
Sessions not working while working with windows + web application

Hi, I've a winform and i place a webbrowser control in that form. I'm giving default.aspx as webbrowswer url. like this Uri myuri = new Uri(""); webBrowser1.Url = myuri; now i'm storing some values in session (default.aspx page) but those are now working for me. Every time it is showing null value...

Multiple sessions for one servlet in Java

Hi! I have one servlet taking care of multiple sites and therefore I want to have different sessions for different sites, even if its the same user. Is there any support for this in Java or do I need to prefix the attribute names instead? I guess prefixing is not a good idea. /Br Johannes ...

sharing sessions accross browsers and flex air

Is there any way to share a session between a java web app and an AIR app that uses blazeDS? The goal is some kind of single sign on, so when either one of the apps is logged into that the user would not need to log into the other. They're both running in the same tomcat, but they are different apps. ...

Java Orkut Login

I want the pagesource of home page of ORKUT ( in java. But it needs to be logged in to the ORKUT before accessing any page of it. How can I do it. It should not involve browser in between ...

PHP's Session Storage.

Hello, I'm having some trouble understanding PHP's sessions. First off I am saving session data in a database, I used PHP's session_set_save_handler() function to define that. The way I understand when PHP saves the session data to the DB is like so: If I define some session variables then output some text to the user's browser, I bel...

ASP.NET GridView with LinqDataSource: Remeber Sorting, Paging and WhereParameters state

I'm using a standard GridView with a LinqDataSource. The user can sort and page through the grid using the stock standard stuff. Searching criteria (WhereParameters) can also be used to filter the results. This works great, but the state is obviously lost whenever navigating away from the page. So a generic mechanism of capturing the So...

PHP login system from Wikibooks: to be trusted?

Have anyone reading the description of PHP user authentication system at Wikibooks? Is it good? Secure? Correct? ...

ASP.NET Session issues

Hello, I have been struggling with a following problem. I have an ASP.NET application that has a certain search engine. It is possible to perform the searching by using prepared links. So I have a MS Word document that contains the links. When I click such a link a new IE8 window is opened, an ASP.NET session is spawned, the searching i...

Asp.Net MVC OnSessionStart event

Hi, I have found this thread which describes a very interesting OnSessionStart event, but I am unable to "hook" it up (whatever it means) to my global.asax.cs. I am also unsuccessful while searching the web for it. So could someone please explain to me, if the event really exists in mvc, where do I get it (inherit or what from wh...

How to access same Session in two websites?

Hi all, I need to know how to access a session set by one website or web application in another web application. For example I have logged in in firefox tab and then I opened in a different tab and here I don't have to log in. I need to access or share same user session in two different web application in ASP.Net. ...

Why does sharing PHP sessions between concurrently open pages seem to work in FF, but not IE or Chrome?

EDIT I just realized that I must have had a massive brain fart while writing the abbreviated code sample. See, I'm using smarty. Thus, I'm actually already using Kips's solution, because smarty displays after the session is saved I've been working on implementing a resource manager (for condensing, compressing and minifying CSS & JS) ...

PHP Session empty in one computer, but not another. Weird!

The problem is that I have a PHP script (A) that does signup, authorize Twitter, then the twitter calls back to a return PHP script (B). In script (A), I set some $_SESSION variables, and in script (B) I will get it. Very straight foward. I have tested it on my computersss, and it all works. I can see the session variables in script (B...

Session Id Changing Randomly

Hi, I have a simple ASP.NET MVC application. When the first action method is run it stores some data in the Session variable. On the resulting view I have a jquery ajax call triggered by a button to another action method. When I click the button a different session id is used at the server side, it's a bit random. There is sometimes a ...

securing sessions

I know SO isn't traditionally used this way (or maybe it is), but I've been learning about webapp security and was thinking it would be nice and encouraging to hear from SO experts what they think of this article (I'm reading it now, it's on session security). Maybe w...

How does PHP sessions work (not "how are they used")?

Hi, Session files are usually stored in i.e. /tmp/ on the server, and named sess_{session_id}. I have been looking at the contents and cannot figure out how they really work. Fetching the variable name and and content from the file is easy. But how does PHP know what session belongs to whom? The session_id seems totally random and one...

how to use state server for session in 2.0

Hi all, I need to know the procedure to use session state server for session. Please help. ...

Check whether user is logged in or not

I am doing a web-application using PHP for job searching. I have one query; when user is not logged in and wants to apply for the job given by clicking 'apply' button, he redirects to the login page. If the user is logged in when clicking, he should get directly to the application page. I'm not sure how to implement this. I'm confused ...

two login page(employee & employer),Page cant authenticate user(either he is employee Or Employer)

hello , I'm doing web-application for job seeker & i used two login pages one for employee & 2nd for employer, when I give restrict access to jobposed.php page (which is opened only for employer who is loged in)But the problem is employee who is log in can also open this jobposted.php.But what I have to do this page restriction apply for...

asking the container to notify your application whenever a session is about to timeout in Java

Which method(s) can be used to ask the container to notify your application whenever a session is about to timeout?(choose all that apply) A. HttpSessionListener.sessionDestroyed -- correct B. HttpSessionBindingListener.valueBound C. HttpSessionBindingListener.valueUnbound -- correct this is kind of round-about but ...

Detecting browser closure from flex application

Hi, I need to detect browser/tab closure from within a flex application in order to delete the session information in the server. I'm familiar with JavaScript events but I was wandering if there is an event in flex for application unload or something of that sort ... ...