
iPhone SDK audioSession question.

Hi to all. In my app i record and play audio at the same time. The app is almost finished. But there is one thing, that annoying me. When audio session is set to PlayAndRecord, sounds become quiet in comparison with the same sounds with the SoloAmbient category. Is there any way to make sound louder using PlayAndRecord? ...

annoying Session overwriting

Hello , I'm making a multi language website and i decided to use sessions to remember the current language , overall it works as its supposed to , but there is one bug that i can't fix . 1) i load the page and it displays properly in Bulgaria 2) i add '&lang=en' to test if its working properly , and it does 3) when i remove the '&lang...

Session problem when accessed through pagemethods

I have a problem with accessing values in the session through pagemethods. The example below demonstrates the problem in a simple form. There are three buttons on the page and each of these invokes a different pagemethod, that, in turn accesses what I would expect to be the same variable from the session. In fact the value returned is ...

PHP multilanguage site

Hi, I want make multilanguage site with PHP based on SESSIONS like this site I try with this code but not working : <? session_start(); $lang = $_GET['lang']; if (!isset($lang)) { include ('ar/language.php'); $lang = "ar"; } else if ($lang == "en" ) {include ('en/language.php'); $SESSION["lang"] = "en"; header(...

Resuming session with an AJAX call

My app has a session timeout after 30 minutes. If the user has a "permanent login" feature activated, then on a subsequent HTTP request the server reads the "perm session" cookie and restores the session. However, if the user does not reload or navigate to another page after his session expired, but rather clicks on a button that retrie...

Need some direction on multiplayer game sessions using ASP.NET

My goal for now is to have a user search for other users who want to go head to head to see whom can complete a puzzle the fastest. I have an idea of this to flag user's who are currently online using the membership provider. I would like the server to be able to send the same puzzle to two different user sessions at once and listen fo...

Preserving state in Silverlight 3

Hi, I'm developing a Silverlight 3 Application which I want to connect to a webservice with a provided .dll or with SOAP. But the .dll is not suited for Silverlight so I can not do that. And I can't access the SOAP service because of cross-domain issues (I do not host it so a clientpolicy xml will not do). So my solution is the include...

ASP.NET Caching with Session variable ?

I've got some kind of community website, there are about 40.000 users in database with many property columns. There are two pages where latest and online users are shown based on some kind of criteria ie. gender. I've made some SQL trick to get only ten rows per page so not that much information is sent back by sql server for search,inb...

How session and cookie works?

When i create a session variable where is saved username and password, how does it works internally? Same question about regular cookies where information is saved. Which type of information are included in coookie and session? What is the difference between them? ...

Problem of session state

Hello Friends, I'm developing a project in ASP.Net(c#). My project definition is Online Travels Booking System. In my project there is a seating selection module. When I select a particular seat for a particular route using a check box, I create a session for the selected seat so that if I ever choose the same route, the selected seat...

Is it safe to store a OTP in the session?

I am writing a web application and for certain actions the user needs to enter a One Time Pin (OTP) - similar to most banking websites. So I basically need to generate a random string, store it somewhere, send it to the user and then validate the entered pin against the one I stored. Is it safe to store this generated string in the ASP...

Problems with PHP $_SESSION;

I'm using SESSIONS to store data from a database when a user logs in. However, when I query a database on another page the SESSION variables change without me assigning new values to them. Does anyone know what the problem could be? The login page that saves the variables: enter code here session_start(); if($_POST['login_but...

everlasting sessions in PHP

Is it possible to configure PHP sessions to never expire? I currently have the default 24 minutes set in php.ini - I could whack this up to a couple of weeks or something like that but I was wondering if I can set them to infinite lifetime? I want to achieve a similar effect to Stackoverflow's: I never have to log in here. Is this achie...

PHP Session Variable shortcuts?

So I'm doing some maintenance on a PHP site that is using $_SESSION variables. I started seeing some very very weird behavior and after hours of debugging I just figured this out. As an example, lets say I have a session variable setup like this: $_SESSION['user']['id'] = 123; $_SESSION['user']['firstname'] = 'John'; $_SESSION['user']['...

PHP Session variable changes when i reference it

Hi, when I store data in a variable like: // inside the login page $_SESSION['username'] = $username; $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id; and i reference that SESSION on another page like: // on the users homepage $new_variable = $_SESSION['username']; changes it's value to something different from the database. OR for example, i...

How to identify when my session variable is changed?

I am having a session variable whose value can be changed from java and from Jsp as well. Is it possible to detect when this variable's value is changed? ...

Try/Catch block not catching Exception

I have a statement inside a try/catch block, but the exception is not getting caught. Can anyone explain? Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Source Error: Line 139: try Line 140: { Line 141: return (int)Sess...

Writing custom session store for Weblogic

I want to store JSP session data in a custom store (the one I specify) in WebLogic server. Is there any interface or base class that I can implement or an filter that I can write that can I can plug-in through configuration and which enables me to store session data in my store? I have done some initial search but couldn't find any entry...

Session Management (Zend Framework specific)

I'm trying to get the rememberMe() function to remember users and retain sessions for months at a time. I've read that if you pass a value through rememberMe() it will not work if the session has already been started. From the session_set_cookie_params() documentation in the PHP manual, "you need to call session_set_cookie_params() for...

PHP session not storing data

HI , Say if I am viewing my page on computer 001 and I logout of the session and move onto computer 002 and log-in into the session for some reason I don't see my data it looks like its something to do with how I have done my sessions. does any one know why the data is not saving to the user ? And how I could fix it ? ...