
How to load a session by its id in rails?

Im having a hard time trying to figure out how to load a session by its id. I don't want the current_user session, I need to load another one (mostly because flash doesnt share sessions with the browser). So I'm passing the session_id forward with the parameters, how do I get the session in the other side? Authlogic is redirecting me to ...

How to display all the items in Session and their values in a repeater ASP.NET

Hi i am a bit confused on how to display all the items in session in a repeater Any suggestion?? ...

What is the accepted pattern for implementing Session in ASP.NET MVC sites?

Obviously, the typical WebForms approach won't work. How does one track a user in an MVC world? ...

Check an array of session values in PHP

There is an array of user states stored in the session. This works: <?php if ($_SESSION['_app_user']['data']['state']['1']) { ?> <p>User has state 1</p> <?php } ?> But, selecting multiple states doesn't: <?php if ($_SESSION['_app_user']['data']['state']['1,6,10']) { ?> <p>User has state 1 or 6 or 10</p> <?php } ?> How can y...

"Session expired" and "Please enable cookies" warnings when POSTing website form through cURL

I have been developing a program that is able to login to, and perform mass imports of data. The script uses the PHP cURL libraries, along with their CookieJar settings to spoof a normal user with a browser. The script works perfectly, allowing login, and the changing of lists, but when it comes to posting the form data (in t...

Multi page redirect

I'm using CodeIgniter with codeigniter sessions that are stored in a MySQL database. I need to do a multi page redirect as shown below: some_form.php -> processing.php -> another_form_based_on_processing.php Everything's okay going from some_form.php -> processing.php But when I redirect the page from processing.php -> another_form_...

Custom User Management for Google App Engine Java

I am using GAE Java for a multi-user application. There are multiple users with different roles. Each user can login, do some operations and logout. The business restricts me from using Google User Service and I need to implement my own for authentication and session management. Can anyone please share with me how should I go about impl...

Having an issue with org.hibernate.SessionException: Session is closed! in Hibernate

I've done quite a bit a research on this with no luck, but all the answers have a tendency to point toward the session context settings in the config file. What is odd is that I get a session connection the very first time I hit the page (and therefore, a successful result set), but then when I reload I get the following exception: org.h...

Good practice for storing and retrieving session values in PHP

I was wondering what the best way is for storing and retrieving session values in PHP. I am building a php framework with an MVC structure. Now i have a registry class with inmportant object. I have a class for the session, with some defined functions concerning the session. Now I was wondering if it is a good practice to just use $_S...

Invalidating JPA EntityManager session

A project I am working on uses Spring 2.5 & JPA with Hibernate as a provider. My DAO classes extend JpaDaoSupport, so I get my JpaTemplate using the getJpaTemplate() method. The back-end database can get changed either by my application, or a third-party application. When a third-party application changes the database (mostly config...

Session being reset when using sub-domain.

Hi, I'm trying to use sub-domains in my ASP.NET website but I'm coming across a few problems with the session being reset. I've edited my hosts file to have 'localhost', 'one.localhost' and 'two.localhost'. I can go to any of these URLs and do what I need to do and login to my system. The session mode is defined as follows in the web.c...

Best practice for storing global data in PHP?

Hi I'm running a web application that allows a user to log in. The user can add/remove content to his/her 'library' which is displayed on a page called "library.php". Instead of querying the database for the contents of the users library everytime they load "library.php", I want to store it globally for PHP when the user logs in, so tha...

PHP Sessions vs. jQuery show()/hide()

I´m working with a purchase process. The process consists of 4 steps. The first two steps is where we take in all customer data. The 3rd step sends the data to our servers with AJAX and then shows a payment form. After payment the customer is thanked in step 4. My question is about Step 1 and Step 2. Right now all these steps are on the...

Have to login twice. PHP sessions and login troubles with Chrome and Opera.

The problem I am encountering is that for my login form I have to login twice for the session to register properly, but only in Chrome (my version is and Opera (my version is 10.10). Here is the stripped down code that I am testing on: Login Page: session_start(); $_SESSION['user_id'] = 8; $_SESSION['user_name'] = 'Jim'...

How to empty/destroy a session in rails?

I can't seem to find it anywhere... How do you delete/destroy/reset user's session in rails? Not just one value but the whole thing. ...

access session value during concurrent requests

I have following problem. in one request i am updating session variable. in the other request, i am trying to access that session value, but it was blocked until the first request finish. I am using C# with ASP.NET 2.0 UPDATE: My page code looks like this. while(int progress = DoWork() && progress <= 100 ){ Session["Progress"] ...

Apache MINA reading from IoSession

Dear Readers, I am new to Apache MINA kindly guide me how to read from IoSession. I have stored a POJO in it. public static EchoUDPServerDiscoveryObjectResponseProperties echoProperties session.write(echoProperties); ...

Zend Sessions getting mixed up

I'm currently working on the login for a Zend Framework application, and I'm using a combination of Zend_Auth and Zend_Session using a database adapter (as described in the Zend Framework manuals). I've made a resource for the session: class DC_Resource_DbSession extends Zend_Application_Resource_ResourceAbstract{ public function init...

Lose changed data in session

Our 2.0 application has a very long process (synchronized) before sending response back to client. I observed that a second request, exactly same the initial one, was sent after client IE8 waited response for a long period of time while our application was still processing the first request. I use page session with predefined k...

session_start() is causing an object to become non-object

Hi, I have this class that have a function to load other classes and create instances. if you used this class like this: $test = new test(); $test->load("email"); it works perfectly as expected but when using session_start(); $test = new test(); session_start(); $test->load("email"); an error is created and nothing else is ...