
Is it 'ok' to store credit card information in the session?

I was thinking that was a good place because it is so temporary yes? I guess when I say 'ok' I mean both secure and ethical as well as practical for the code side of things. Please advise. ...

Django session intermittently disappears just after login

In my django app, I handle login in the following manner. Users go to a gateway page (index.html) - if they are not currently logged in, there will be a login/password form along with the other material. On successful login (or if they otherwise go to that page while logged in), the page is rendered slightly differently (sans login for...

Session 'disappearing' on some machines

I'm not exactly sure the question I should be asking. Sorry! I'm working on re-doing my web site so as to be using PHP5. The server lives in a buddy's basement and I just ssh in to do my coding and view the pages just like any other page out there. I keep track of login details in $_SESSION. When I'm sitting at my home machine I c...

Jquery delay link redirection for ajax

When a link is clicked, I want to clear the php session before redirecting to the destination page. The way I thought of doing it is by loading a php script that clears the session with ajax in the origin page and once that script has loaded, to redirect to the destination page. Here is the code I have: $(document).ready(function() { ...

Problem with setting a session with data from an xml file in PHP

Howdy again Stack Overflowers, I have this feed that I want to store the session_id in that xml file as a string to play with outside the loop, what am I doing wrong? if($xmlobj = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($xml_feed))) { foreach($xmlobj as $listing) { echo $session_Id = $listing->session...

How to create a session in PHP with a randomized string?

How do I keep session state of a variable throughout a site? For example: A user lands on my website, the string generated is $string = 'uejsh37rhda283jde86541as'; (This string is autogenerated by an xml feed on every page refresh). Now, everything works so far ok. The problem is when the user clicks on another page on the site, ...

Help with setting a session

Hi Guys, I tihnk my other question was a bit vague so... This is the situation. I have an xml feed that generates a random 24 character string on every page refresh. So, when a user visits my site and lands on a page called 'how-to-make-blue-widgets.php' - their unique string is generated as 38jsue710ppahchd67ywha94 for example. No...

When setting a session with PHP, how do you make it global to the entire site?

I am creating a session and I want a variable to be available for the entire site, so for example: Joe Soap lands on a page called red-widgets.php, - Joe's session variable is let's say 'red-widgets'. Joe then clicks on another page called blue-widgets.php. I would like the session variable to be still the original 'red-widgets'. How c...

Gnome Terminal Duplication

Very often I need two gnome-terminal sessions at the same location. Is it possible to open a single terminal, get to the directory I need, and make a duplicate of the terminal so I don't have to type in the cd command (which can get lengthy) a second time in the second window? ...

PHP: Count Number of Arrays in SESSION

I am storing shopping cart data in a SESSION Array like this: $_SESSION['cart'][$sessID] = array ('quantity' => 1, 'price' => $prodPrice, 'prodName' => $prodName, 'size' => $size, 'handle' => $handle) Each time a user adds an item to the cart, a new sessID is created and a new Session Array. How do I count how many sessID's there are...

How long will my session last?

Hi, Can someone please tell me how long my session will last from the data below? - I'm not sure which one tells me session.auto_start Off Off session.bug_compat_42 Off Off session.bug_compat_warn On On session.cache_expire 180 180 session.cache_limiter nocache nocache session.cookie_domain no value no value session.cookie_ht...

How can I access Session vars from Base class in ASP.Net?

Hi, I've run in to a this problem regarding Sessions in I'm creating an ASP.Net web application. I've created a class called BasePage that inherits from System.Web.Ui.Page. This BasePage class is a System.Web.Ui.Page with an additional member called ActiveUser of type ActiveUser (a class I've created of my own). In the construc...

Estimate/Calculate Session Memory Usage

I would like to estimate the amount of memory used by each session on my server in my ASP.NET web application. A few key questions: How much memory is allocated just to have each Session instance? Is the memory usage of each variable equal to its given address space (e.g. 32 bits for an Int32)? What about variables with variable addres...

NHibernate, transactions and TransactionScope

I'm trying to find the best solution to handle transaction in a web application that uses NHibernate. We use a IHttpModule and at HttpApplication.BeginRequest we open a new session and we bind it to the HttpContext with ManagedWebSessionContext.Bind(context, session); We close and unbind the session on HttpApplication.EndRequest. In ou...

How to maintain logged in status with web server in an iPhone app?

Simply, I would like to have an iPhone app that logs in to a web server with inputted username and password values and then maintains this login, so that the user can POST data to the server. Is this just an issue of using cookies? If so, how do you perform a check to verify the user is logged in? Thanks. ...

How can I stop applications from using Sessions when a request is made by a bot?

The solution is for a project in which changing all instances of Session[string] is not an option. My thoughts have been implementing the SessionStateStoreProviderBase. I understand that creating a class Session and having properties like Session.UserName would be a good idea. Edit: The goal here is to turn off Sessions per user request...

AuthSub session token never expires; security problem?

I'm using GData's AuthSub so that my administrative application doesn't need to store user/password information. I just came to the point in the documentation where I learned how to exchange the first, single-use token, for a session token ( And then this state...

Php simple caching technique for small-mid size websites

Hi, I was looking for HTML/Text content caching for small-mid size site using php. I'll mostly save the dynamic navigation-menu for site, generated HTML report from DB etc. Primarily I am looking for session based caching (is it a bad idea?). It can also be file based. Any existing solution is much appreciated. For example Zend Framewo...

Users take sessions of other users when sessions are stored in memcached (Rails)

Hello experts, I have a very weird problem, when storing my session in Memcached. From time to time some users takes the session of others. E.g. John, becomes logged in as Maria, Maria as Chris and so on. I use Rails 2.3.4, but the same problem has been happening with earlier versions of Rails. I use only one Memcache server and it's r...

Silverlight, WCF AspNetCompatibilityRequirements and ASPNET Session State not shared

Hi, I have a Silverlight application that on a button opens an aspx page in a new browser window. I want to pass some username/password details from Silverlight to the aspx page. My understanding is that I should be using WCF services to set the session state, which can then be retrieved from the aspx page. I have followed what I thi...