
MySQL call a stored procedure every x minutes

Is there a way in MySQL to call a stored procedure from within SQL every x minutes? I want to use this in a session-environment, where the database keeps track of all the sessions and automatically deletes sessions older than x minutes. ...

Saving the State of a System

A very flowery title indeed. I have a PHP web application that is in the form of a web based wizard. A user can run through the wizard and select options, run process (DB queries) etc. They can go backwards and forwards and run process again and again. I am trying to work out how to best save the state of what users do/did, what proces...

Best method to remove session handled by Session Proxy pattern

Hi all, I would like to use Proxy pattern for Session handling. In my session proxy class I have something like that: public static class SessionProxy { private const string ThemeNameSessionName = "ThemeName"; private const string PasswordExpirationDaysSessionNam = "PasswordExpirationDays"; /// /// Gets or sets ...

php session variable

my php session variable arent accessible when im on a page which is which has a varible being sent in its url i.e when on http://myurlId.php?id=1 php varible arent accessed .. when on a normal page with no varaibles being send with url session varibles are accessed just fine. ...

How to enable session only in specific view and disable it on others in ASP.NET MVC.

Hi, i need to use session only on a few views in my MVC project. These views are not visible to web crawlers. I use cookieless="AutoDetect" so web-crawles(and users with cookies disabled) gets ugly url from IIS( ie "(S(hkec1uq1onbt0xafixedjc45))/en/home.mvc") even on pages that doesn't need session. Is there any way how to enable sessio...

Caching data vs. writing in memory table

Which would be the best way to achieve a fast hash / session storage with one of these three ways? Way 1: Create a memory table in MySQL that stores a hash and a timestamp when the entry was created. A MySQL event automatically deletes all entries older than 20 minutes. This should be pretty fast because all data is stored in memory, bu...

IIS Session Timeout vs ASP.NET Session Timeout

In IIS 6 (and other versions too afaik), there is a Session Timeout setting in Properties -> Home Directory Tab -> Configuration button -> Options tab. Looks like this: And in the ASP.NET web.config there is a SessionState setting, looks like this: <system.web> <sessionState timeout="120" /> <!-- etc .. --> </system.web> Ar...

Trouble logging out of a Facebook connect site and destroying sessions

I can't seem to get a facebook connect app that I am building to log the user out (sorry no url as it's still in dev). Each time the user clicks a link with the class "logout" the following JS runs which seems to work and even shows the FB modal stating the user has been logged out. $(document).ready(function(){ $('.logout').click(f...

Storing Session Variables in Lift Scala

Hi all- I am trying to store a session variable and then use it to modify the menu in Boot.scala. Here is how I am storing the variable in a snippet: object sessionUserType extends SessionVar[String](null) def list (xhtml : NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = { Helpers.bind("sendTo", xhtml, "provider" ->"/provid...

Visual Studio ASP.NET MVC Save Solution Session End?

Every now and then when I am running/debugging an ASP.NET MVC website through Visual Studio and if I am changing some CSS or HTML in a View while the project is still running, the Session will drop intermittently. I have confirmed this in the Global.asax adding a Session_End method and setting a break point inside it. As soon as I clic...

django tracking recent online users

Is there any way to track active users in django? I have seen a few online solutions to the problem: being one of those. But it seems rather odd to modify the model structure just to solve this simple problem. I would like to know if there is any quick solution around...

Pros and Cons of Sticky Session / Session Affinity load blancing strategy?

One approach to high scalability is to use network load balancing to split processing load between several servers. One challenge that this approach presents is where servers are state aware - storing user state in a "session". One solution to this problem is "sticky session" (aka "session affinity") where each user is assigned to a ...

Unique entries in an array

Hi, I have the following that stores the previous 10 URL's into a session: function curPageURL() { $pageURL = 'http'; if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {$pageURL .= "s";} $pageURL .= "://"; if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") { $pageURL .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; } else { $pag...

python: interact with the session in cgi scripts

Can python cgi scripts write and read data to the session? If so how? Is there a high-level API or must I roll my own classes? ...

PHP Screen Scraping and Sessions

Ok still new to the screen scraping thing. I've managed to log into the site I need but now how do I redirect to another page? After I login I'm trying to do another GET request on the page that I need but it has a redirect on it that takes me back to the login page. So I'm thinking the SESSION variables are not being passed, how can ...

Ajax, PHP, and Sessions issue.

I have a PHP application that uses Zend Framework, jQuery's ajax, and Zend_Session. This application has been around for about 7 months and working the way it should. When the application initializes after the user logs in, about 10 ajax requests are fired off to load up relevant data to a dashboard type page. After those have requests h...

how twitter passes query variables?

I notice that when I browse pages in Twitter. Instead of having some like (the most common way), the link is just or or my guess is, they use sessions variables to pass information across pages/ links. is it a good way to do it? w...

How can I use multidimensional arrays in PHP with MySQL-based sessions?

So I started using MySQL-based sessions with session_module_name("user"); and I love it, and I might as well because I have to. The only thing I'm missing are my beloved multidimensional arrays, and I'm at a juncture where they are most desired. How can I still use them, or is it a lost cause? ...

2 phase ajax-based authentication

We have an ajax application that requires two steps, first user enters user name and password, then if it's correct, a challange question is presented. what's the best practice to manage the process? I plan to generate a temp session id after the first phase to be used in the second phase. And then a permanant session id is generated a...

First level cache doesn't update when using FetchMode.Join

Hi, I'm having a problem with the first level cache in NHibernate in our web application. In our application we have a context based session that is alive during each request (opened on request start and closed on request end). In addition to this we have a model structure with User, Organization and OrganizationType such that each Use...