
Can't Delete cookie in user class with php

Hi everyone, i think my problem is a little weird, ive wrote a little class to log in/out user, entire system is based in MVC pattern, and my libraries are custom and self written, but the problem: when i log in the user with out the $remember flag, no problems, sessions are easily set and unset. but when i activate the $remember and i ...

PHP - Default session handling vs. custom session handling

Hi all. I have never tried a custom session handler so far in PHP, and with me thinking of picking up a framework (either CodeIgniter or Kohana), I see that there is an option to use a pre-built custom session handler. What are the pros and cons of going to a system in which session data is stored in the DB? In what ways does a custom se...

php session encryption

I'd like to have sessions data encrypted like they are in suhosin, is there any library out there providing that? ...

Does the business layer keeps working even a session closed in the middle of process?

Hi, I wonder what happens if the user closes his/her browser while a called business service method is still processing? Does it keep going working without being aware whether the user has his session closed or not? Or the process suddenly stops? Thanks. ...

Best option for Session management in Java

Best way managing session in Java. I heard that cookies are not reliable option for this as they gets stored into browser and can be accessed later on? Is this correct. If possible please come up with the answers with the coding example. Which is the best among URL Rewriting: Server will add an additional parameter at the end of URL link...

How to end session when browser closes in Sharepoint .

Hi, Need help in terminating session in WSS 3.0 when browser closes to avoid session hijacking. Thanks. imp. ...

Tools to see Session and Cache data for ASP.NET?

I am working on a ASP.NET web application that uses the Session heavily. Recently, we have experienced negative performance due to excessive memory consumption. I am interested to know if there are any tools to run against the server to check what is being stored by the web app in the Session/Cache/Application to determine the size of th...

Site slows for individual users, but they can switch browsers?

I've tried searching for this but it's pretty difficult to put into words. Basically, our site will run fine for most users without any issues. Sometimes though, those of us who use the site pretty heavily all day will suddenly get completely bogged down. Everything just spins in place. The site itself is still fine - everyone else c...

Code Igniter Login, Session and Redirect Problem in Internet Explorer?

I'm still new to code igniter and I'm having problems getting the login system to work. The login always works when I use Firefox. The login consistently works on some IE7 browsers but consistently fails on other IE7 browsers. When tracing the code, I see that the models/redux_auth_model.php does successfully authenticate the use...

When is the earliest I can access SESSION in the ASP.NET MVC page lifecycle?

My question is essentially the same as question 765054 on StackOverflow. I'm only asking it again because the accepted answer is incorrect (you can not access the session object in Application_BeginRequest). Our use case is that we want to store the authenticated user's user object in the session. So in subsequent requests, we can c...

Asp MVC, is session lost upon building solution?

Hello, all. I 'm writting an application in ASP.NET MVC. Basically I have some pages which require user authentication. Upon user logon, I keep the user row in a session. So in my controller I can access to the user.ID without making extra queries. When project is in debug mode I can only change things in the views. Not in the controll...

Where to open and close the NHibernate ISession in a web app (specifically MVC)?

This is a pretty fundamental question when using NHibernate in a web application, but I don't see any agreed best practice when searching the web. I've seen it done in lots of different places: Created and disposed in the Repository method - This just seems silly to me, since when you get the object it's already detached. At the begin...

Better way of doing strongly-typed ASP.NET MVC sessions

I am developing an ASP.NET MVC project and want to use strongly-typed session objects. I have implemented the following Controller-derived class to expose this object: public class StrongController<_T> : Controller where _T : new() { public _T SessionObject { get { if (Session[typeof(_T).FullName]...

ASP.NET page change causes an object array in Session to be unable to cast to it's own type??

I am storing an array of a custom serializable class in session on my site. When a page on the site changes, suddenly it renders them invalid, and tells me that it can't cast the type to it's own type. I assume the class version numbers are changing or something?! I'd appreciate avoiding the "don't use session" answers, unless it's a ...

Is there a way to access the current session from within a substitution control ?

Looks like context parameter of asp:net substitution control method is missing the current session once the page is output cached. Aside from getting the substitution control's content thru ajax or using some other method to store data that would otherwise be in session (like database) is there anything else I can do? Is there a workar...

Better way to retain form data on manual back redirect?

I have a form that, on submit, requires the customer to look over the data, and then confirm the changes before saving the data. However, I'm using a really rough way of retaining data if the user hits the back button to go back and look over the data before submitting. Since I want the user's updates to the fields and not the current ...

Equivalent for ViewData from ASP.NET MVC for ASP.NET?

Hi! Is there an equivalent for the ViewData/ TempData object in ASP.NET MVC for ASP.NET? What I wanna do is to keep a Session item only alive for one request. Thanks in advance! Edit: The problem is that I have one view for updating and creating. When the view is in update mode then the session item is filled or it has to be already ...

storing a TextBox value(in a html page) in php array variable which is then stored in a session

Hi, I am totally new to coding and i would need some help regarding this question of mine. the question is that, I have around 5 html pages.I am trying to walk the user through each phase and thats the reason i have diffent page for entering the info.Each html page has certain text fields.For ex Page1:lastname,firstname,mi... Page2:ad...

How to make session to allow different project?

I am planning to make a project management with PHP/MySQL/Codeigniter. It will have 10 - 20 users and 20 - 30 projects going on at the same time. Let's say John is a member of project A, B and C. Cindy is in A, D, F G etc. I want to make it only members of project can access the project. Now I am not sure how to approach this. Wha...

php: pass large arrays of data through pages

I am trying to to solve a problem where I need to pass large arrays of data to another page, this is my scenario: The user input his/her gmail login information inside a form, I then send this information to an ajax page where i authenticate and fetch all the contacts, if the login is invalid they can try again but if it authenticated I...