
Magento custom add to cart process not working

REVISED QUESTION: We have tracked this down to a custom add to cart method. I have completely revised the question. I am working on a site that is using Magento ver. as its eCommerce platform. We have built a custom "Add To Cart" process which adds multiple items to the cart via an AJAX request. After this request, some postproc...

How to use a Session Variable value as the value of a property in an ASP tag (eg: background color)

I want to set the value of a session variable to a hex color code in the Global.asax, then use the value of that session variable (hex code) as the background color in the default.css file. Can anyone give me an idea on how to accomplish this? ...

PHP session handling when the same client requests the same script multiple times at once

So here's my test setup: session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION['bahhhh'])) $_SESSION['bahhhh'] = 0; $_SESSION['bahhhh']++; sleep(5); die('a'.$_SESSION['bahhhh']); What I expect to happen is that each time I hit the page, it returns a different number. But if I use multiple tabs, and refresh them each within 5 seconds of the first, ... user control nightmare

I have implemented a user control that I reuse on several pages. However, I have run into variety of issues such as session maintenance across pages, session clearing on navigating away - essentially control state maintenance, that I am wondering that all this is worth the headache. Every time the page is loaded, a control is added to ...

PHP $_SESSION not working as expected

I have a PHP website I'm maintaining and I've confirmed that this worked at one point. We have a website utilizing a login system which stores a logged in user's information in a $_SESSION['user'] variable. The site used to log out the user when clicking /logout.php which essentially removed that portion of the session, then header() re...

How to increase the session timeout in Symfony

Hi there! I would like to know how to increase the session timeout in symfony. Is it enough to only adjust the symfony configuration settings or must I also configure anything in my php.ini file? Thanks in advance for the help, Best regards! ...

ASP.NET - are sessions shared between 2 iframes ?

Hi folks, can 2 or more iframes share same session data ? TIA ...

Does an HTTP Session always require a Cookie?

I'm guessing Yes, but I'm not sure. Both Authenticated Sessions and Anonymous Sessions would reference the stored sessions via the cookie. ########### edit: Clarify It seems that sessions require some way of referencing for the stored session data. This reference could be stored in a cookie OR added as a parameter in the URL. ...

In Django, how do I make my sessions persist through and

If I set a session in, it doesn't work on I'd like all subdomains, and all www, to be treated as one big thing. and all its subdomains should have all the session cookies of everything. Do I change this in Apache2? edit I think I found the solution: SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = "" ...

Uploadify - Passing Information Back to The Original Form

I have an Send.aspx page that has an uploadify control on it. Upload.ashx handles the file upload. I am adding a file record to a sql database in the Upload.ashx file and I need to get the ID of that record back from Upload.aspx when it is done. Can't get it working with Sessions. =( Something to do with an Adobe bug? What would t...

How do I set JSP UseBean values from a servlet

I am writing a web application that uses a JSP usebean tag in the session scope as shown below <jsp:useBean id="userSession" class="project.session.UserSession" scope="session" /> I have also written a filter which does some processing and needs to set some values on the userSession bean. How do I get a handle onto the object and set ...

Why are my pages getting accessed synchronously?

I have a Menu page. If a user selects an Menu Item it opens a new IE Window using JavaScript. So user can open different parts of applications in multiple IE Windows. These Windows have the same Session. My issue is that these pages are accessed synchronously? If one of the child window is waiting for an action to be finished no other r...

JSF: How to invalidate an user session when he logs twice with the same credentials

I'm using JSF 1.2 with Richfaces and Facelets. I have an application with many session-scoped beans and some application beans. The user logs in with, let's say, Firefox. A session is created with ID="A"; Then he opens Chrome and logs in again with the same credentials. A session is created with ID="B". When the session "B" is created...

In Django, how do I clear a sessionkey?

I set a session like this: request.session['mykey']= 33 How do I clear it? I just want to DELETE it. ...

Hibernate Session is closed

Hi, When I call the method session.begin transaction as follows: //session factory is instantiated via a bean Session session = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); Then I get the following exception message 6:13:52,217 ERROR [STDERR] org.hibernate.SessionException: Session is closed! at org.hibe...

Issues with storing the custom Principal in Session for ASP.NET MVC

I am running into an issue with ASP.NET MVC where it is forcing the user to log back in after about 20 mins of inactivity. I am using Forms Authentication and have increased the time-out in the config file as: <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="9999999" /> </authentication> I am also setting th...

ASP.NET MVC persistent data and code organization

I'm giving MVC another shot, and I feel like I'm learning freakin' HTML all over again. So, stupid question: At the top of my master page, I've got a partial view (or similar - I'm using the string template view engine and so far I love it) which either displays a small login form (similar to what NewEgg has), or a message like You are...

Entity Framework Object Context in ASP.NET Session object?

Hi there, We have a multi-layered Asp.NET Web Forms application. The data layer has a class called DataAccess which impements IDisposable and has an instance of our Entity Framework Object Context as a private field. The class has a number of public methods returning various collections of Entities and will dispose its Object Context wh... redirect if maximum connections/sessions reached

hi is there a way to redirect a user when there are n people/sessions on a site. I have a requirement to redirect to a 'sorry we are busy, please try later' page if there are too many people currently engaging the site (this is to stop flooding a live business service that is behind the webpages). The ideal is that only new users (use...

Can $_session data be set in a function

hello I have this code in a function $_SESSION['id'] = $id; $_SESSION['pineapple'] = $hashbrown; $_SESSION['username'] = $username; However, the session data never gets set, even on the initial page. Can sessions be edited though a function or not? info on cookies/ect this is the code for starting the session <!-- a bunch of info ...