
My Session Value is Not Changing

Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If IsPostBack = True Then Session("x") = "ABC" End If End Sub Protected Sub btnABC_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Han...

ASP.NET Page Double Event Firing

Details: Page has asynch true Double event does not fire every time. Page has a long running process. The double event can be simulated with a thread.sleep() Steps have been taken to prevent double post back. The second event often will fire 10 or 20 minutes after the first event. May not happen on development server Site is running ...

Simple PHP Sessions Error

I have actually discovered my problem but I am really want to know why this is an issue. I had two pages form1.php I started a session on that page and hit submit. Then I had a link to session2.php which started that session and was able to pull the information from form1.php. I am just learning about sessions and this was a very simple ...

How do I detect if a Facebook connect session hasn't expired from PHP/the server?

For my application I need to know if a Facebook Connect session is valid from the server side. The Javascript API lets you know if you are connected to Facebook or not, but it seems that this can't be done from the PHP client library. The scenario where I need it is similar to the following: Log in to The Run Around using Facebook c...

What can prevent ASP.NET Session ?

I built a small ASP.NET application. It has a global.asax and sets some session variables on Session_Start(...). What could prevent (all) session variables from not being set? Would a session time out do it? What if JavaScript turned off? What else can do it? ...

Modifying Java classes at runtime to make instance fields transient -- will it work?

We have an annoying log message coming from Weblogic whenever we invalidate the HTTPSession when it has objects that are not serializable (which we don't care about but which is polluting our logs). Tweaking our log4j configuration to not log this message does not appear to be an option (the message is coming from a generic Weblogic clas...

Is there a way to enable both session and streaming in netTcpBinding?

Hi I writing a WCF Service that need transfer large files, so i using streaming, but from the other hand i need to do username specific initializations. The problem is that getting the username and perform initialization every time is very expensive. If i could turn on session, i could just save initialized data in local variables in t...

How to get session object while working on webservices?

How to get session object while working on webservices? Services are called between two programs. How to get user session object while workin with webservices. It is not possible to get session using request object as there will not be request or response when we talk about services. ...

View Source and View Generated Source in firefox addons Web Developer

I use Firefox Web developer everyday. Now I found some of my website need to use View Generated Source rather than View Source. Because View Source gives a blank outputs. It seems it is relating to the following code. I am hoping someone can tell me why it needs View Generated source. And is there anyway I can modify the code so tha...

How to preserve language status using PHP sessions and cookies

I have this in my index.php: <?php include_once 'file.php' ?> then I have <html> some content </html> and I have this in file.php: <?php session_start(); header('Cache-control: private'); if(isSet($_GET['lang'])) { $lang = $_GET['lang']; $_SESSION['lang'] = $lang; setcookie("lang", $lang, time() + (3600 * 24 * 30)); } else if(isSe...

Missing support for ambient transactions in nhibernate?

Ok, I know nhibernate supports ambient transactions, because nhibernate sessions enlists in the ambient transactions while inside a transaction scope. However, there are some oddities, consider the following test: [Test] public void Transaction_RollsBackTransactionInsideOfAmbientTransaction_AmbientTransactionAborted() { ...

keeping db connection active across pages

I'm a learner. Is there a way to stay connected in to the mysql database as the user is taken to the next page. For example, the db connection is made, the user is logged in, and then goes to the next page to access a table in the database. Instead of having to make the db connection again, is there a way to keep the previous connec...

How digg (or other high load category websites) are storing user sessions?

Hi. How does digg or any other high-traffic website store user sessions? What do they use for storing the user sessions? File system, DB (which one?), memcache or both? Let's imagine a simple situation. Logged user has set the flag "Remember me" during login. We've set a session cookie with expiration date 1 year. For example, we are ke...

JSF: Clearing Session Scoped Bean

I was wondering, How would I do session.remove("userBean") in JSF after user closes the window (hitting 'X' of browser) on JSF 1.2. I was thinking to put a confirmation pop up after user hits 'X' of browser but not quite sure how do I access or bind the Ok button to my defined method, where I have that logic to clear the scoped bean. ...

Jquery .post used to store php session variable. How to avoid refresh to call session value.

I am using jquery's .post ajax call to pull an form input value and pass it to a php file that starts a session and stores the value in it. The session value is then called on a different page. The problem is, this all takes place without a page refresh, so the session value is always one page refresh behind. I.E. the first time the ses...

how to invalidate sessions programmatically?

Hi I know invalidating a session by setting a time-out period in DD-web.xml file but I like to know how to invalidate sessions programmatically? ...

Print all session/post/get variables in ASP.NET page

I am very new to ASP.NET, I'm quite used to PHP (which we unfortunately do not use at work) I'd like to print all the session variables. In PHP it's quite easy, I use: echo '<pre>' . print_r($_SESSION, true) . '</pre>'; for this, but is there an as-easy ASP.NET equivalent? ...

Change Thread Session ID Windows C++

How could I start a thread in a different session? I need to start a thread in the interactive session (session 1) from a service in the non-interactive session (session 0). I have done this with a process before by using SetTokenInFormation and DuplicateTokenEx and then passing this to CreateProcessAsUser. I was hoping I could do the sa...

When user is inactive for 3 hour the session will expire. php

When user is inactive for 3 hour ,How to set session expire. Surly this is duplicate question , But other threads are not worked for me, what i have tried upto now is , define("APP_SESSION_TIMEOUT","10"); session_cache_expire(APP_SESSION_TIMEOUT); session_set_cookie_params(APP_SESSION_TIMEOUT*60); ini_set("session.gc_maxlifetime...

Is a file based cache as fast as a file based session handler in PHP?

I am curious would a file based cache be just as fast as a file based session handler in PHP? ...