

$_SESSION['user']->getURL() Is it to call the method of getURL() of object $_SESSION['user']? ...

ASP .NET Login Session How to destroy session object when logging out from Home Page?

I have created a website. I login with username and password and after authenticating i redirect the user to Home Page. When the user clicks Logout, they are redirected to the Login Page. But after this when i click the BACK button on the browser, it again goes back to the Home Page with that user's login credentials. I have used Session...

How to secure Java webservices with login and session handling

I'd like to secure my (Java metro) webservice with a login. Here's how I'm planning to do that: Steps required when calling a webservice method are: call login(user,pwd), receive a session token 1.1 remember the token call servicemethod (token, arg1, arg2...) webservice checks if the token is known, if not throw exception otherwise p...

authentication and session in Java

hi, I would like to know if it is possible to maintain an authentication (like a session with login and password in php) on a website from a java program, and if anyone had any lead on the subject or some reading for me, that would be great. thanks ...

What's the proper response to WM_ENDSESSION with ENDSESSION_CLOSEAPP and wParam == FALSE?

According to the WM_ENDESSION docs, when lParam is ENDSESSION_CLOSEAPP and wParam is FALSE, "the application should not shut down". So, should I just ignore that and use the default response? What is it's purpose? (I'm listening to Windows events/messages in Qt (C++) to shutdown some launched processes, but that's just the context a...

How do I access session data in Jinja2 templates (Bottle framework on app engine)?

Hello! I'm running the micro framework Bottle on Google App Engine. I'm using Jinja2 for my templates. And I'm using Beaker to handle the sessions. I'm still a pretty big Python newbie and am pretty stoked I got this far :) My question is how do I access the session data within the templates? I can get the session data no problem w...

Java Session Like Object

I have been developing a project and in this project i have designed my code to do the same job after a specified time interval continuously. The job that wanted to be done has a lot of distinct cycles. The interval is small to execute them normally thus i used threads. Until that point everything is clear for me. To decrease the proces...

Need Help With Custom Session Manager - How Do I Access Session Information?

Hi. I have some questions about session management. I have decided to use a custom session manager class to have more control over session state in my web site. I have started out by using Stephan Prodan's Session Class here. You'll need to take a look to get a sense of what I am talking about. 1) My first question pertains to ho... 2.0 session timeout

I apologize in advance for this likely being asked before. I have an 2.0 web application and am trying to set the session timeout. My first attempt was to add this to the web.config. < sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="300" > Users would tell me though that after about 20 minutes of being idle and then trying to do something...

App session cookie not being created in Rails, sporadically

Hi everyone, This is an issue sporadically for very few users, however we haven't been able to replicate it. However I have now got a Chrome instance (Mac) which is reproducing the error (for some unknown reason), and I hope to not restart it until I have this nailed! Rails application, using memcached for session store. While the bug ...

session timeout with form authentiation, how to display an modal poup or redirect entire page

I am using mvc and jquery to make ajax requests and when the session times out after an ajax request the full sigin page gets loaded into my ajax div. How can I display a modal popup instead of making a redirect when a session times out? ...

Combining Session and Cache

To make my extranet web application even faster/more scalable I think of using some of the caching mechanisms. For some of the pages we'll use HTML caching, please ignore that technique for this question. E.g.: at some point in time 2500 managers will simultaneously login on our application (most of them with the same Account/Project) ...

Hudson leaving open sessions

Does anyone have any experiences with Hudson leaving sessions open to a Subversion server? We've been increasing our job list and got ~50 which poll the SCM regularly. It's been working fine but recently our SCM has started acting up by refusing handshakes, which we suspect is down to the sessions left open by Hudson. Last count there ...

Simple App Engine Sessions Implementation

Here is a very basic class for handling sessions on App Engine: """Lightweight implementation of cookie-based sessions for Google App Engine. Classes: Session """ import os import random import Cookie from google.appengine.api import memcache _COOKIE_NAME = 'app-sid' _COOKIE_PATH = '/' _SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME = 180 * 60 class Session...

How to tell the Session to throw the error query[NHibernate]?

I made a test class against the repository methods shown below: public void AddFile<TFileType>(TFileType FileToAdd) where TFileType : File { try { _session.Save(FileToAdd); _session.Flush(); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.InnerException.Message.Contains("Violation of UNIQUE KEY")) throw new Argum...

Having session_id, can I bypass login form on remote server?

Third party zend encrypted system has Web API, that let's you login through it and acquire session_id (for later calls?). Then there's a task, how to bypass login form having that session_id. Is something like this possible at all? ...

Java,Tomcat,Sessions - JSessionId disappears

Hi, I'm having a problem with java sessions. I'm developing a simple web app, where I have to use sessions and session attributes. Everything is fine until I close my browser. When I close my browser the JSessionId disappears. Here's my code: request.getSession().setMaxInactiveInterval(30*60); //it's 30 minutes request.getSession().se...

django how get session in models

django how get session in models or how get session out views ...

ASP.NET MVC: ensure user always has a session variable set

Consider an ASP.NET MVC application that requires a session variable be set. It's used throughout the app. It'll be set by either reading a hashed value on the browser cookie, or after having the user login. In the WebForms + Master Page model, I'd check the Page_Load() of the master page. Perhaps not the ultimate event, but it was an e...

How to break a Hibernate session?

In the Hibernate reference, it is stated several times that All exceptions thrown by Hibernate are fatal. This means you have to roll back the database transaction and close the current Session. You aren’t allowed to continue working with a Session that threw an exception. One of our legacy apps uses a single session to update/...