
php session help

Ok so my main page has a session. I am using the session id to query the database. Now when I post to a page I have session_start() at the top but when I echo the session_id() on the main page and on the page that was posted to they are 2 different values. Why is it changing the session_id()? Is there a way to make it keep the original...

ASP3 And ASP.NET session sharing

Is there a way to share the session between ASP3 And ASP.NET? Thanks ...

What is the maximum size a session variable can hold ?

What is the maximum size a session variable can hold ? I am trying to store object in session variable, if object size is under 80 KB, then working fine and if the size is greater than 80 KB then on retereival I am getting exception. How can I increase the session variable size? This behaviour is on my production server, on the develop...

Rails session needs "inspect" to be called

I'm using the Rails session to store a cookie_jar I get from Mechanize. This lets me call a webservice and maintain the cookies it sends back. The class takes a session in it's constructor, so I'm passing in the Rails session. Then, when I call the service, I load the cookie_jar (if I have one) like: agent = agent.c...

HttpHandler accessing same session

I'm using a HttpHandler to upload an image asynchronously and need access to the SAME session as the rest of the application. I'm using IRequiresSessionState and can read and write to the session fine, but existing session values from the application that should be available aren't and so on. Is this possible? Thanks Dave ...

Keep session alive forever as stackoverflow

I need to keep the session live unless until the user clicks logout in my mvc(C#) application. When the user closes the browser and opens again, the session should continue with the values. I am trying to implement as in stackoverflow. Any ideas/suggestions? ...

Looking for a simple, secure session design with servlets and JSP

I'm working on an intranet-only web application (J2EE) that requires some basic security features. There will be relatively few authorized users for the site, but I still need to implement some sort of secure session. The basic flow I'm looking at is visit site => log in => use site => log out when done (or automatically log out when th...

Displaying the values stored in a session(using php) into a field

Here's the situation, I created 6 pages,each of which has some text fields.I stored the values entered in these text fields in php after the user fills up these text fields,he will be going to a confirmation page,where he will be verifying the details and then the values are submitted. Now in this confirmation page is ther...

Who's Online in Pylons

I currently have a Pylons application running with a basic user system set-up. I want to try and create a widget that shows the users that are currently logged on to the website. I'm not sure how I should handle this though; I'm not sure if pylons sessions being active are based on whether or not a user is actually on the web apps page o...

JSF - session scoped bean shared by browsers on different machines

We have a search form where the filter is bound to a property on a managed bean (session scope). It's not component binding, its property binding like <h:inputText value="#{searchBean.filter}"/>. Submitted data from different machines (different sessions, then) is getting mixed. You search "john", and get "mary" just because the guy bes...

Ruby on Rails - Restricting click by IP...

I am new to rails so go easy. I have created a blog with the ability to "vote" on a post by using a feature much like Facebook's "like". I am not using any authentication but would like to restrict voting on a particular post by IP. That is, once someone votes for a post, they cannot vote again (unless they reset their router of course)....

Remove Cookies from JS or CSS files

Bizarrely my javascript and css files have cookies (says Firebug). I use Zend Framework and I think it has to do with it. Could I change the .htaccess that CSS or JS files don't link to the ZF or is there another solution? .htaccess: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR] Rewri...

How can I find which object in ASP.NET can't be serialized?

I'm getting the following error in my application: Unable to serialize the session state. In 'StateServer' and 'SQLServer' mode, ASP.NET will serialize the session state objects, and as a result non-serializable objects or MarshalByRef objects are not permitted. The same restriction applies if similar serialization is ...

How to suppress/remove PHP session cookie

I need to suppress an already set session cookie header, but I cannot find any way to do this. Why? I need to make an image, sent by a PHP script, cacheable by the end user; this image is used to track if a newsletter has been read by the receiver, so if the image is requested I know the newsletter has been read. I only need to know whe...

FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie in OnAuthorization of custom attribute

I am trying to set an auth cookie in OnAuthorization of my custom attribute in mvc(C#) application. when the session expires(New Session), i am setting an auth cookie again to make it available until the users logout. I have used the following to set the auth cookie, //set forms auth cookie FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(s...

Code Igniter - print $Controller->session without knowing the key?

Instead of doing the following: print $this->session->userdata('username'); print $this->session->userdata('email'); print $this->session->userdata('phone'); print $this->session->userdata('fax'); //etc... Is there a way to do something like foreach($this->session as $key=>$val) print $key.'-'.$val; Or is it possible to do somethin...

PHP: Preventing Session Hijacking with token stored as a cookie?

Hi. I'm working on an RIA in PHP. To try to prevent session hijacking I introduced a token, generated at login, based off a salt, ISO-8601 week number and the user's IP. $salt = "blahblahblah"; $tokenstr = date('W') . $salt . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $token_md5 = md5($tokenstr); define("token_md5", $token_md5); Currently, it's...

what are the consequences of storing more variables in session??

whats the performance issues when we are storing 2-3 extra variables in session?? for: to save 1-2 queries(per page load)? To make code simpler? Hit rate to the website is normal.. Edit @all I m talking about two three session variables...simple values like number,ids etc ...

How do I set cookie expiration to "session" in C#?

Self-Explanatory. In PHP, the solution would be to set the cookie expiration to 0; I'm unsure about C# since it requires a DateTime value. ...

Checking for PHP session without starting one?

Is it possible to check for a session with out starting one? The reason that I ask is, the app I am developing has an integrated admin interface. So when an admin is logged in they browse the same pages as the users to make their edits. Fields and options are shown based on the users privs. This is causing two problems. One is Becau...