
Manage Session when broswer has disable cookies

Hello All... I wants to know that How can i Manage Session if the client browser has disabled cookie feature.. If I wants to implement it in simple JSP - Servlet, then how can I do that ? Thanks in advance... ...

Something like viewstate and session

The problem that I am having is as follows: I currently have a custom class that generates buttons and places them on a placeholder on a master page. The events for these buttons put specific values into session that differs values for a database query. In essence, the buttons serve as filters for charts. After creating all the button...

session expiring and giving error page

My application is throwing an error when the session expires. I dont want the sessions to expire automatically.... but if there is no way to do that then instead of showing the error it should be redirected to the login page... I tried to do this.... Response.AppendHeader("Refresh", Convert.ToString((Session.Timeout * 60) + 10) + "; ...

attributeRemoved not being called after session.invalidate

I have a object that implements the HttpSessionAttributeListener, and as you'd expect it does some work when certain objects are added, replaced and removed from the session. I thought that the if the session is ended [session.invalidate()], each object from that session is removed from the session as so the attributeRemoved() method ...

difference between using http and https in session management of jsp

When I am using HTTP protocol, there is no issue with sessions. But when I am using HTTPS protocol, I am facing problem in JSP. When it is moving from one tab to another tab, session is automatically getting expired. How can I resolve this issue? ...

How to implement unique hits on articles

Hi, i was wondering what the best way is to implement a hit counter for articles, products, etc. Now if someone visits the page the counter just adds one in the database. If someone refreshes the page it counts continuously, misleading results, and unnecessary reads, writes. I was thinking of storing their ip, but i don't know how to mo...

Writing crawler that stay logged in with any server

I am writing a crawler. Once after the crawler logs into a website I want to make the crawler to "stay-always-logged-in". How can I do that? Is a client (like browser, crawler etc.,) make a server to obey this rule? This scenario could occur when the server allows limited logins in day. ...

nhibernate session strange behavior

i have an app with fluent nhibernate mappings.. when i start the app first time and initiate a session and a configuration an a session factory for the first time i see in the console that the session do some updates inserts and select on my mapped class any one can explain this please..? i see stuff like AbstractEntityPersister.Inser...

How long will my current session still last?

How can I figure out when my current session will run out? Is the session timeout updated on every request? ...

session key , session id and cookies in rails with swfupload

So I am trying to implement easy_swf_upload but I'm running into an error right away. There's a session key, which is defined like this: session_key = RAILS_GEM_VERSION < "2.3.0" ? ActionController::Base.session[0][:session_key] : ActionController::Base.session_options[:key] Since I have the most recent version of rails I get the sec...

Storing tab positions of multiple forms in cookie - how to prevent cluttering

I have a PHP and HTML based CMS. In each page of the CMS, there is a form with a Javascript-based tabbed dialog that switches between a number of DIVs. From each page of the CMS, it is possible to open a preview page to see the changes made, and then return to the CMS. When the user returns, I would like the same tab page to be opened a...

updating the server cache in toplink

hi all, i am facing one problem. I need to update the server session's cache when we say writeChanges in unit of work. As in my application i do not say commit on unit of work instead i say commit on connection which indirectly commits the transaction but does not update the cache. so can any one tell me how to do that in any of the cas...

Spring Security & CAS - Viewing secured page without login in

Hello, I have a webapp that uses Spring Security and SSO with CAS. There's also another webapp (in Classic ASP) that connect to CAS. And this situation happens sometimes: Logged in to Java webapp and do stuff. 12 hours later (session has expired long ago) user goes to same page and it displays without redirecting to login page. This pag...

Remove deadlock without killing session

Is there any workaround to remove deadlock without killing the session? ...

Where to store user login information in

when I build applications that require user login, I write a method in my businees class that returns a Member object instance if the user is logged in, null if not. Then I do this: Session["User"] = user; Then in every page load I have to implement this: User user = Session["User"] as User; if(null==user){ //toggle the sta...

How to set custom period of Facebook session

Hi, May be somebody knows, how can I say to Facebook to expire it session, f.e. in 2 days. Now by default session is expired in 24 hours. thanks ...

nhibernate session starts

When I just Create the Factory, It seems to do a lot of work (in the log4net console) when it start without me asking him to do anything. could it be that those are just tests he does for himself? ...

Can I use as a Rails model? Or: How to create anonymous structured non-db backed sessions?

Given the following example: class AnonymousSession <<, :preferences) def valid? ... end def new_record? ... end end While this interface is sufficient to create resourceful form and so on, it fails as soon as I want to save my form data to the session: if session[:user] = AnonymousSession.create(...

Keeping Membership Provider's Authentication in Web Service

Hello all, I have a web service(.asmx) that is written in .NET. There are two methods in it; Login() and Add(). Login() gets username and password, validates user via ASP.NET membership provider. Once the user is authenticated, Add() web service method can be called(there is authentication and role check). I have following attributes ...

viewing session data on master page in

hey.. if i m keeping userid in a session how can i view this userid on the master page(like welcome user1)..across all the pages...??my master is designed using tables and i hv to view it in one of the rows.... thanx... ...