
Hibernate, save the previous state of an object

Is there any generally accepted, proven-to-work way using hibernate, that keeps a history of an entitys changes in the database? We need to keep track of quite some objects and we want to be able to undo changes to objects. I tried using the interceptors of hibernate, but the old state of the object is only available when doing merge()...

marshal data too short!!!

My application requires to keep large data objects in session. There are like 3-4 data objects each created by parsing a csv containing 150 X 20 cells having strings of 3-4 characters. My application shows this error- "marshal data too short". I tried this- Deleting the old session table. Deleting the old migration for session table. ...

JSP Problem ussing implicit object (session) in a function

Can the object of type HttpSession called session be accessed from a function? In a simple jsp page I have a function(see below) defined in the header of the page, and set to an onclick handle of for a button. When I press this button, I'll never see the second alert message. If I do something in the body of the page (like Session ID...

What's a typical average number of ASP.NET sessions per CPU or per memory?

(EDIT: rewritten question to make it clearer, meaning hasn't changed) You can create an application and measure its usage. But what I would like to know, if you decide up-front about an ASP.NET application, how much simultaneous users (sessions) fit into one machine typically. Let's assume the following default simplified setup: Inpro...

Handle session timeout in using Javascript

Essentially I want to be able to catch when a user lets their session timeout and then clicks on something that ends up causing an Async postback. I figured out that if I put this code in my Session_Start (in Global.asax) then I can catch a postback that occurred during a session timeout: With HttpContext.Current If TypeOf ....

What is the use of infinite session in facebook?

A session token is given to the user when he starts running a facebook application, as long as this token is not stolen, other people cannot impersonate him. To increase security, a new token is also generated again when it has expired or has been cleared. So what is the problem here? Why do people want infinite session token in faceboo...

Given the session key and secret, how can we decrypt Rails cookies?

Hello all. I've got a question about how Rails handles cookie encryption/decryption. I've got this in my config/environment.rb config.action_controller.session = { :session_key => [some key], :secret => [some secret] } And this in config/environment/production.rb et al.: ActionController::Base.session_options[:session_...

Session variable removal question. as related to a paged data source.

Hello All, I have inherited some very old ASP.Net code. Written initially in 1.0 and then converted to 2.0 There is a page which uses a custom pager control. That control has the following logic in it: Private _DataSource As PagedDataSource Public Property DataSource() As PagedDataSource Get If Not IsNothing(Session("Data...

Is it secure to store values in session?

I am developing a web application where UserId and RoleId plays a vital role... Is it secure to store these values in session.Someother can be hiddenfield,cookie.. Which is more secured? Any suggestion for this... ...

Sessions or Constants for storing data, which is better in this situation...

Hi, I would like some advice on storing data for different languages on my website. I've spent hours searchin and can't seem to find what I need. Here's my situation, so let me know what you think. I have a website that multiple users can log into to view and store information. I use php, Mysql, Apache, on a FreeBSD operating system (...

ASP.NET MVC - Secure Temporary Storage of Credit Card Data

I have a checkout process for a shopping cart that is currently storing credit card data in the session for retrieval once the user finalizes the purchase. The purchase process is set up such that the user inputs the credit card, views a confirmation page, and then finalizes the order. The confirmation and finalization actions are the on...

Zend Framework Zend_auth sessions getting mixed up

I've two subdomains. Each subdomain has its own authenticated users database. I'm using $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); if($auth->hasIdentity()){ } to check user login credentials. It works prefectly for each individual subdomain. But when I log into one subdomain and try to access 'restricted' page in another subdomain without log...

In Hibernate, is there any difference between session.get() and session.load() besides how bad IDs are handled?

An application I'm working on does all its queries by identifier using session.load(). Given the chaos it causes when it can't find the identifier and throws an exception, I'm thinking of swapping it over to session.get(). But before I do that, it's such a fundamental part of the system that I want to make sure there's absolutely no othe...

How can we maintain session variables between our CMS and a standalone script on the same server?

We have developed a stand-alone script on the same server as our Joomla 1.5 installation. We want to see if the user is logged into to Joomla before giving them access to the script. To do that, we want to cross reference the session_id from Joomla and then query the Joomla database to verify that the user is logged in. At this po...

ending users session

Can I end some users session in ASP.NET Webform application, if I have user's the SessionId? I would do this as a web service call. ...

CakePHP custom database session handler

In cakePHP, does anyone have any experience creating a custom Session handler that records extra information to the database. Say you wanted to record the IP and the User Id (if they login using Auth) to the sessions table using a custom handler. Where would you start? I have seen the cakebook, but it doesn't talk about custom database...

Should I not call a method multiple times if I don't have to?

I currently use sessions pretty heavy and I am re-coding my network site right now. 1 thing I have done is made a session class that has some simple methods for example here is how I would retrieve session data using my class. $session = new Session(); // to set a session I would use this echo $session->set('user_id'); // to view a...

Does the NHibernate session object use allot of server RAM?

Does the NHibernate session object use allot of server RAM? It depends on website traffic, but does the session object get very big in terms of memory usage? ...

php start_session() isnt working for localhost

I just started making this .php file and i cant seem to figure out why its throwing this warning Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at C:\Program Files\xampplite\htdocs\projectchest\controlpanel\index.php:1) in C:\Program Files\xampplite\htdocs\projectc...

Cookies/Sessions login system

When a user logins I get him/her's ID and save it in a session var. What I wonder is, is this the way to go? Or should I use cookies? so it automatically login and so on. session_start(); ifcorrectlogin { $_SESSION['id'] = mysql_result($loginQuery, 0, 'user_id'); } how do you authenticate your users? //Newbie ...