
How is HttpSession implemented?

I just finished taking a final exam on web applications. Capping off what had been a rather easy (albeit lengthy - 12 pages) exam was a question asking us to code an implementation of sessions, similar to that done by javax.http.HttpSession. I hate to admit, it stumped me. I cranked out a rather BS implemetation using a HashMap and did...

Using JQuery and PHP Session to remember users' array

I'm a designer who dabbles in scripting using JQuery and PHP. I have a pretty good understanding of functionality in both but using sessions is new to me. I have an app with a search feature. The search results may stretch over several pages and each result has a checkbox. The idea is the user goes through the results and checks off ite...

create session with jquery?

is it possible to create session variables with jquery or javascript or do i have to use ajax to call a php that does that? ...

Multiple webRole instances at Azure and session state

I have webRole with some data stored in Session. The data is some tens of small variables (strings), and one-two big objects (some megabytes). I need to run this webRole in multiple instances. Since two requests from the single user can go to different instances, Session became useless. So, i am looking for most efficient and simplest me...

Is it possible for one WCF session to throw an exception in another session?

if an administrator logs on to my service, he may wish to disconnect sessions which meet (or don't meet) certain requirements, be it automated or manual. throwing exceptions seems like a simple and effective solution, as all resources are released. i could use a local bool field which, if true, would disconnect this user the next time h...

I can't solve this session related issue!

Hi there, I am using Zend Framework and 3rd party application written in php for file upload. Upload process is ajax like, and I have annoying problem probably caused by this app. Problem is that upload application somehow destroys my Zend_Session! Here is the error which I am getting (with firebug console): ...

PHP, Session State, Redirecting "Home" Link Based on Referrer

Commonly, a website has a menu bar with links to different pages of the site— Home, Page A, Page B, etc.. Let’s say you have a site with address 99% when someone types that URL into their browser, they are directed to the page represented by “Home”. It usually has the optional extension of index[.html|.php] (e.g....

PHP Defining $varname changes $_SESSION['varname']

It took me a while to realize that $_SESSION['user'] was changing because I have a variable set: $user = array(); Is this normal? I haven't had this issue until today, not sure if it is a server/php setting ...

What is a Coldfusion Session?

I've used Coldfusion sessions for quite a while, so I know how they are used, but now I need to know how they work, so that I can plan for scaling my website. Is a Coldfusion user 'session' simply a quick method to setup 2 cookies (CFTOKEN and CFID) and an associated server side memory structure? (the SESSION scope) Does it do anything ...

PHP $_SESSION variables don't persist -- why not?

The first line of code, called on every one of my application's pages, is: <?php require_once('../../_includes/initialize.php'); ?> That file calls my classes, including SESSION. The SESSION class calls session_start() before anything is output to the browser. On one page I'm using a form that has a ton of checkboxes, all with the na...

Security question: Using ajax and events to keep session alive

I know a few sits (such as my bank and my school) that kill a session after their has been idle for a set amount of time. It is my understanding that session activity is determined by users following links or at the very least from some kind of active interaction, like updating a form via ajax. Basically the server gets a request to do s...

securely dealing with client 'sessions' in PHP

I've (so far) been handling user sessions with client-side cookies and database entries. When the user logs in, I generate a guid and place it in a cookie on the client's computer. Then I create an entry in a 'sessions' MySQL table, and add there the guid, ip address, the username, privileges, etc. Then when the user accesses the page, ...

PHP headers already sent error

Hello all, I'm getting a Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent error even though the first line of my file looks like: <?php session_start(); all the answers I saw on other sites said it was from sending info to the server before starting the session. Why...

Cookie: ASP.NET SessionId Issue

I have a load generator that appends a ASP.NET_SessionId to the Cookie when making a Soap test call from Machine A to Machine B. Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=gf0ouay24sdneiuicpiggn45; However, when I'm running the soap test hitting my local server it doesn't have an ASP.NET_Session variable in the cookie. Why is this happening? UPDATE:... session gets retained even when new browser instance is created

Hello, I have an issue with session management. This is what I did. I create a new instance of browser and went to the site in production which I developed. It asked me to login and I logged in I went to a page and saw it. I took a new instance of browser again (not file->new window). I took from start menu Copied and pasted the URL o...

zend session problem

I have a strange problem with Zend Session. I've build a website base in zend frame work and I use Zend_session to store the infos of a log-in user. It's work fine but when I use uploadify to let user upload file to server, i think the uploadify create new session in server and I cannot access the old session i store by Zend_session_nam...

trying to wget my stock portfolio

I'm trying to read my stock portfolio into a script. The following works with NAB Online Trading but not Bell Direct. install the Export Domain Cookies Firefox addon log in to my online broker with Firefox save the domain cookies to a file (eg cookies.txt) wget --no-check-certificate --load-cookies=cookies.txt -O folio.htm https://...(...

Session State v ViewState

In our application, we have a "BasePage" that declares a number of properties to be used by more or less every page in the app. Inside these properties, they write to ViewState. These are all typically an int or small string value, nothing huge. Typical use is call a web service and hold an id for use within the page, for example. I'v...

how can we make different urls referring to same domains work on same cookie and session

I have a website and i have a user for whom the url is Then what is the procedure to use the same session for both the urls ...

PHP Sessions and Javascript Callbacks

I am using swf-upload to handle file uploads on a site I am working on. The problem is the catching function, called swf-upload.php. If I visit the URL it is at directly it works fine, it correctly reads starts the session and gets the user rights, but when the web page calls it with the ajax callback it claims the session is empty. I...