
why is the value of textbox (this value is retrieved from the sessions using php) in html shown in IE

Okay the code is, code in first.php <?PHP session_start(); include("script.php"); ?> <form action="script.php" method=POST> <input type="text" value="<?PHP if(isset($_SESSION['info']['firstname'])){echo $_SESSION['info']['firstname']; }?>" name="firstname"> </form> i have saved the file in php and the "script.php" page has all the c...

SESSION with a form file

Hi , Say if I upload a file on page 1 and submit the form How can I make a session with the file which has been uploaded for example how would I get the session to store the file ? ...

Zen-cart zenid session issue

Alright another tough question for you guys to answer. I know I don't make them easy or common. My problem comes in when a user clicks on My Cart while they are already logged in. It some how resets the sessions and logs them out/empties their cart. I also get a fatal error telling me the notify function is not accessible under the o...

How to store PHP sessions in APC Cache ?

Hi Storing sessions in disk very slow and painful for me. Im having very high traffic. I want to store session in Advanced PHP Cache, How can i make this ? Thanks ...

rubyonrails: how to find a session by a session_id

any one know how to find a session by a session_id on RoR? I'm using Authlogic in my project i don't know if that is correlated ...

Remember object state in PHP between requests

I am writing an application and I will have some dictionary values in many different languages. I know I could use GetText, but AFAIR files have to be compiled after editing, and I want to let user edit dictionary, and I can't recompile .mo files on the server. I don't know how many languages will be used, so solution must be elastic. I...

Binding to HttpContext.Current.Session w/ Static Variable Does Not Work

Original Question Hello All, I'm a bit confused on how MVC maps HTTP requests to session state. My HTTP request looks like this: GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: Connection: keep-alive User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.0 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.0 Accept: application/xml,...

Uploadify (Session and authentication) with ASP.NET MVC

When I use Authorize filter on an action or a controller used by uplodify ( the action isn't reach... moreover Session are not retrieved. I found this to retrieved user session : But how to use it with...

JQuery sliding div only once per Browser Session (or IP)

I need an div (for advertisement) that slides down like here (when loading the page): Tricky part: When I click on the [x] the whole div should disappear. I want it to disappear for the Browser Session or better for the IP that accessed it. Saving it to a Cookie would also be a solutio...

Check session from a view in CodeIgniter

What is the best way to check session from a view in CodeIgniter, it shows no way in their user guide, otherwise I will have to make two views on everything, which is kinda weird...still a newbie to CodeIgniter... Please Help! Thanks... ...

why the session in iis automatically log out ?

I used iis6, and when i called a function Directory.delete(), the all the session relate this website will be logged out. and i debugged the website, i found no exception. any one have ideas on this ? Thanks in advance! ...

What does this mean exactly? $_SESSION['sessionName '][$item['rowName ']]

And how does it translate to in C#? $item holds the results from mysql_fetch_array() I'm not really familiar with PHP so this is all new to me. Thanks. ...

Large PHP file containing multiple pages vs Multiple PHP files with the use of session variables

What are the advantages/disadvantages of using include/require's to achieve a singular file that contains multiple pages as opposed to directing the user to many individual pages and storing the variables as session variables? In particular I am asking with regard to a long multi step process (think questionnaire). ...

ckeditor image button and IE

Hello, has anyone had any experience with this editor? Ive been integrating this editor into a web application i am working on, and generally it has been going smoothely, except for one problem (is it a surprise that it involved IE?). When the user clicks on the image button in anything except IE, every works as expected. When the use...

Does NH guarantee the cache will not return invalid or stale data for query methods other than ISession.Find()...?

The ISession.Find()... methods are now deprecated. Does the statement about NH guaranteeing the Find()... methods will not return stale or incorrect data extend to ICriteria based queries? See this post for reference. ...

php session id and ajax, javascript

It has come to my attention that my website is not working correctly under many versions of Internet Explorer. After looking around everywhere, I did a "cookie" test (, and realized that cookies are not working when I use any version of IE, but works fine with Chrome, Firefox, Safari ... It ...

php session.use_trans_sid

I am not clear on the meaning and usage of php's session.use_trans_id . On the online documentation, it says: the run-time option session.use_trans_sid are enabled, relative URIs will be changed to contain the session id automatically. Does this mean it will ALWAYS add the session id? Or only when cookies are not working? ...

Can I write a single-tab web application using IE8?

My collegues facing one problem with IE8. they have one page for Product selection. now if user opens the page and selected one product as well as its some properties.. then he/she opes a new tab with same page... and selects a new product then the session used for page is shared by both the tab pages... so, can anybody provide solution...

Convert Session Object to IOrderedQueryable<T>

I need to convert a Session object to an IOrderedQueryable and came up blank. I've thought of creating a wrapper, but its not working properly. Basically, I am pulling a Linq query and would like to store it so that I don't have to pull it each time I visit. There are up to 7-10 parameters per user so it's not something that's great for ...

In ASP.NET, is it OK to store user-specific data in profile with a caching mechanism rather than in session?

I have been reading articles about state management in ASP.NET for few days for my web application. In this application, one user can create/save/execute queries, and I need to keep each parameter of a query before the user can save the query. These parameters are string values, but the global size for one user may exceed few megabytes....