
How do I get a collection of Session State objects in ASP.NET?

How do I get the collection of all Session objects in ASP.NET? (Note that I am NOT looking for a collection of objects stored in the Session object but all of the session objects themselves.) This is for an admin page that will list all active sessions and if the user is logged in will also list the user name etc. Language: C# Framewor...

Using request.getSession() as a locking object?

I have some java code that gets and sets a session attribute: Object obj = session.getAttribute(TEST_ATTR); if (obj==null) { obj = new MyObject(); session.setAttribute(obj); } In order to make this code thread-safe, I'd like to wrap it in a synchronized block. But what do I use as the locking object? Does it make sense to use th...

Where to store logged user information on ASP.NET MVC using Forms Authentication?

Hello mates, I'm using ASP.NET MVC and Forms Authentication on my application. Basically I use FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie to login and FormsAuthentication.SignOut to logout. In the HttpContext.Current.User.Identity I have stored the user name but I need more info about the logged user. I don't want to store my entire User obj in...

IE6 dropping session information when moving from .aspx to .asp page

So this is the problem: We have an application that has both .asp and .aspx pages. When a user is browsing to the site using IE6, there is a possibility that the page will drop the session and the user gets an or the login page. This doesn't happen all of the time; only sometimes. But I have only been able to replicate on IE6. Sometim...

which authentication method is best for a client app having to interact with a web application that has authentication?

Hi, Just wondering what people would suggest for an approach for a WinForms client that will have to interact with my web application (ruby on rails, which will use AuthLogic for authentication). For example options such as: * authentication each HTTP request, * gets a token for the session until it times out * other? This can be t...

Get details of object from database - keep ID secure

Hi, I have a list of books obtained from the database. When a user selects a book, I'd like it to retrieve the information for that book and display it on screen. However, I'd like to keep the ID of the book hidden from the client-side, so what would be the best way to transfer the ID of the selected book? I think my brain has melted,...

Why does Velocity lose session after only a few minutes?

I've set up sesion management with Velocity distributed cache. I have 3 servers hosting the cache and created the named cache with new-cache Sessions -Secondaries 1 TTL 1440 and the following is in my web.config file <section name="dataCacheClient" type="Microsoft.Data.Caching.DataCacheClientSection,&#xD;&#xA; cacheBaseLibrary" al...

Session Hijacking in practice

I have been reading up on session fixing/hijacking recently, and understand the theory. What I don't understand is how this would be exploited in practice. Would you have to tamper with your browser to make use of the stolen cookies? Append it to the URL and pass it to the web application? Or would you write some sort of custom script ...

Programmatically access & post a form that requires session

Hello: I am attempting to use PHP and cURL to: Access a web-form & maintain session Post the data to that form with session in place In my head, I see it as two separate functions, one to get the form (initiate session) and another to post the data. ...

How can you inject a session reference

Can you inject a session reference into your class via structure map ...

Connect NHibernate to different databases with same schema

We are in the process of splitting our db into several smaller ones. The schemas will be exactly the same and we will control which db the system connects to when the client logs in. I receive an error if I do not set a connection string in my nhibernate configuration. I do not want to create a factory for each db. Is it possible to hav...

Session Help: is it my fault?

Hello. I have some (crappy) software that nevertheless works on all the installs I've done except this new one. The problem seems to be that session variables are not being set, or that every time session_start is getting called it destroys the old session, even though I am using cookies. Looking at's info on sessions, I came ac...

IE8 losing session details

I have a Java web app that intermittently loses session data. The problem only occurs with users on IE8. I have used IEWatch to monitor the http traffic, and it seems that the correct session cookies are being sent (JSESSIONID2). When the request gets to the server the session has become unbound from the custom session monitor (this use...

Popup while session timeout

How to set a pop up message box saying... "please end your session and start again" in my webform? ...

Session problem in website

I have an website, where there is no where session is implemented. But i could see the session is timing out when i take the website after deploying in the production server ... i checked the session entries in the web.config file... and searched session in the code.. nowhere i find the entry... now i want to put a message b...

NHibernate + Jet Replica Database - Exception thrown when committing transaction ("a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session).

I have an application where we're using NHibernate and the NHibernate Jet Driver to open existing .MDB files (Access 2003 / Jet 4.0 databases), read some information and add some new records. Unfortunately we have no control over the database format - so we're stuck having to support Jet. The problem I'm facing is that when performing ...

javascript set interval session management

Gentlemen, I am in the midst of working on a project that is session-based. I was thinking that similar to a bank, I'd create a check and offer users the ability to thwart a session time-out. I was thinking about creating a setInterval that would check a blank page that requires auth. If the timer is getting close to end-times, it'd th...

Log session and session changes of a web user

This is going to be a quite broad question, and any suggestions, examples, links are very welcome! I'm looking for a good way to log my users session, and actions on the site up to a certain point. The site in question is a site for doing bookings. The users start with doing a search, doing a few steps of data gathering and selections...

PHP: transfer a large array between two sites

I'm trying to transfer a large array between two sites in PHP. I'm the admin in both. The array is created on one site, and after its creation I wish to automatically redirect the user to the other site, and pass the processed array along. I cannot use the SESSION superglobal, as it is limited to a specific domain. GET is not suitable...

Is there a way to selectively enable a session in Coldfusion?

Is there a way in Coldfusion to selectively enable a user session? I don't need to track all users that visit my site, only users who have logged in. Is there a way to activate the user session, only after a login process? (I have a feeling the answer is no, but I thought I'd ask as some of you may have more experience with user session...