
handle website sessions in .net

I have one ClassLibray application. I have a line of code: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("") This will take me to stackoverflow website. the question is when i close the stackoverflow website how to get a response back to my application ? ie, How to handle the sessions of external web pages in .n...

PHP:s session problem?

I have a problem with the session_id(). When I call the session_destroy(), by going specifically to the logout page and then I go back to my start page the session_id is still the same. What to do? But when I close the browser window the session_id is a new one, but what if a person not closes his/her browser window? ...

Default objects in spring 3 mvc SessionAttributes when session expired

I think im confused a bit about session annotation in spring mvc. I have code like this (2 steps form sample, step 1 user data, step 2 address) @SessionAttributes({"user", "address"}) public class UserFormController { @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView show( ModelAndView mv ){ mv.addObject(...

PHP/WordPress Session CountDown

I have the following code to show how long a user has left before their session will expire, I am using WordPress. How can I do this? Thanks <script> var obj_Span; var n_Seconds = 0; var n_Minutes = 0; var n_Hours = 0; function F_ConvertNumberToString ( n_Num ) { var str_Num = String(n_Num); ...

Authorizing a Facebook Fan Page for Status Updates

I'm able to update the status on my PROFILE wall using this code: require_once 'facebook-platform/php/facebook.php'; $facebook = new Facebook('APP API KEY','APP SECRET KEY'); $user_id = 'MY USER ID'; $facebook->api_client->users_setStatus('This is a new status'); ...after authorizing using this address:

HttpApplication.AcquireRequestState vs Session_Start : which method to use to set some Session Data?

Hi folks, my site has a few skins, to repsent the UI. These skins are based on the HOSTNAME they are connecting with. As such, each css file, image, etc needs to be prepended with the correct folder location. So, i thought that i should put it into the session of the user. So, which is the earliest place i can/should do this. Second...

How to automatically open a session after a Windows 2003 SP2 reboot ?

Hi, i'm using a Windows 2003 Server. I have a session with my username on it and i have a windows application (not service) opened on it. I want this application to always be running. The problem is, when Security updates force Windows to reboot, my session is closed and i need to reconnect to the session to get my application working...

Storing IDs between pages for up to a day?

I need to store IDs (Contact IDs, Claim IDs, etc.) between multiple .aspx pages. At the moment I am storing the ID in the Session and have set the Session timeout to 300 minutes. However, I am still getting errors because users are attempting to perform operations after the Session has expired. I think users are leaving their web bros...

Hibernate multi user environment

Consider a situation where user 1 query the database thorugh application using hibernate(get or load or from customer where name = "gkp") he gets the data.After this a DBA manually updates that particular row by exeuting a update query in db.If a second user executes the same query will he get the updated data or the old one(which the us...

Any way to run Firefox with GreaseMonkey scripts without a GUI/X session

I need to build a small "monitoring" scraper for a 3rd party website (it's an external website that has stats about our visitors). Unfortunately, this website is very hard to scrape through the normal "wget" mechanism, because it uses a ton of sophisticated JS, part of it generated by GWT. So my workaround was to create a GreaseMonkey s...

ASP.NET MVC : Create an ambient value.

I have a simple web-site. Almost every action takes int toonId as an argument (toonId does not equate to the user: one user can own multiple toons). At the moment I provide that value to every view from controller, and every link and submit button sends this value back to the controller. This works. I am just looking for an easier way to...

How can I uses sessions if register_globals is set to off?

Because of security reasons, register_globals is set to off. And that sucks, because right now I could really have use of sessions. How do you guys solve this "problem"? UPDATE I have tried using $_SESSION, but it's not working. That's why I thought it had something to do with register_globals being off. In my header file, I have the...

codeigniter array variable

Here is my code so far, it all works except when I try to make 'company' = $company there's something im missing, and id love to know what if($query) // if the user's credentials validated/// { $this->db->where('username'); $this->db->select('company'); $company = $this->db->get('user'); $data = arra...

Should I be calling a variable that holds a SESSION value instead of calling the actual session in PHP?

If a PHP session variable is stored on file (like it is by default) then let's say I store a user's name into a session variable... $_SESSION['username'] = 'Jason Davis'; Now when a page is built, if I call $_SESSION['username'] 100 times in the process of building a page, would it hit the session files and do a read on them 100 tim...

viewExpiredException JSF

To handle viewExpiredException in JSF, I coded <error-page> <exception-type>javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException</exception-type> <location>/error.html</location> </error-page> <session-config> <session-timeout>1</session-timeout> </session-config> in web.xml. In error.html I have redirected to original login pag...

Role of Session in user authentication/login?

I was hoping someone could help me with a question I've come up on. I have a Session object that handles storage of general session data, I also have a Authentication object which validates a users credentials. Initially I passed the desired Authentication class name to my Session object then had a login method that created an instance...

PHP, session problems

Im having problems with session variable after my database have changed the session variable, it doesnt update the new session variable when i press the back button but on database, it already updated but not on the webpage, i have to relogin to see the new variable. and how do i use session_regenerate_id? ...

How much session data is too much ?

We are running into unusually high memory usage issues. And I observed that many places in our code we are pulling 100s of records from DB, packing it in custom data objects, adding it to an arraylist and storing in session. I wish to know what is the recommended upper limit storing data in session. Just a good practice bad practice kind...

PHP drop down and Session question

What really needs to happen here is.. A session takes my data from the drop down listed below. Its gonna take it to the process page then bring it back to this page with a header on the process page. Then when it gets back to the first page the dropdown will populate with the session or the same client as when I left that page and the on...

Hibernate : Downside of merge() over update()

I'm having problems with a NonUniqueObjectException thrown by Hibernate. Reading the docs, and this blog post, I replaced the call from update() to merge(), and it solved the problem. I believe I understand the reason for the exception, and why changing the method fixed the problem, in terms of disconnected objects and session boundar...