
Change session ID and keep data?

When a user logs in on our website, I want to change the session ID but keep whatever data is in the session. I want to do this for two reasons: To prevent a user account to be used at multiple places simultaneously (because if two people are using the same account, the actions of one will undermine the actions of the other). To let th...

How to alert a user that session will be expiring soon in ASP.NET?

Hello everyone, I have a scenario where I would like to display a message to the users of my application alerting them that his session will expire soon and that he should save his work to avoid the loss of his work. This would be a typical scenario where a user is typing information on a textbox and then leaves his computer unattende...

Recommended way to let javascript know about php server-side login/logout?

For convenient notification purposes, not secure information purposes: I have javascript polling for new information while logged in. I want it to stop while logged out. What is the best way to let javascript know about the logged-in/logged out status? Run a javascript function on login, and one on logout (which might get skipped if ...

How to use PHP control concurrent users

I am using PHP + MySQL. Is there anyway I can control concurrent user (1 user with only 1 key) to access my php page? Not allow copy the key to access from different machine into my php, how to handle this through my php sessions/cookies? Any advise would be appreciated! ...

How to reuse existing connection in Open Session In view pattern implementation of Hibernate?

I am using Hibernate by implementing "Open Session in view" pattern?It opens a new connection per request. Is there any way to use the existing connection? Is my understanding correct? May be i miss something during implementation which cause opening of new connection? ...

Should heavy-weight java objects be saved in session via setAttribute? Is it a good practice in servlet development?

I mean if I construct a heavy object [including collections and a bunch of props ] and I need to query that object from time to time during the session life, should I save it with setAttribute or do I need to persist it somewhere? What are best practices here? ...

How is PHP $_SESSION timed out?

What exactly happened? I don't know the undergoing so I can't understand how session_set_save_handler() actually works. ...

IIS7 and Classic ASP Sessions

I've got an old web app written in Classic ASP which used to run on an IIS6 server no problem, then long story short, I moved it onto a Linux server running SunOne ASP which also worked fine (after a couple of minor tweaks), and now in a bid to access some 3rd party COM controls the app originally used, I've moved it back again to a Wind...

session table ?

hi all How can I send session[table] to database in php ? like that. session_start(); session_register('table'); $qty=$_POST[txtQty]; $pid=$_REQUEST[pid]; $data=@mysql_query("SELECT * from products where productid=".$pid,$con) or die(mysql_error()); $table=$_SESSION[table]; while($row=@mysql_fetch_array($data)) { $table.='<tr>...

Separate Admin/Frontend user session handling

duplicate: Django Admin - Re-authentication? I'm looking for a way to separate the session handling for the admin part of a site (django.contrib.admin) and the frontend - the rest. A person should be able to log in to the admin (only if he has is_staff and/or is_superuser), but if he gets to the frontend he should remain not logged...

simple xml object

hello i'm trying to save the values of a SimpleXMLElement to a $_SESSION but the values are entered as "SimpleXMLElement Object". code below: $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($auth_info); $_SESSION[userName] = $xml->profile->preferredUsername; (garfx) $_SESSION[email] = $xml->profile->verifiedEmail; $_SESSION[givenName] = $xml->profile->na...

calling stored procedure from toplink using server session

hi All, I am using toplink and i need to call one procedure. I tried but i am getting some problem. can anyone help me. Below is the code piece. public void executeStoredFunction(ServerSession session) { StoredFunctionCall call = new StoredFunctionCall(); call.setProcedureName("AAA.aabb()"); call.addNamedArgument("abc"); Va...

PHP - OOP - Storing big objects to be saved in session

I'm trying to set up a new class for my web application, rewriting my code starting from original procedural programming. Since I need to populate my object using many different(complex) queries, and this object'll be stored in session, I decided to create another static class containing all long queries. Is it more convenient to define...

how to sharethe web application session with a webservice

Hello, Here's the scenario. My page loads with certain objects in the session. The user clicks a button, and I need to update a certain section of my page using jquery. The jquery would make an ajax call to the web service which needs to access one of the objects in the session. How would I do this? How can my web service access the ...

Losing session data when user logs in

Hello, I have been working on a shop that is built in Python on the back of the django framework, everything was working fine until I noticed that when a user proceeds to the checkout and is requested to log in they do so and their basket empties...obvioulsy this is not a great thing for a basket to do, I was wondering what is causing...

PHP session slowdown

I am having massive performance problems on a site running two versions of the same CMS using PHP sessions. A page will take 5-6 seconds to load on one computer, and 300ms on the other. I'm fairly sure the problem is located in session handling. I am already using different session_name()s and cookie paths for the different CMSs, to no ...

Problem with session in zend framework

Hello everyone. I am trying something in the zend Framework I have create a project with zend_tool. I have 2 controllers artist controler account controler Within the accountcontroller whenever the user login the $_SESSION['id'] is set to the user id. But as soon as I leave the accountcontroller and go to the Artist controller, m...

how to add the values stored in a session variable in php?

Okay I have two pages-- page1.php and page2.php .Both of these pages have select lists.I have posted the values selected by the user to script.php which has them stored in session variables. I need to add the values (which are the ones selected by the user from the select lists in both the pages) and display this total value in page3....

Generate the facebook signature using my applications secret key?

When you build a website with "facebook connect" and you log into facebook with your username and password, facebook then sets a session on your website. In that session is a generated "signature" This signature is created by combining the data of your "application secret" that only you and Facebook know, and the result MD5 hashed. I ...

PHP losing data for two variables

I have two scripts that I'm working on. The first receives $agentID via GET (as well as some other data via other GET variables), then looks up $firstName and $lastName in a database by $agentID. Once done, it displays $firstName, $lastName and $agentID on the screen, as text in a form (not in a form input). After the form is submitte...