
keep an authenticated user across servers

Hello, In a LAMP environment, if a user authenticates itself on domain, hosted on server1, how can i keep him logged in on, hosted on server2 ? Thank you in advance for your advise. ...

php session not working (as with cookies disabled), but cookies are enabled for the domain. What other possibilities?

Hi, I have a problem with a client, who cannot log in to our system. We have PHP-based B2B system, which uses cookies to store session-id. The client cannot log in and is redirected to the login page, without any error message. He claims he have cookies enabled in his Firefox. Also, if he had cookies disabled, my javascript would dete...

Sharing session variables from http and https versio

I am trying to fix an ASP.NET site that a friend had botched converting from older technologies. To the user, the site appears to have public and secured sections. Behind the scenes, the public and private sites are separate web applications with separate app pools. The difficulty arises because it appears that the applications share the...

How important are cookieless sessions? Should a web application framework provide support for them?

We are programming a new web application framework (Second WAF). I was wondering if we should support cookieless sessions or not. Who use it and who needs it? ...

Keeping a large volume of data in Session - Suggestions / alternatives?

I'm developing a web app for which the client wants us to query their data as little as possible. The data will be coming from a Microsoft CRM instance. So we've agreed that data will only be queried as and when it is needed, therefore if a web user wants to see a list of contacts (for example) that list is fetched into a local DataTabl...

Reusing Session ID

I am confused with the following sentence(with bold) from Microsoft about Session IDs. It seems to say the obvious, if we reuse a valid Session ID then we do not need to create a new Session ID. Am i missing something? What is reusing in this context? Using the Session ID as an identifier in database or etc is reusing or what? Therefo...

Store domain model in PHP session

Is that a good practice to store the objects of the domain model in the PHP session ? This would enable to avoid to query and reconstruct every PHP object to each PHP request. Is there a size limit ? ...

Can Tomcat provide seperate (or HTTPS only) sessions for HTTPS requests?

I have a web application which contains both secure (SSL) and non-secure pages. A user can login to the site and must appear logged-in in both the SSL and non-SSL areas. (NB. SSL isn't implemented via Tomcat, but via Apache HTTPD servers which sit in front of Tomcat - so Tomcat has no SSL configuration.) The logged-in state is current...

ASP.Net Session data lost between pages

I came across a weird behavior today w/ my web application. When I navigate from a page to another, I lose one particular session variable data. I'm able to launch the app in firefox and able to see that the session data is not lost. I use Response.Redirect(page2, false) to redirect to another page. Below code was used to track sessi...

Login Script for PostGreSQL and PHP not working =[

Ok I'm quite new at logins what not so bare with me here lol but I gota learn so don't discourage me. I tried this so far <?php $error = ""; $conn = pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=brittains_db user=brittains password=XXXX" ); $sql = "SELECT * FROM logins"; $result = pg_query($conn, $sql); if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET...

ASP.NET MVC Session across subdomains

Hi, In my website i have implemented custom session values. In which, on log on i set the session value to some object. This object is used to extract user specific data from db. now the problem is If user logs in with : and logs off and again logs in with: that user is still receiving the data fro...

Why is it that sometimes my web application does not work on the iPhone?

I have a web application that uses login and sessions (cookies). Why is it that sometimes, when the iPhone is going slow with the 3G network (super super slow), the iphone doesn't see the cookies? Cookies don't work when the iPhone network is slow!!! ...

Is the ASP.NET session data changed?

List<Foo> fooList = Session["foo"] as List<Foo>; fooList.Add(bar); Does the call to Add() change the data that's in the session? Put another way: when I next pull "foo" from the Session, will the list contain bar? ...

How to implement temporarily undoable operations in PHP and JavaScript?

I would like to implement operations that is undoable in a short time after the user have done them. I.e. if a user upvotes a photo in a photo-site, he/she can undo the vote within 30 seconds. This is similar to how the voting on StackOverflow is working, you can undo your votes for a short time. How should I implement it? I guess that ...

How do I check if the browser supports cookies, in javascript?

Especially for the iPhone ...

Guesses of my session value conflicts

I have a web form which will submit information to come as emails. Whenever user fill the form and click on submit button,the information user entered will be sent as email. This web form has 4 page. but the web form will not use all 4 page on all requests. if the user select a particular value in first page, the form will bypa...

How to prevent multiple browser windows from sharing the same session in

I have application that is basically a data entry screen for a physical inspection process. The users want to be able to have multiple browser windows open and enter data from multiple inspections concurrently. At first I was using cookie based sessions, and obviously this blew up. I switched to using cookie-less sessions, whi...

webpart context.session is null

I've been using the session array to store a state variable for my webpart... so I have a property like this: public INode RootNode { get { return this.Context.Session["RootNode"] as INode; } set { this.Context.Session["RootNode"] = value as object; } } ...

Socket Sessions For Persistent Connections

I am developing a socket server where a client will be bound after being authenticated similar to SMPP. Is there support for cookies in this regard? How do you maintain a session for socket client that is "logged in"? ...

Does somebody have a working sample of PHP session_set_save_handler ?

PHP Version 5.1.6 All day trying..I'm breaking my head now... I understand it but can't make it work. I need to store the session data in a mysql database, cause we're balancing the request among 2 servers, so regular sessions wont work... I need to use this function ... session_set_save_handler ... and I cant make it work..any help grea...