
Zend_Session: unserialize session data

I'm using session SaveHandler to persist session data in the database. Sample session_data column from the database: Messenger|a:1:{s:13:"page_messages";a:0:{}}userSession|a:1:{s:7:"referer";s:32:"";}Zend_Auth|a:1:{s:7:"storage";O:19:"User_Model_Identity":3:{s:2:"id";s:1:"1";s:8:"username";s:13:"administ...

Session security: Zend_Session_Validator_HttpUserAgent

There is a nice article on denzone about avoiding identity theft. However it was written before Zend_Session_Validator_HttpUserAgent came in. How do I use Zend_Session_Validator_HttpUserAgent? Zend_Sesion::registerValidator(new Zend_Session_Validator_HttpUserAgent()); Zend_Session::rememberMe(); Is that all? ...

Zend Namespace - Check if Session Exists

All, I am using Zend Framework and Zend_Session to do global session management for my application. I plan to clear all sessions on logout and hence am using the following code: if($this->sessionExists()) { $this->destroy(); } But it seems like it's not doing a good job.. I am getting an error: PHP Warning: session_destroy(...

Performance of String literals vs constants for Session[...] dictionary keys

Session[Constant] vs Session["String Literal"] Performance I'm retrieving user-specific data like ViewData["CartItems"] = Session["CartItems"]; with a string literal for keys on every request. Should I be using constants for this? If yes, how should I go about implementing frequently used string literals and will it significantly affec...

Rails Sessions current practices (especially for rails 3)

Anyone have any "best practices" tips for Rails and sessions? The default session type for Rails3 is still cookie store, right? I used SqlSessionStore for a while and it worked well, but I may move away from that in favor of CookieStore. Is it still not a good idea to use CookieStore for sensitive info, even with salted info or is that...

Do session use cookies?

This is an interview question asked a month ago.... Do session use cookies? If so,how do they do so? Assume Session["UserId"]=1 how does this session variable uses cookies internally? If so, what will be the name of the cookie and what is the value of that cookie.... ...

Invalidating session before iPhone application quits

Hello I would like to tell the server to invalidate an ongoing session when the user quits the iPhone application. In the app delegate, I send a request to the server in the (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application method. I am not waiting for a server answer, I just want to send the request and quit. However I cant...

Passing values across pages

Hi i need to pass a long list of Ids from one page to another, i was thinking of using querystring but taking in consideration that the number of ids to be passed may reach 300 i think is not a good idea. an option from my understanding may be the use of session, this seems to me an optimal solution in my case but on the other hand I ...

Invalid AuthenticityToken everywhere

I have a rails app that I just deployed which is generating Invalid AuthenticityToken errors anywhere a form is submitted. The app uses subdomains as account names and will also eventually allow for a custom domain to be entered. I have an entry in production.rb to allow for cross-domain session handling. The problem is that you can...

Rails session cookie not getting set

I have a rails app that is a CMS that uses dynamic subdomains for each site. For some reason when I deployed to production the session cookie is not getting set. I'm thinking this is leading to the "Invalid Authenticity Token" errors that are being thrown everywhere. I have my production.rb setup so that I can share sessions across ...

Maintain the SessionID for Entire Application in ASP.NET

Hi Experts, I am implementing the Ecommerce projects, where I need to static SessionID, is there any way to maintain the SessionID in the Entire Application.Explanation of my question is here but How can I implement this approach. ...

ASP.NET MVC Session Expiration

We have an internal ASP.NET MVC application that requires a logon. Log on works great and does what's expected. We have a session expiration of 15 minutes. After sitting on a single page for that period of time, the user has lost the session. If they attempt to refresh the current page or browse to another, they will get a log on page. W...

PDO prepare silently fails

I'm experimenting with PHP's session_set_save_handler and I'd like to use a PDO connection to store session data. I have this function as a callback for write actions: function _write($id, $data) { logger('_WRITE ' . $id . ' ' . $data); try { $access = time(); $sql = 'REPLACE INTO sessions SET id=:id, access=:ac...

CherryPy sessions for same domain, different port

Consider the script below. It will launch two subprocesses, each one a CherryPy app (hit Ctrl+C or whatever the KeyboardInterrupt combo is on your system to end them both). If you run it with CP 3.0 (taking care to change the 3.0/3.1 specific lines in "StartServer"), then visit: http://localhost:15002/ see an empty dict. Then v...

Java - Google App Engine - InvalidClassException when I change a class that was stored in session scope

I updated my User class, and now whenever someone that had the old version of the User class stored in their session scope accesses my site, I get an InvalidClassException. javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.RuntimeException: User; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 4949...

Session persistence problem

Hello I'm having a problem with getting sessions to persist, and having no luck searching, I need to ask. I can access the contents of my session as expected when first set, but as soon as the page refreshes I lose everything and I don't see why. session_start() is set and I'm not unseting or destroying anything. I looked at PHP Info u...

PHP alternative to session_is_registered

Hi all, does anyone knows the alternative to the deprecated function session_is_registered in PHP5? here's my code: ob_start(); session_start(); if(!session_is_registered(myusername)) { header("location:main_login.php"); } ob_flush(); Thanks, Mauro ...

how to handle a array of objects in a session

Hello, In the project I'm working on I have got a list List<Item> with objects that Is saved in a session. Session.Add("SessionName", List); In the Controller I build a viewModel with the data from this session var arrayList = (List<Item>)Session["SessionName"]; var arrayListItems= new List<CartItem>(); foreach (var item in arrayList...

Login system and sessions (php)

I've created a login page and registration page and now I want to use that to password protect pages and have pages which show information specific to that user. Would storing the user ID of the user logged in in a Session variable be a safe and correct way of doing this? How easy would it be for a user to change the session variable t...

PHP does not store all variables in session

Dear all I'm assigning session variables by filling the $_SESSION - Array throughout my script. My problem is, that for some reason not all variables are available in the session. here is a shortened version of my code for explaining this issue: session_start(); print_r($_SESSION); $_SESSION['lang'] = 'de'; $_SESSION['locatio...