
CodeIgniter extend user's session expiration time

Hi, Is it possible to extend user's session expiration time in CI. What I want to do is, by default every user's session cookie lasts for example 1 day, but every time user visits the site his session expiration time is extended by one more day. I don't know if it is a good idea to do this, maybe I should just set cookies life time for...

Approach for authentication and storing user details.

Hey folks, I am using the Zend Framework but my question is broadly about sessions / databases / auth (PHP MySQL). Currently this is my approach to authentication: 1) User signs in, the details are checked in database. - Standard stuff really. 2) If the details are correct only the user's unique ID is stored in the session and a secu...

Using Unit of Work design pattern / NHibernate Sessions in an MVVM WPF

I think I am stuck in the paralysis of analysis. Please help! I currently have a project that Uses NHibernate on SQLite Implements Repository and Unit of Work pattern: MVVM strategy in a WPF app Unit of Work implementation i...

Tomcat 4.1.X and Tomcat 5.0.X

I have a problem about tomcat, Our application designed on Tomcat 4.1.X and When I restart Tomcat 4.1.X there is no problem. But I upgrade it to Tomcat 5.0.X. Now ,when I restart Tomcat 5.0.X session is down and application redirect me to login page. Any idea? ...

How to implement a session mechanism or How to generate a unique indentify for each user in the same corporation?

Most session are based on cookies,like php/jsp But as for mobile devices,there are quite a few that doesn't support cookies. How to generate a unique indentify for each user in the same corporation that uses the same IP address? ...

How to keep the session of user login?

Hi, I have an app that requires user to register. I've got the app conected to PHP in my server to do the logic of register/login and so, this is not problem at all. But, I want to keep a session of the user in local, so the user doesn't have to login again every time he runs the app. So, I want something like this: First time user,...

jQuery: script remember values between times it is triggered?

Hello there, I am writing an ajax script in jQuery. The script gets new or previous page from a php documents that returns HTML. If, located on page 1, I click next, the script IS able to find the next page number (page2), but when I click it AGAIN, the script again has to be able to find the next page number (page3) and at the minute ...

SQLAlchemy: who is in charge of the "session"? ( and how to unit-test with sessions )

I need some guidance on how to use session objects with SQLAlchemy, and how to organize Unit Tests of my mapped objects. What I would like to able to do is something like this: thing = BigThing() # mapped object child = thing.new_child() # create and return a related object # will also save the child object In order to a...

Recursive FTP directory listing in shell/bash with a single session (using cURL or ftp)

I am writing a little shellscript that needs to go through all folders and files on an ftp server (recursively). So far everything works fine using cURL - but it's pretty slow, becuase cURL starts a new session for every command. So for 500 directories, cURL preforms 500 logins. Does anybody know, whether I can stay logged in using cUR...

Handling form security

So how do you maintain the form security about posting data to different page problem? For instance you have a member and he/she tries to change the personal settings and you redirected member to member changed the values and post the data to another page by changing the action with firebug o...

How do I access a session variable from APP_CODE??

I have seen lots of posts here and elsewhere stating that one can access session variables from app_code. I want to access an already created session. this code errors out because of a null exception. string myFile = HttpContext.Current.Session["UploadedFile"]; this creates a null session variable. System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessio...

When setting users' preferences, is it best to use cookies as to session? (PHP)

For each user, I want to allow them to choose their preferences, such as which categories to show on their profile, which tags they want to see, etc. Would cookies be better than sessions because they don't expire when users logoff? ...

IE won't start session from an iframe?..

The task was to bypass login form on remote server with a session_id acquired through a call to server's web API. So that user wouldn't have to login twice. Since there's no way to set cookies for different domain. What we came up to was - put a little file on remote server, to which we pass encrypted session_id from hidden iframe and w...

Can I use array_push on a SESSION array in php?

I have an array that I want on multiple pages, so I made it a SESSION array. I want to add a series of names and then on another page, I want to be able to use a foreach loop to echo out all the names in that array. This is the session: $_SESSION['names'] I want to add a series of names to that array using array_push like this: arra...

PHP Session when using desktop app

In this question I asked how to POST to a php file form a app: So now I've logged in the user user by posting their username and password to the php file, the php file then does security/checks they exist/etc and if both username and...

Using memcached as a session storage with CodeIgniter

I am researching possibilities of using memcached as a session storage for a system built on CodeIgniter. Has anybody done this before(that's probably a stupid question :) and if so what's your experience folks? Have you used any existing libraries/extensions? As far as performance improvement what have you seen? Any caveats? ...

On uploading php page, it is giving warning. Error seems to be of session related

Error I tried this page to run on local, it is running perfectly fine but showing me a warning on uploading. What might be the reason. I used session as per given in w3schools.. The session_start() function must appear BEFORE the tag ...

How to handle session domains in a cname forward supporting rails saas software

Hi, I have read But I am unable to get a solution for the following setup: A SaaS Webapp in Rails is running under All users have a ...

globally get any field value in user table of logged in user

Im making a gaming community and i wanna be able to grab any info of the user on any page without so instead of having much of queries on all pages i made this function. Is it better to do this? Will this slow down the site? /** * Возьмем значение из любой области authed пользователей. */ function UserData($f) { global $_SESSION; ...

load testing of "cookieless Session"

I have been trying using MS VSTS 2008, no luck so far.. After the redirection from server to accomodate the sessionID in URL, the test fails during the first time recording. I am open to looking at other tools which are not very expensive. Does anyone have any experience using any tool for testing cookieless sessionID website? ...