
Need to change the session ID before the session is loaded

I'm trying to use the built-in .NET session handling to share sessions across multiple ASP.NET applications. I can't use a custom session implementation. I have multiple web servers, each with its own hostname, configured to point to the same codebase I'm using a HttpModule that manually sets the application name, so as long as request...

How does ASP.NET (or any web framework) implement persistent session state?

For various reasons I am fed up with ASP.NET session state and I'm trying to do it myself (separate question coming soon related to why I'm fed up and whether it's feasible to do it myself, but for now let's assume that it is). Security concerns aside, it seems like tracking sessions involves little more than storing a cookie with a gui...

Fluent; SessionSource or SessionFactory for creating sessions?

I'm using NHibernate + Fluent to handle the database in my application. So far I've been using a SessionSource to create my ISession objects. I'm a bit confused now about what comes from NHibernate or Fluent, and what I really should use for creating my sessions. ISession comes from NHibernate, and the SessionSource from Fluent. I crea...

What is killing my users' session?

Hi, We are having an intermittent problem with some users losing session. Our session settings in the web.config are as follows: <sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="1440"/> ...which should be 24 hours (a value deliberately set over the top during testing). Are there any other settings (maybe in IIS7) that I need to be aware of? Or...

Session is saving only records and it's not saving the rest of the records in PHP?

function mycart($mydate=null,$day=null) { $mycart= $this->session->userdata('mycart'); $totalprice=$this->session->userdata('totalprice'); if($this->limitation($mydate) && (!(isset($mycart[$mydate]))) ) { $mycart[$mydate] = array( 'meal' =>$this->session->userdata('meal'), 'day' =>$day, 'date'...

How to access session in MVC 1.0

In an MVC 1.0 C# app, what's the different between the following: HttpContext.Current.Session["MyValue"] = "ItsValue"; and Session["MyValue"] = "ItsValue"; ...

Hibernate, GWT and Gilead: sessions, transactions and caches

I am writing a GWT application, using Hibernate at the server side. Right now, I am entirely confused about the correct way to transfer my objects to the client side of the GWT application in the least amount of code. I am using Gilead to avoid having to double the amount of classes in my domain model [1]. First off, my question is how ...

Pass user data between web applications on different servers.

We have two different web applications with different servers, stacks, etc. Let’s call one the Host at, and the other the Client at We want our users to log in to Host, and pass their credentials and some other information (real name, email address, DOB, etc) to Client. What is the best way of doing ...

Cannot send session cache limiter, what am i missing?

hi, can someone please tell me what Im missing? this simple script <? session_start(); ?> displays the following error message: Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\test3\index.php:1) in C:\xampp\htdocs\test3\index.php on line...

JQuery Post to MVC method session variables dissapear

Hi, I'm writing an ASP.Net MVC application using Jquery to post some data to my users session. A user 1st accesses my site's page and then I have a button which performs a post using JQuery to an MVC controller method to store some data into the users session. When the initial page loads I create a session object for my user using a se...

How to handle NHibernate session lifetime using services?

In this question I asked about NHibernate session lifetime. I'm using a desktop application, but with client/server separation, so the conclusion is that I will use one session per server request, as the server side is where all the NHibernate magic happens. My problem now is how to handle it. I've had problems before with loading of r...

Simple shopping cart problem using session in PHP

Hi, i made simple PHP shoppingcart based on session. from bock "Build your own database driven web site using php & Mysql" its contain 3 files: the controller index.php, and the two template files catalog.html.php, cart.html.php the problem is when i click on "View your cart" link, the session will end and $_session['cart'] will unset ...

How do I open a new window with javascript and use the parent window's existing session?

I am opening a window with and I am losing the server session. Is there a way to open a window with Javascript and use the same session? I need this working in IE 7 and higher. I am working with ASP.NET on the server side. The sever does not have a sessionless cookie state. <sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="15" /> ... session variables on Session_End

I would need to access to Session variables on Session_End event in global.asax.cs, but HttpContext.Current is null, so none of the session varables are accessible. a) Can I access user session somehow differently, or b) Is there any other event jut before Session_End, I could access user's session variables? ...

Hibernate session keeping track of objects

I solved my problem, but I just want to get a better understanding of how things are working. I am looping through a collection, creating/initializing a new Product, adding a category it its collection (mapped m:m) and then saving and commiting the transaction. for(Blah b : blahs) { session = getcurrensession(); Product p = new Pr...

PHP session echo not working?

I have a page that generates a $_SESSION['variable'] that is dynamic, so when you refresh the page the session has a different value everytime ( just a value of 0-10 ). But when I refresh the page in firefox, nothing shows up, but in IE it works fine. I also tried in Opera but it doesn't show up there either. Anyone know why it's not ech...

What is the best practices on Android to keep data between activities deathes/restarts for the whole application session?

We're designing an Android app that has several activities which are working in a wizard like way - user should pass from the activity #1 to activity #5 to get to the final activity (#6). Since we know an activity can be suddenly terminated by OS on low memory we used Application class as a static storage for keeping the data the user i...

Using Beaker on Google App Engine (Django)

How do we use Beaker to implement sessions on Google App Engine? (I say Beaker because gmemsess is short-lived, and therefore not suitable). There seem to be no examples online. We're using Django 1.1 via App Engine Helper (not app-engine-patch). ...

ASP.NET Request.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"] vs SessionId

What is the difference between: HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"].Value and System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState.SessionId (while debugging, both of the values were always the same) ...

strongly typed sessions in

Pardon me if this question has already been asked. HttpContext.Current.Session["key"] returns an object and we would have to cast it to that particular Type before we could use it. I was looking at various implementations of typed sessions