
Is it possible to share ASP.NET session cookies between IE and word add-on

I have a requirement to allow users to open word document from web page and edit locally by using MS Word application. finally they should be able to (post back)save the modified document to server. For the above requirement I have chosen ASP.NET, C#, .NET 3.5, IIS, IE6 (or above) and MS Office 2007 (should be in all workstations). I h...

Identify WCF clients that do not dispose properly

Hi, we have a WCF service hosted inside IIS. Now there are loads of different client applications calling this service. WS-SecureConversion is used. Now, the service diagnostic log shows warnings that security sessions are being aborted. Most likely this is because of clients that do not properly close the session. More info: the prob...

PHP sessions: What if I set the session expiry to 10 days?

I want the users of my application to stay logged in for very long periods of time. The problem is the the session expires on the server end, thus losing variables stored in the session. So, I'm setting the session to expire in 10 days. My question is: Is there any security or performance issues of setting the GC expiry and cookie lifet...

problem with $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']

I have a link in one of my php pages where the friends of the logged in user are shown and there is a link like below for each of user's friends like this in this page: echo "<a href='profile.php?id=$row[friend_id]'>$friend_row[name]</a>"; and as you can see the friend's ID is passed to the profile page and in profile page the user ca...

does it make sense to cache nhibernate entities in httpcontext.current.session?

I'm learning NHibernate and was looking at some code recently where NHibernate was used in an ASP.Net MVC project. In a certain part of this app, entities loaded from NH are being kept in the (HttpContext) Session. Is this OK, or are there any dangers with this if you use (NHibernate) Session-per-request pattern? ...

Save to session - Does a cache mean the back end code doesn't always run?

Hello SO, So for a bit of background, I am creating a website with the Zend Framework. There is a page where I am using AJAX to save a rating to my database. I obvious need the key for the store in order to know what store the rating is to be saved for. In order to access the store for the page, the URL is The ...

Using Rack::Session::Datamapper

mkristgan's rack_datamapper gem says that it "can be wrapped to be used in a specific environement, i.e. Rack::Session::Datamapper". Unfortunately, I don't know quite enough about Ruby to accomplish this task yet –Modules/Classes in Ruby are still above my head (coming from PHP). Can anyone offer assistance with using rack_datamapper...

Facebook Connect on phpBB2 !

Hi :) I'm trying to integrate Facebook Connection module to an old phpbb 2 version. Have you ever tried a similar integration or found a nice tutorial showing how to do it ? thank you :) ...

Cookie session in rails is it the same as cookie or session ?

I am reading "Agile Web Development with Rails, 3rd Edition" and confusing about session-cookie. On page 474 it has a topic about cookie detection and they talk how to handler cookie-disabled user. And they come up with cookie session idea which from my understanding is a fake session that act as a cookie right ? What I don’t understan...

ASP.NET AJAX and keeping the Session alive - What is the standard way to do it?

Long time ASP.NET Webforms developer, new to Ajax development (mostly via the UpdatePanel control !). Since no postbacks are happening the server does not reset the user’s session timeout counter, even though a user is interacting with a page and refreshing parts of it. I would like to know what is the simplest and standard way of keep...

ASP.NET session is NULL despite a IRequireSessionState/IReadOnlySessionState handler?

While looking into another problem I met a peculiar situation. Within the Global.asax method I have the following code: protected void Application_AcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!(Context.Handler is IRequiresSessionState || Context.Handler is IReadOnlySessionState)) // No session - no validation. retu...

.Net TreeView control - storing the data on the client side

I will have a TreeView control where the user can add/delete nodes, then click the Save button, which will save the data entered into the database. Normally, I would be saving the TreeView data inside session object while the user is editing it, but the way our web servers work, the session can not be relied on (I have been told NOT to ...

Php session files have different owners

i have a problem with my session files... if i go to my site directly ( then php session files owner is www-data:www-data but if i go do the site via then the owner of the session files is ftp:www-data and the resulting problem is when i want to start the session but the session file allready ex...

Need to carry on browser "session" when calling another php script through CURL

I have a "primary" PHP script (actually a set of scripts) all of whom the user interacts with through the browser. I've had no problems using the site as the session information works from page to page. However, one of the scripts needs to directly call another "secondary" php script on my site using CURL and that "secondary" script nee...

abandon session in on browser close..kill session cookie

So I have a website where I use session start and end events to track and limit open instances of our web application, even on the same computer. On page unload i call a session enabled page method which then called session.abandon. This triggers session end event and clears the session variable but unfortunately does not kill the sess...

Force a logged in user to re-login by invalidating his session

I have an ASP.NET MVC application running on IIS7. I use sessions to keep track of logged in users. There is a session named IsSignedIn. ("true" means this user is currently logged in). I also have an administration page for my application. Now, say user1 who is signed in already, must be suspended from using the service immediately. ...

Not able to access Inbox of Exchange mailbox wiht MAPI.Session Object from VB6 application

I have a vb 6 application whic fetch the emails from Exchange mailbox and copy them in to text file. This was working fine for me. I have a requirement to change the communication protocol to "RPC over https". After implemnting this I am able to login to the mail box throug MS outlook with RPc over https protpcol. My application is not a...

How to clear PHP $_SESSION by apache?

I restarted apache,but the session doesn't expire! ...

CodeIgniter - Is my custom session data being stripped by Facebook?

I'm wondering if there's a way to dump all of the values of $this->session->userdata() so I can troubleshoot? I'm working within Facebook, and have a login page, and once that's successful I want to pass around the UID of the current user, and I thought this would work well. I currently have the uid set as follows: require_once '...

Recommendation for setting maximum size limits on Transaction Log of ASPState database.

Hi, We have ASP.Net MVC Website which has < 200 users with long running sessions. Each user is expected to stay logged in for at least 6-8 hrs before logging out. The average session per user is expected to be less than 1 MB. We are using the ASPState database to for session. We want to put a restriction on the maximumm size of the tra...