine, but I don't understand why. The object is never explicitly added to the session, and the ...

Can I use Perl CGI::Sessions data in PHP?

I'm using Perl's CGI::Session with MySQL. No problems there. I want to incorporate some other languages, most notably PHP, to use the same session cookie. How would I do that? Almost the entire site is in Perl, but I want to use free PHP things, like forums and mediawiki, and still use the same session cookie. ...

Problem with my Session variables in 2.0

I keep a Session variable when the user is logged in. So that when the user click on btnLogout it must clear all my sessions and Log the User out for GOOD!!! It does clear my sessions but if i click the BACK button in IE right after i logged out then i am still logged in! Meaning it goes back to screen where the user was still logged in...

Refreshing Facebook session from an iframe application

I've got a Facebook iframe application that is completely external. By this I mean that once a user accesses the canvas URL to load the application, all the links in the iframe app go to my servers, and the canvas page never gets refreshed unless the user navigates to somewhere else on Facebook and comes back (or does a browser refresh)...

How can I set the application information on a session using the Oracle thin JDBC driver?

I'd like to change the application information that is shown when inspecting Oracle 10g sessions using the Oracle Enterprise Manager application: Application Information Program 'my program' Module 'something' Command UNKNOWN I'm using the JDBC thin driver to connect, and I have to admit I'd rather not use the OC...

Session Problem ASP.NET - SQL VS 2008

I have an odd session problem. I store a session in a global session class and access it on different pages. Anyway, most of my pages work fine except this one page which is really preplexing me. I set the session in one page and access it on the next for a SQL select / update /delete and with my FormView / GridView /Details View. Needle...

How to redirect user to the page (where session expires) after logged in?

I am maintaining a session for user login. Consider a scenario that, User working on page20 with his account credential. He is idle for the session variable time out. Then he start working on page20 and click link of page21.Here session is expired so he'll redirect to Login page. After successful logged in, User should redirect to the ...

how to implement winform session like session timeout especially

Hi i've plan to implement a feature like session in window application but not for the purpose to hold use information at first.the main purpose is to log out or at least prompt for login/password after session expires.I can't find information regarding to timeout feature on it online.I would be very gratefull if someone can point me to ...

What alternate session managers are available for Emacs?

I have read the page in Emacs wiki which contains a list of session manager plugins. But after trying all of these, I am still not happy with any of them. By comparison, the VIM session manager saves and loads sessions by name, which is one of the most important features for me. In particular, I want a session manager for Emacs that: ...

Using javascript for pinging a webapp to keep session open

I'm writing a greasemonkey script to keep session open on a webapp I use for work. Which javascript command would you use to create some feedback with the server and ensure the session doesn't fall without having to bother the user making a complete refresh of the page? ...

Why would NHibernate eager fetch not work when called after an update in the same session?

Could any one explain why this query works beautifully when it is called by itself to load and fully hydrate a 3 level object graph in one fell swoop, but then fail when called immediately after an update and commit has been done on one of those children within the same session. To be clear, the SQL join is correctly created in both scen...

How to use sessions in php - what's wrong with this code?

<?php session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['views'])) { $_SESSION['views'] = $_SESSION['views']+ 1; } else { $_SESSION['views'] = 1; } echo "views = ". $_SESSION['views']; ?> I am trying to set the session and increment the session on every refresh. But its always returning "1" for $_SESSION['views']. What is wrong with this...