
What modules ought I to consider in Python if I wish to use CGI sessions?

Given that I know no web frameworks in Python and would like to keep it Very Simple at the moment (as I am Very Stupid), for what is a prototype of sketchy longevity, are there any streamlined, simple, "batteries-included" modules for this? (It is also too early in my Python career to evaluate frameworks, select one, and learn it.) I s...

FieldError on Django's sessions

Just experienced a very strange error on our production server on all page requests. FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 'session_key' into field. Choices are: expire_date, session_data, session_key The error persisted for about 10 minutes until a graceful restart of apache2 was done. I couldn't find anything online regarding Dja...

session persistence

do sessions get persisted and retrieved when you restart a web server/application server? ...

how to detect session timeout in symfony

Hi stackoverflowers, I'm currently working on a project with the php framework symfony. I've configured secured pages, defined 30 minutes for the session timeout and set the page where the user should be redirect if an unauthenticated user tries to access a secured page. I've remarked that he is also redirected there if he tries to acce...

How come my PHP sessions aren't carrying across?

You can find all source files at Okay, here is my login page, and here is a function isloggedin(): function isloggedin() { // is the user set to remember? if (pisset('cookie',array('cookuname','cookpwd'))) { pset('session',array('uname'=>$_COOKIE['cookuname'],'pwd'=>$_COO...

Handling Sessions

Need some help with how to handle sessions. I am using ajax techniques to implement a group discussion platform and alot of its success depends on whether or not i can handle sessions properly, be able to see who is online etc. How can i do this efficiently. Remember, this is a typical single url ajax application where the server only re...

Re-direct page when session is lost?

I am using ASP.NET. If my sessions time out i want to re-direct the page to another URL: Say the home page.... On my page I make use of a GridView that uses Session variables. If the session variable time expire(currently at 60min) and the user click on a row in the GridView I want to re-direct him/her to the home page of my site. Can ...

ASP.NET sessions and custom authentication

I'm building a web site that will acts as a client to a persistant server process. ASP.NET will communicate with the server using .NET Remoting. The server is used by other clients as well (thick WPF clients and automated processes) and already has methods for password based authentication, authorization and sessions. The way I intend to...

Open Session In View Pattern

Hi everyone, I'm asking this question given my chosen development frameworks of JPA (Hibernate implementation of), Spring, and <insert MVC framework here - Struts 1, Struts 2, Spring MVC, Stripes...>. I've been thinking a bit about relationships in my entity layer - for example I have an order entity that has many order lines. I've set...

Restful Authentication: Allow logins from multiple computers?

Our Rails app is using Restful Authentication for user/session management and it seems that logging in to the same account from multiple computers kills the session on the other computers, thus killing the "Remember me" feature. So say I'm at home and log in to the app (and check "Remember me"). Then I go to the office and log in (and a...

Calling a web service that uses session state in wcf

I have a web service that calls another web service that uses session state. Now I am rewriting the web service and making it WCF. I am having some confusion on how to call my web service from my wcf service. Here is the code as it exists now: [WebMethod(EnableSession = true] public string MyWebServiceCall() { string result; My...

random IIS session timeout

Hello, I have a very strange problem and I am looking for any advice. I have a ASP.NET website running off of IIS 6 which works well for the most part. However, the sessions seem to be randomly cleared? So if I around, i am booted out randomly. Sometimes it's after 30 seconds/4 clicks. Sometimes it's the first click, somet...

What is the best way to generate unique session IDs?

I want to generate a 16 character alphanumeric Session ID string. What is the best way to do this so that it is guaranteed that the string generated will be unique every time? Note: I will be using C++ to generate the session IDs. ...

toplink client session with server session

hi, can i directly create unit of work on server session instead of creating multiple client session. As my application runs in multi threaded environment, so i am unable to get updated entity in some different client session so my application fails every now and then.. plz help me. ...

.Net Screen scraping and session

I am trying to screen scrape using C#.It works for few times,after which i receive Session expired error.Any help will be appreciated. ...

php sessions and determining if x value has been selected via sessions

Problem, I want to use sessions, but I am having issues with implementing sessions from my $food array such that if the user has selected a Pizza, I don't offer him or her a sandwich, likewise if the user selects a Sandwitch, I don't offer the user a Pizza. I also want to know if the user has already selected a Pizza or Sandwich. ...

What should be stored in a session and a cookie?

I'm wondering, are there any guidelines or best practices on when to use sessions and cookies? What should and what should'nt be stored in them? Thanks! ...

Force Restful Authentication to login as a specific user (an admin function)?

I'm using Restful Authentication and I'd like to be able to log in as different users on our site to investigate issues they may be having ("see what they see"). Since all passwords are encrypted I obviously can't just use their passwords. So, how can I force a session to be logged in as a specific user? ...

maintain state with spring between requests.

Hi, I am new to spring so sorry if this is a beginners question, but the manual is not clear (at least not for me) My question is: how do I share state between requests in spring? I can send data from the controller to the view by using a ModelMap, but the data in the ModelMap is not sent back to the next controller by the view. How can...

Toplink client session

Is there any way i can access the object of one client session from another client session? ...