
how can i use django session in GAE

i have an app in GAE, but i have no idea about how to use django session, although i know the app-engine-patch may be helpful. who can give me a demo how to use it for session? thank you! ...

accessing $_SESSION when using file_get_contents in PHP

I have a page called which sends an email - pretty simple stuff - I pass an order id, it creates job request and sends it out. This works fine when used in the context I developed it (Use javascript to make an AJAX call to the URL and pass the order_id as a query parameter) I am now trying to reuse the exact same page in...

how auto submit a session based form?

i have a form and want to submit it with a script. i'm going to use curl function in php to do it. but the form is not submit directly. it have 3 steps and at the end of each step it store entered value in session variables and at the final steps it insert record to database with the values are read from sessions. it is possible to do...

accessing $_SESSION when using file_get_contents in PHP

I have a page called which sends an email - pretty simple stuff - I pass an order id, it creates job request and sends it out. This works fine when used in the context I developed it (Use javascript to make an AJAX call to the URL and pass the order_id as a query parameter) I am now trying to reuse the exact same page in ...

PHP4 including file during session

I am trying to put second language on my webpage. I decided to use different files for different languages told apart by path - language/pl/projects.ln contains Polish text, language/en/projects.ln - English. Those extensions are just to tell language files from other, the content is simple php: $lang["desc"]["fabrics"]["title"] = "MATE...

ASP.NET Session State Timeout Problem

I am trying to detect a session state timeout in my application and am unable to do so. I have a base class that derives from System.Web.UI.Page as follows:- public class BasePageSessionExpire : Page { override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnInit(e); if (Context.Session != null) { ...

C# & Session Variables to iFrames

I am currently in C# and I have set Session variables on each page. The link to my Colorbox is in the MasterPage, and on click opens up in> an iframe from a different page in a different folder i.e. /admin/deals.aspx <-- iframed page in colorbox which needs SESSION /default.aspx <-- page with set SESSION Is there a way I can pass th...

Works on development server but it doesn't on Google App Engine (Sessions).

Hi, I have this code that works just fine on the development server but when I deploy the application, the session isn't created. What am I doing wrong? HttpSession session = req.getSession(true); session.setAttribute("loggedIn", new String("true")); Edit: The sessions are enabled. What I realized now is that the _ah_SESSION v...

Flex Session timeout detection on the client?

I am connecting to Java backend(filenet 4.5.1), and I am checking the session in a filter configured to intercept the blazeds calls for MessageBrokerServlet. When the session timesout after 30 mins, the session is invalidated and the blazeds logging shows that the session is invalidated. It disconnects the channel between flex client and...

Help a Beginner with a PHP based Login System

I'm a bit embarrassed to say, but I've run into issue with creating a PHP based login system. I'm using a site template to handle the looks of the the login process, so I will spare you the code. Here is my thought process on how to handle the login: Create a simple login.php file. On there will be a form whose action is set to itself...

Opening a new browser window with a new session ID in ASP.NET

I need to open a second browser window or tab, but it must have a different session ID. Opening the new browser window from an ASP.NET page is easy, but then it shares the same cookie and thus session ID with the original. How can I do this? ...

Session Variable Not Being Saved When Using Wizard Control ASP.NET

I have a wizard control. When someone clicks a button within the wizard control I automatically advance to the next step (rather than forcing them to click next). However, this seems to cause the session state variable not to be saved. I've done some research and noticed that Response.Redirect does hard redirects that truncate page execu...

Session_ONEnd on PHP

Hi guys, I have recently started programming in PHP. I am building a cart in PHP. I have my products locked in cart when someone adds it to their cart. I need to unlock those products when the specific user gets logoff or session expires. How can i call something like session_onend function as in asp/ to unlock/release those ...

Cookiless Session Is it a security risk?

Hi You have a user who successfully log in from a machine in Cybercafe, Hacker H able to sniff the network and get the sessionID of the user, Can H use the sessionId and act as the user from another machine? Can H enter http://folder/(session id)/CreditCardInformation.aspx to kno...

Session Variable Not Being Updated? ASP.NET

I have a three step wizard. On the first step I use a repeater to create a series of buttons that an individual can select from. When the user selects one of the buttons the value of the button is saved to session state. They are taken to the next step and shown a similar list of buttons that are based on what they previously selected. T...

ColdFusion Session issue - multiple users behind one proxy IP -- cftoken and cfid seems to be shared

Hi Everyone, I have an application that uses coldfusion's session management (instead of the J2EE) session management. We have one client, who has recently switched their company's traffic to us to come viaa proxy server in their network. So, to our Coldfusion server, it appears that all traffic is coming from this one IP Address, f...

How can I protect my users from session hijacking?

How do I protect my users from session hijacking? ... master page needs to save data in session after calling pages change

i have 1 master page with 5 dropdownlists on it. The thing is, the master page has href's to aspx pages that use this master page as pagebehind. now lets save i am in page1.aspx with master1.master as pagebehind. If i select couple of dropdownlists, and then click on an href, the whole master page reloads. how do i catch this in session ...

which is the best way to learn java session management

hi can any one please tell me which is the best way to learn session management ...

Setting Session Variable from UpdatePanel

I am using ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions 1.0 with the version v1.0.20229 of the AJAX Control Toolkit (which to my knowledge is the latest for .NET 2.0/Visual Studio 2005). My web page (aspx) has a DropDownList control on an UpdatePanel. In the handler for the DropDownList's SelectedIndexChanged event I attempt to set a session variable. ...