
How to handle cookies with C++ code?

I am looking for a way to handle sessions through cookies in C++. Can anybody please help me with some hints for the solution? ...

org.hibernate.HibernateException: No session currently bound to execution context

I'm trying to integrate Spring Security with Hibernate. I'm new to both technologies so I'm almost certainly taking too many steps at once here, but I'm at the point where I want to authenticate a user from the database. I think this is certainly more a Hibernate problem that a Spring Security one but I mention it to give some context. ...

Losing session variables after redirect...?

I got a PHP login page, where the user fills in username and password, if it's correct, the page loads some information such as user_id to a session variable. After loading it to the session it's making a header('Location') redirect. (The redirection is to the same domain.) (All pages have session_start(); ) Somehow the next page doesn'...

session expiring and throwing exception

I have a problem with session expiry. Firstly it expires every 20 minutes and it throws an error... I tried to fix it by: if (Session["userName"].ToString() == null) { Session.RemoveAll(); Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx?sessionError=" + "*Session Expired on pageload PleaseLog in again"); } But I get the following error: Ob...

how to handle AJAX session_out with jquery?

I think it's a common problem but I can't find any solution about this. For example: I'm building a AJAX Web system using Jquery(client js) and php(server side). All the ajax requests are sent to index.php, which checks if that session is valid or not. If the session is not valid, server side's php will output the login page; if the sess...

foreach through a session variable

I would like iterate on each Object in my session variable. 'items' is of type item which is a class I've created to store book information. I have done a count($_SESSION['items']) which returns a 1 so i thought it should iterate at least once. But no luck. Thanks foreach ($_SESSION['items'] as $item) { echo TEST; $sql = 'SEL...

PHP sessions passing values through offsets

I am working on the following code in file1 $_SESSION['manu']="hello"; $_SESSION[0]=$msg; $_SESSION[1]=$msg1; for($arr=0;$arr<sizeof($msg2);$arr++) $_SESSION[$arr+2]=$msg2[$arr]; $_SESSION[++$arr]=$msg3; $_SESSION[++$arr]=$file_name; In file 2 echo sizeof($_SESSION); for($arr=0;$arr<sizeof($_SESSION);$arr++) echo $_SESSION[$a...

Weblogic Apache plugin and session stickiness

If two webserver are configured in between a load balancer and weblogic cluster, will the two Apache server maintain session stickiness.?? Say for e.g. the load balancer forwards the first request to the 1st apache and inturn 1st apache forwards to 1st WL managed instance.Even if the second req from the same user is forwarded by the load...

session in iphone

consider i have created login form in iphone how can i store login information in for that entire session ...

Why do I get ErrorCode <ERRCA0022> when I take down one velocity cache host?

I'm getting the following exception in my web app when I take down one node of a three node cluster which is hosting my users’ sessions. The session cache also has secondaries on with no eviction. Here is the error message and stack: Exception information: Exception type: DataCacheException Exception message: ErrorCode<ERRCA...

keep user logged in when he visit the same page again?

currently im using session to log in the user. but when i close the browser and open it again i have to log in again. how do you keeo the user logged in in lets say 2 weeks. is it through cookies then? ...

Django HTTPS and HTTP Sessions

Hi, I'm using Django 1.1.1 with the ssl redirect middleware. Sessions data (authentication etc.) created via HTTPS are not available in the HTTP portions of the site. What is the best way to make it available without having to make the entire site HTTPS? ...

Session and cookie in same PHP file?

Can't I set session and cookie in same PHP file? I get an error message if I set the cookie after I've set session telling me that the header is already sent. If I set session after cookie I get nothing but it seems not to work well. ...

How to create and maintain session ?

Hi, I am using HTML, C, CGI. Now I need to create and maintain sessions.How can I do that? If any tutorial talks about this, please let me know. ...

Session in visual studio

Hi I have a project with login.aspx view.aspx etc etc....In the login page, after the user has been authorized, I have to open a Dynamic Data Entities application. The problem is how to pass the value of the session containing the username while keeping the same sessionID? Help :-) ...

Alternative to SendKeys that does NOT require an unlocked session

Situation: A GUI app contains functionality (off a menu option) that produces a frequently updated image to a directory. A logged-in, running instance of the app is the ONLY source for this image (functionality 'reliant' on display device). I have researched this to death - it is a sad fact. The GUI application offers COM interfaces, ...

Keeping session alive C#

I'm using HttpWebRequest to log on to a website and get the session cookie. My application scrapes certain pages, and eventually becomes idle, resulting in the session dying. What would be a good way to prevent this and -just being curious- how do web browsers do it? ...

Can't get PHP session save handler sqlite working

I have set up a little server on an old XP Pro box, with php 5.3.1. In order to use it as a test box to mirror our hosted site, I need to get sqlite sessions working. While sqlite is definitely there in phpinfo(), I can't seem to get php.ini to use it as a save handler: Registered save handlers - files user In php.ini, I've got s...

Implementation of "remember me" in code igniter

How do i remember sessions, even after browser is closed. is there any alternative than extending expire time of cookies. i am using code igniter ...

Loading an object from PHP session, does it call constructor?

If I save some object in a php session variable $_SESSION['geoip'] = new GeoIP(); and then on future page loads I use $geoip = $_SESSION['geoip'], will it call the constructor? My constructor for that GeoIP class is making a call to an remote API (CURL), so I was hoping to save on API calls by only doing it the first time and then stori...