
What is common between environments within a shell terminal session?

I have a custom shell script that runs each time a user logs in or identity is assumed, its been placed in /etc/profile.d and performs some basic env variable operations. Recently I added some code so that if screen is running it will reattach it without needing me to type anything. There are some problems however. If I log-in as root...

Django "last_login" attribute in auth_user model

It looks like Django does not update last_login field in auth_user model when a visitor is authenticated by saved session. So in this case, how can I implement a similar feature like the "seen" field on very SO user's profile page. ...

What is the performance hit of enabling sessions on Google App Engine?

What is the performance hit of enabling sessions on the Google App Engine? I just turned on <sessions-enabled>true</sessions-enabled> in my Google App Engine app and now my requests are consistently using 100 more ms of CPU time than before I enabled it. It also makes the user wait an additional 100ms for the server to respond on eac...

PHP: why is this null different from the other null

hi i tried 2 things what should be the same however it my testing says different does anyone know why the only thing i do is put it in a variable... if ($_SESSION[$something] === null) echo("this is null"); $_SESSION[$something] does not exists so it indeed says: "this is null". now look at this $theSession = $_SESSION[$s...

Uniquely identify two instances of one browser that share Session state?

I want to ensure a user isn't editing the same form data in two different browser tabs or windows (of the same web browser instance). The intention is to stop the user from stupidly overwriting their own data as they continue through a very long form process. On the server, ongoing data input through the screens is collected into the Se...

From ASP.NET can I access all Sessions?

I want to enumerate all the Sessions. Are they available, or do I have to keep references to them manually from Session_Start in Global.asax? ...

Why is this HTTP request continually looping?

I'm probably overlooking something really obvious here. Comments are in to help explain any library specific code. public function areCookiesEnabled() { $random = 'cx67ds'; // set cookie cookie::set('test_cookie', $random); // try and get cookie, if not set to false $testCookie = cookie::get('...

WCF Reliable Session Timeout

Hi, when do reliable sessions time out? My session class is defined as follows: [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerSession, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)] and in my app.config... <bindings> <netTcpBinding> <binding name="FTS_netTcpBinding"> <reliableSession enabled="tr...

Session variables can be fooled (login)?

IN PHP: Is there a way for the user to fake a session variable? Is it secure to trust in the value of a session variable for a login system? ...

NHibernate UserType value on object

Hi. I'm using a UserType to maintain a column (Created) in my db. When saving to db i simply check if the property in question equals DateTime.MinValue, and if so updates it to DateTime.Now (overriding NullSafeSet). This update however, is not immediately reflected by nhibernate, and if i load the object again without evicting it, th...

Codeigniter Session Data not available in other pages after login

So, I have set up a login page that verifies the user's credentials, and then sets codeigniter session data 'email' and 'is_logged_in' and a few other items. The first page after the login, the data is accessible. After that page, I can no longer access the session data. In fact, if I try reloading that first page, the session data is go...

Application_EndRequest Doesn't Fire on a 404

I am using ASP MVC 2 and Nhibernate. I have created an HTTP Module as demonstrated in Summer of NHibernate 13 that looks like so: public void Init(HttpApplication context) { context.PreRequestHandlerExecute += new EventHandler(Application_BeginRequest); context.PostRequestHandlerExecute += new EventHandler(Application_EndReque...

Port a live system from App Engine Helper to App Engine Patch

I am running a live system that is currently serving about 20K pages a day which is based on App Engine Helper (Python) with session support provided by AppEngine utilities. One problem that I have been having is that sessions are occasionally randomly logging out. I would like to try using the App Engine Patch, since it has "native" dj...

Problem retrieving multiple instances of the same session variable

I'm having problems with retrieving multiple instances of a session variable from an InProc session state. In the following code I persist a simple BusinessObject into a session variable on the Page_Load event. On the click of a button I try to retrieve the object back into 2 new declared instances of the same BusinessObject. All work...

code ignoring valid session from earlier successful login

I have a login script that when successful, should check to see if the session exists, if not, display login form, once posted, authenticate, if successful, set session. After I successfully post the form, and it binds successfully, then go back to the page, it completely ignores the session and displays the login page. I don't know wh...

Http web request doesn't maintaining session.

Hello, I have program where i want to scrap some Useful study material for me. This site maintaining session key and some other key also. If I trying to go nested page then it will throw me out and show session out message. I unable to maintain session key in web request class. so please give me some idea that how can i maintain session...

Paging doesn't work in the Joomla Article Manager in the admin section

I inherited a Joomla site that is having a problem with the article manager in the admin section. The pagination doesn't work! If I click the page number, forward, back, or page size, nothing happens! So I found out that someone had previously installed the iJoomla SEO plugin, but it never worked so they removed it. I think it is incompa...

Why session_start is needed when using session?

Why I can use setcookie without any preparation while need a session_start() before using $_SESSION?And I think works they do are similar. ...

Session in Iframe working in Firefox but not in Internet Explorer

Im trying to get a form working in Internet Explorer. I see that when i submit this form in Firefox I can start a session and send my webbrowser to the right page based on that Session. In Internet Explorer however when i'm debugging the $_SESSION i retrieve an empty array back, this means that in Internet Explorer the session isn't star...

How do I set a value to the Session in on an onClick event of a normal htmlElement?

I need to make a Function that receives a Session Key and a Session Value and call this function on a normal HTML onClick event. When this function is called the Session variable is assigned the Key I sent with the Value I sent. So far I have this: <script runat="server" type="text/C#"> protected void setSessionValue(string key,...