
I find using the session object (.net) an evil practice, am I being too harsh?

Asking your opinions on the session object, I never use it (only forced to at work) because of its issues when scaling out the server. I realize you can go out of proc and have sql server manage sessions, but I just don't like that idea of it. I would rather build a better database design around the issue, than just throw things in ses...

PHP - Store Images in SESSION data ???

Can you store an image in a PHP SESSION ? I have a multi-step registration process using PHP on my site. On one of the steps, the users can upload their company logo (image). The last step is to process their credit card. So before I write any images to the web server and image location to the database, I want to make sure their cred...

Read session value with Javascript

Is it possible to read a session value with Javascript? For example, if I assigned a value into a session in PHP: $_SESSION['msg'] = "ABC Message"; Is it possible to read $_SESSION['msg'] with Javascript? ...

PHP: Possible reasons for $_SESSION['var'] to be mysteriously undefined with flash upload

I am having trouble with a session id not being defined. The session variable is being called on a page that a form posts to via an ajax/jquery query. The session variable is called on every other page without a problem. The variable is set when a user logs in, and is checked by an auth.php file. The auth.php file finds the session v...

C# Cannot check Session exists?

I get an error when I do the following: if(Session["value"] != null) { // code } The error i get is this: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Why is this? I always check my session this way? I am using the MVC Framework, does this has something to do with it? EDIT: The code is in the constructor of a Controlle...

When's the earliest i can access some Session data in global.asax?

Hi folks, i want to check if the Session contains some key/value data, in my global.asax. I'm not sure when the earliest possible time (and method name) is, to check this. thanks :) ...

file_get_contents (or curl, or fopen) problem with session data.

hello, i have a page that shows a value from session, lets call it and if i type it directly from the browser, it shows me the session value. but when i try to download it with file_get_contents (or other method) from another domain, like, it is not retrieving the content protected...

IIS 5 session and Asp.Net session

Hello, If we open IIS 5 Manager and right click on virtual directory --> select Properties so that new window opens up --> click Home Directory tab --> click Configuration, so that again new window opens --> and if in this new window we select Options tab, we are then presented with Enable Session state option. Since Asp.Net already ...

How to safely count sessions: is Session_Start/End in Global.Asax secure/safe enough?

I want to know the amount concurrent sessions at a given time. But with spiders and load-balancers and perhaps influences that do not know about, how safe is it to do this in global asax: void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { counter++; } void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e) { counter--; } Any tips? ...

Random Session Invalidation

I am running a J2EE web application in Tomcat, and recently I have been tasked with adding metrics to the application. I am using a SessionListener to detect when the session is destroyed, and then uploading the metrics to a database. My Session timeout is set in my web.xml to 30 minutes, and I am not invalidating the session anywhere ...

Retrieving session ID value from a JSF request

How do I retrieve the session ID value inside a JSF managed bean? ...

hibernate session problem new

I am using Hibernate in NetBeans. I am using the hibernate util class that comes with the Hibernate plugin for NetBeans to get the current session. That is, I am using the following code to get my current session: this.session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); But when I try to lazy fetch anything it gives fol...

Putting an object in session via a property in ASP.NET

This seems like it might be a bad idea, but I can't figure out why: I have a class, cXYZ, with properties A, B and C. It also has a method 'sGetData' that loads those three properties from the database, and a method 'sSaveData' which saves it back. class cXYZ public property A as string... public property B as string... public ...

Storing custom user information in an authentication ticket instead of in Membership provider

I've been looking at implementing a custom SQL Server-based membership provider and one of my problems is that the membershipUserObject is keyed on a GUID. Since I'm using an existing ID as a key to roles and user data, this presents an interesting problem. I'd like your opinion on which option -- or whether there's another option I ha...

Changing credentials on client-side for Basic Authentication on Flex

I want to let the user automatically re-login in my Flex app, which uses Basic Authentication By the way, I have noted this StackOverflow question, which is relevant, but does not address the question of logging out client-side. For example, after user A logs in, user B comes to the browser, goes to the login screen (perhaps in a new t...

Firefox session cookies

Generally speaking, when given a cookie that has no expiration period, modern browsers will consider this cookie to be a 'session cookie', they will remove the cookie at the end of the browsing session (generally when the browser instance closes). IE, Opera, Safari and Chrome all support this behavior. However firefox (3.0.9 latest pro...

Yellow error screen appended to response

I have an application that is getting yellow error screens appended to the response. The page will look normal, and then have the yellow screen below the Html. I have narrowed this error down to the application reseting during the response, and the session dying. So if I start loading a page, and save the web.config, it gives me ...

How do i provide a custom session ID getter/setter in

I want to pass the sessionID as a json parameter, I can see how to override SessionIDManager and such, but this just covers custom creation/validation of sessionID's as opposed to where it actually gets the sessionID from. There is of course 'cookieless' which puts it in the url, but that doesn't work for me either. So i'd like to over...

ASP.NET SqlServer Session Replication

Curious whether folks have setup 2 way transactional replication on the tables ASP.NET uses for SqlServer stored session state (ASPStateTempSessions and ASPStateTempApplications) and the tables used for membership, role, and personalization? How did it work out? Were there any gotchas? ...

gSOAP and WCF session: strange cookie detected

I am trying to implement session between WCF and gSoap, using basicHttpBinding. And I've almost succeeded, using ASP.NET compatibility mode. I used this technique: Now, while I used a .NET client for my service, everyting just worked fine. Then I tried the same with gSOAP. I mad...