
Where session's are stored in IIS 6.0

By default when a user opens a website he is assigned a unique session that remains intact with him while he is surfing the site. I remember in apache this session is stored as text file on server. Can any one let me know how autogenerated seesion are stored in IIS and the path where i can see all the seesions of existing users. ...

ASP.NET MVC Session using jQuery

PROBLEM SOLVED: I was overlooking a very simple issue, and that is that this is actually two different apps running under one website. I modified the URL in the AJAX call slightly to reflect that and the problem is no longer happening. ORIGINAL QUESTION: I'm having a weird issue and I'm hoping someone can help shed some light on the s...

Where are store SessionID on the client

I have a web site in ASP 3.0. This web site initialize authentication by session on the server, and retreive the id of the user in the session. A multiple clients access to the web site with no problem. Some of them lost there session. I think is due to a client configuration with the sessionID token or someting like that. Could some b...

How to save and load a C++ application state in a modular way

I have a distributed C++ application, which is composed of 4 processes spread on 2 machines. One of the applications serves as "control center" for the rest of the applications. I want to be able to save the current state to a file and load it again later. What exactly is a "state" is defined separately by each module in the system. Wh...

Auto-posting in PHPBB3 + manipulating/restoring user session

I ran into an issue that I haven't found a perfect solution for yet. First let me outline the scenario. I have a PHPBB3 forum on a server and also an application (developed by me) on the same server which is linked to the forum. The application is only accessible if you are logged in to the forum and also some parts of it are only access...

WCF binding -wsHttpBinding uses a session?

In a previous thread one of the respondents said that using wsHttpBinding used a session. Since I'm working in a clustered IIS environment, should I disable this? As far as I know, sessions don't work in a cluster. If I need to disable this, how do I go about it? ...

How to detect session timeouts when using cookieless sessions.

I'm currently working on a ASP.Net 3.5 project and trying to implement session timeout detection. I know how to do it with enabled session cookies, but without i'm totally lost. When session timeout occurs i want to redirect the user to some custom page. Can someone explain me how to do it? My cookie based solution looks like this an...

Never more than 3 persons connected with the same login with Django

Let's picture a django powered service that bills its customers monthly. The owner doesn't want his customers to share the account with people that did not pay. Of course, he understand that some may want to work collaboratively on an account, and don't want to restrain the use of shared accounts to the same IP address. How would you le...

In ColdFusion, why shouldn't a Set & Forget child thread have access to session/client scopes?

Threads spawned from a parent process in ColdFusion have access to the Session and Client scopes, but only until the parent process completes; so if the thread continues to run beyond that time, attempting to read from or write to one of these scopes will presumably throw an error. Why? I understand with Client scope, as this could be ...

Where is session stored if cookie is disabled on client’s machine? What is actually stored in session?

In config file I have the below settings sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" Does this indicates that the sessionid is stroed in cookies? If yes then how is it picked and sent to the server and how is it verified across postbacks. What will happen if cookies are disabled in my browser, will the session(sessionid and session ...

my session_start doesn't work :(

i start a new session with : session_start(); then i set some session variables like this : $_SESSION['name']=$_POST['name']; and some another variables. at bottom of page i set header to diffrent page : header('location: index.php'); exit(); now in new page (index.php i can't access to my session variables, like $_SESSION['name']) what...

Best way to control shopping carts

Hi I am trying to build a simple shopping cart, i read about controlling them and see there are 3 ways to control them. one is cookies, another one is session based, and last one is database model. I am wondering which one is better choice ? some told that database method is better but its harder too. I am also looking for database model...

Tomcat: Set cookie value multiple times for 1 request?

I'm running into a problem with Apache Tomcat 6.0.20 where I can't change a cookie's value once it has been added to the response. Basically, I'm trying to replicate Session functionality using cookies. I have a custom "Session" object, which is backed by a cookie. When I create my Session, I pass it an HttpServletResponse, and it cre...

PHP - Multi dimensional SESSION array a good or bad idea for performance?

Are there any reasons not to want to use a multi dimensional SESSION array to store temporary user data? ...

Access user session objects from another thread, how to make it?

How can I access a user session objects from another thread? I want to delete some users on a regular basis. I can just delete them from the database, but some user can be logged in. So I want to invalidate his session if its exists. How can I find and invalidate his session using his userId? As I understand a servlet container has som...

Where does this session come from?

I have a header.html which start with session_start();. Then the following code, $_SESSION['cart'][$sw_id] is not set, but suddenly came out. Q1. Can you start session in this way? Q2. How come you can increment quantity of purchase with $_SESSION['cart'][$sw_id]++? It seems to me incrementing id number. <?php # Script 5.7 - cart.php ...

How to solve session fixed in ?

Right now I need to save content into Session object of an program, and I found when i save something into session object, will generate a cookie which contains ASP.NET_SessionId = "current session id". This will cause the session fixed security issue. Who can help me to solve this ? ...

best way to store .net session data

Hi, I'm investigating for a free, high available, high performance solution for caching or storing .net session data (for a high traffic website). I don't want to use a db (db is the bottleneck on traffic increase). There're some key/value stores, but as far as I know they don't support .net objects. And there're some distributed or r...

PHP - How to start a session after HTTP authentication.

I am dealing with the skeleton of an old website that uses http authentication for users to access membership data. The access content button is a link to a index.html page with the following: <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0; url="&gt; I would like to change this to a index.php page which woul...

Threads in Session Beans

Hi, I have a session bean that uses Bean managed txns. This bean has one business method that simply delegates the control to a POJO which takes care of all the processing. Here this POJO starts and closes transactions (UserTransaction). Now the question is can I span new threads in the POJO so that I can create a new thread when I nee...