
Synchronizing sessions over domains

Hello, how can I synchronize sessionID over multiple second-domain servers? For example, I've got servers(you can log-in into server swarm at any of these),,,, and if you log in at one of them, the login information (+anything else) should persist along them. How can I provide SessionID ...

PHP session permission problem

Hi I'm trying to initialize a session but i get this error: Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp/sess_7af3ee9ec1350680bedcf63833d160bd, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) The session.path is set to /tmp with 777 perms. I try to edit the session.path to "0;777;/tmp" but the session files are created with...

nHibernate not loading third-level properties (non-flushable caching)

I started switching some pre-existing nHibernate code in a Sharepoint-based ASP.NET project from eager loading and a new session every database hit, to lazy loading and a session for the duration of the HTTP request, and started running into a problem. When we create an Item in this system, there are some many-to-one relationships that ...

Better Capture to Session Affiliate Id from GET in PHP

Can someone help me clean this up and make it more logical? I'm fried right now and can't seem to get a good line of code written :) I'm trying to capture affiliate id from urls like ?aid=3056677. The idea is IF aff id is set in GET that takes precedence, the session and finally cookie with least. Also, we don't want to set an aff id th...

Session in python??

python has session feature or not, if it is there then how can i use this and which library should i take ??? ...

Codeigniter Session databse

Hello, I am trying to build a system the remebers the users interactions with website, for example my site allows the users to build there own navigation system, but I want the system to be able to remember the navigations system they choose with out the user having to sign up, I assume I need to user sessions/cookies for these, and fu...

Cookie being destroyed when browser quits

hello, I am currently playing around with cookies in my website, the first thing I do is run a check as to whether the user has cookie, if they dont I display a menu wth 3 options if they click it creates a cookie, but if then quit the browser the cookie is destroyed, here is my code, function createRandomId() { $chars = "abcdefg...

nhibernate should i flush session explicitly after "SaveOrUpdate"?

I have written an integrationtest that fails: [Test] public void Find_WorkItemWithMatchingDescriptionExistsInRepository_ReturnsWorkItem() { // arrange WorkItemRepository repository = new WorkItemRepository(IsolatingFactory); const string Description = "A"; WorkItem itemWithMatchingDescription...

Why I am not able to see source code with FF when I have this if statement?

When I add this code, I am not able to see source code with Firefox. Can anyone tell me why please? if (!isset($_SESSION['userid']) || $_SESSION['userid'] < 1){ $this->session->set_flashdata('error',"You must log in!"); redirect('welcome/verify','refresh'); } This code is in the following controller. cl...

What are some strategies to manage number of sessions and eliminate unneeded sessions in java?

What are some strategies to manage number of sessions and eliminate unneeded sessions? Or How do I get to know that sessions are no longer needed? ...

Sessionful wcf service in Silverlight

How can I make a sessionful wcf service for Silverlight clients? What binding can I use? ...

PHP session_cache_limiter(), session_cache_expire() and session_start()

I'm using session_cache_limiter() and session_cache_expire() at the top of my PHP 5.1.0 script, just before my session_start(). From PHP help: [...] you need to call session_cache_limiter() for every request (and before session_start() is called). But what if I don't call session_start()? Will session_cache_limiter() and ses...

What's wrong with this external merb cookie verification snippet?

I'd like to access the cookies from an external app from merb but use the cookies to verify the user who sends the request to the external app. The example code is here: This looks fairly straightforward to me so I'm not quite sure why it isn't working. Obviously you'll need to replace the session_secret_key an...

Why cant the container just use the IP address of the client? It is part of the request only .

Hi I like to know why can not the container just use IP address of the client to recongize the client. As IP address is unique. Still does it need to create JSESSIONID? ...

Is there only one way to get session in java calling request.getSession()?

Hi I like to know is there only one way to call session using request.getSession() or is there any other way? ...

Creating facebook events via cron-job

I am trying to create facebook events via cron-job. The events should be created on behalf of users of my facebook-connect-site, who have granted offline-access. I have session_keys that do not expire, but can't get it to work! Creating events on behalf of my app works like a charm, is just not what I want... var_dump($event) with some...

Can a HttpSession object be migraed from one VM to anoher VM?

Hi Can session object be migrated from one VM to another VM or It passivated in one VM and activated in other VM? How? ...

how to check session has been expired in java?

Is there any other way to check expiry of session other than this session.isNew() ...

iphone session management

Hi, How can I manage user sessions in an iPhone app? I get a username and password from the user on the first page of my app. The user may log out whenever he wants. How can I store session information in an iPhone app like any other web application? Is there any other technique for that? thank you. ...

CryptGenRandom to generate session id

Hi! does anyone have working example of CryptGenrRandom class to generate session id (need to use in my iis module). HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv; BYTE pbData[16]; if(CryptAcquireContext( &hCryptProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) { if(CryptGenRandom(hCryptProv, 8, pbData)) { std::st...