
Track user visits per web page

Hi All, I have different modules in my website and need to track how many times the user has visited each tab or module. Currently, I'm using Session variables to store the value and incrementing the counters on each visit on page_load event of the page and loading everything in the database on Session_End event. This seems to work when ...

Storing Sessions in DB Table Not Working (using Zend_Session_SaveHandler_DbTable)

This is my table: CREATE TABLE `Sessions` ( `id` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `modified` int(11) default NULL, `lifetime` int(11) default NULL, `data` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB This is in my bootstrap: $sessionConfig = array( 'name' => 'Sessions', //table name as per Zend_Db_Table 'primary' => 'id', ...

How would I use AJAX to determine if the user's session has expired and then return them to the login page?

In the following scenaio, how could I make use of AJAX to check if the session if is still active and then return the user to the login page? The user logs in and starts working The user disappears for 10 minutes and the session times out The user returns to their computer and is still on the screen they were on 10 minutes ago The user...

session error php

PHP NEWB. Can't figure out why I am getting this error via line 5. Any help would be greatly appreciated. <?php session_start(); //check to see if the user has logged in with a valid password if ($_SESSION['authuser'] !=1 { echo "Sorry brah, but you don't have permission to view this page, you jerk!"; exit(); } ?> <html...

How to save a session in Vim

Depending on my task in Vim I have several tabs open. How can I save different sessions for later use? Thanks!! ...

How to use NHibernate CurrentSessionContext within a Timer

I build a repository class that use ISessionFactory.GetCurrentSession() to find the current session that its methods should work with and used CurrentSessionContext.Bind to bind a session within my application. Inside the NHibernate config I used thread_static as my current_session_context_class. This worked perfectly so far. On each th...

IE8 Session sharing across tabs and windows

Has anyone implemented any effective solutions to address the numerous issues that are caused by IE8's session sharing functionality? We've gotten very close by writing a custom http module that compares session and view state values, but our efforts are thwarted by things such as accelerator keys and unaccceptable copying of session obj...

login to magneto from external site

Hi, I have my site with below structure. I'm logging into magneto from here. I got session of logged in customer on login.php after submit form. But when i see Magento there is no user logged in. My login code is given below my magento version is Mage::app(); Mage::getSin...

Rails CookieStore::CookieOverflow, not for all users, only in production

I have a couple users that are getting this CookieStore::CookieOverflow error. I'm suspicious of nginx/passenger because I just switched to that last week (from nginx/thin) and now these are happening. It's always a particular action, but it doesn't happen for all users. I checked to see what I'm storing in the session and I'm not sav...

ASP.NET Session Mix-up using StateServer (SCARY!)

We store two objects in session. Somehow, one of the objects from another users got loaded into a different users session. The user should have had no access to this particular data, and as soon as they saw it they knew something was very wrong. We have visual proof of the data that was presented to him, and there is certainly no way ...

Ruby on rails session = nil

Hi, In a controller I have 2 actions def action1 session[:test]="test" render :text => session[:test] # output test end def action2 render :text => session[:test] # output nil end I perform first action1 so the session is set Then I perform action2 but session[:test] is nil So what am I doing wrong? ...

CakePHP: ACL and/or Auth

My web application only has one level of authorization. It's either you're logged in or not. Would ACL be overkill for this? Would the Auth component be sufficient/secure enough to handle this situation? Does CakePHP session anonymous users? If so, is there a way to turn that off? I don't think I need sessions to be passed around if...

How can I upload a file and save it to a Stream for further preview using C# ?

Hi!! Is there a way to upload a file, save it to a Stream, this Stream I will save it temporarily in a Session and, at last, I will try to preview this uploaded file that is in this Session?? For example, a pdf file. Thanks!! EDITED Here's what I'm trying to do: HttpPostedFileBase hpf = Request.Files[0] as HttpPostedFileBase; byte[...

How do I send the jsessionid via POST using hidden inputs when cookies are disabled in JSP?

Is there any way to send JSESSIONID via hidden inputs? Something like <input type="hidden" name="JSESSIONID" value="<%= session.getId() %>"/> I tried everything but nothing seems to be working. It works if I directly access the other page with;jsessionid=CC7A1A07E117B66F4C5D8910F4F138F3 ...

Coldfusion Session Cookie

I am trying to delete the clientside session cookie when I access a certain page. How do I do this? ...

IE8 Session Issue

Hi All, I am not sure how to put it but as it sounds weird, but IE8 seems to be dropping sessions. I am talking about sessions in the server, HTTP Sessions. I know that a browser does not as such have to do anything with the HTTP session in the Application server, but it seems when I request the server again to fetch something I stored... page crashes other asp pages

I have a couple pages that use a few database connections - the problem is when these two pages are separately loaded they crash all the other .asp pages but none of the .aspx pages. I get this error however for the asp pages that don't load: HTTP/1.1 New Session Failed ...

Gracefully terminate WCF Service - complete all open sessions and restrict new sessions

I have a WCF Service that I have written, which is hosted within a Windows service. It is operating in PerSession mode. The service permits clients to open files, make changes to files and close files remotely through the service. So far all works very smoothly. When the Windows service is stopped, I would like to be able have the WCF S...

Registration and Session with PHP and MySQL

Hello boys and girls. I'm looking for an in-depth tutorial of registration and session management using PHP and MySQL. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask for this, but i really haven't been able to find a good tutorial elsewhere. Cheers! ...

ASP.NET MVC permitting only one logged in user

Hello, I have an experience with CakePHP and now started coding on ASP.NET MVC framework. I have a problem with the login system. How can I restrict users from logging only one time simultaneously on my system? I can create a field in my DB where Customer becomes active when logs in. If he logs out I can make active false. But what if ...