
How to troubleshoot PHP session file empty issue?

I have a very simple test page for PHP session. <?php session_start(); if (isset($_SESSIONS['views'])) { $_SESSIONS['views'] = $_SESSIONS['pv'] + 1; } else { $_SESSIONS['views'] = 0; } var_dump($_SESSIONS); ?> After refreshing the page, it always show array 'views' => int 0 The environment is XAMPP 1.7.3. I checked php...

Cookie parameter value problem

Hi there I want to use cookie in my project. But now i m using session. And i have some session parameters in .aspx pages.. for example: <SelectParameters> <asp:SessionParameter Name="refKlinik_id" SessionField="refKlinik_id" /> </SelectParameters> Now i want to use Cookie Paramter like that: <SelectParameters> <asp:Cook...

swfupload destroy session? php

hy, i need a little help here: i use SWFupload to upload images! in the upload function i make a folder call $_SESSION['folder'] and all the files i upload are in 1 array call $_SESSION['files'] after uploads finish i print_r($_SESSION) but the array is empty? why that? this is my upload.php: if($_FILES['image']['name']) { list(...

How to (simply) create new service objects in java jax-ws webservices?

Is it possible in jax-ws to have a webmethod that creates a new object (of a service class) and returns a reference to it to the client caller (for the client, it's a remote reference) so that the client and this new service object maintain a session? (Therefore each client is served by a different instance). Schematically: client ...

ASP.NET Session State Error only on default document

I have a site where when accessing via everything is fine, however when accessing via I get a session error as follows: "Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. Please also make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModu...

Saving temporary file name after uploading file with uplodify

I have this script <?php if (!empty($_FILES)) { $tempFile = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']; $targetPath = dirname(__FILE__) . $_POST['folder'] . '/'; $pathinfoFile = pathinfo($_FILES['Filedata']['name']); $targetFile = str_replace('//', '/', $targetPath) . uniqid() . '.' . $pathinfoFile['extension']; move_uploaded_file($tem...

How does session_start lock in PHP?

Originally, I just want to verify that session_start locks on session. So, I create a PHP file as below. Basically, if the pageview is even, the page sleeps for 10 seconds; if the pageview is odd, it doesn't. And, session_start is used to obtain the page view in $_SESSION. I tried to access the page in two tabs of one browser. It is not...

Google App Engine - Secure Cookies

I'd been searching for a way to do cookie based authentication/sessions in Google App Engine because I don't like the idea of memcache based sessions, and I also don't like the idea of forcing users to create google accounts just to use a website. I stumbled across someone's posting that mentioned some signed cookie functions from the To...

Session Management in Axis1.2

Hi, In our application we are using Axis1.2. Our service has one instance variable profileDataManager which is responsible to return set of profiles. The application has pagination to display only 25 profiles at a time. My requirement is the profileDataManager should be instantiated only once for respective client. On subsequent calls...

ajax-based login fails: IE6 and IE7 ajax calls delete session data (session_id however is kept)

This question comes after two days of testing and debugging, right after the shock I had seeing that none of the websites i build using ajax-based login work in IE<8 The most simplified scenario si this: 1. mypage.php : session_start(); $_SESSION['mytest'] = 'x'; <script type="text/javascript" src="

PHP Redirect location with htaccess

In one of the page I have is where administrators are allowed, however, I use if the session isn't set, the header will redirect them to index.php and that method works. If I replace index.php with home which is for the htaccess which changes it to index.php but it gives an error in the browser This works: if(!isset($_SESSION['MEMBER'...

Accessing php $_SESSION from python (wsgi) - is it possible?

Hi, I've got a python/WSGI app which needs to check to see if a user has logged on to a PHP web app. The problem is that the PHP app checks if a user has logged on by comparing a value in the $_SESSION variable to a value in the cookie from the user's browser. I would prefer to avoid changing the behavior of the php app if at all possib...

PHP session_write_close() causes empty response

When using session_write_close() in a shutdown function at the end of my script - PHP just dies. There is no error logged, response headers (firebug), or data (even whitespace!) returned. I have full PHP error reporting on with STRICT enabled and PHP 5.2.1. My guess is that since session_write_close() is being called after shutdown - so...

Singleton Objects causing error in session: singleton can't be dumped in Ruby

Im using Ruby on Rails and im adding an array of users into a session object. The problem is when I add it to the session I get the following error Status: 500 Internal Server Error singleton can't be dumped The problem is my user class called Expert is not a singleton class. The following is a snippet of my controller code. if @exp...

Most secure way to generate a random session ID for a cookie?

I'm writing my own sessions controller that issues a unique id to a user once logged in, and then verifies and authenticates that unique id at every page load. What is the most secure way to generate such an id? Should the unique id be completely random? Is there any downside to including the user id as part of the unique id? ...

Quick question on session security.

Hey guys, I was scanning my site for security and I noticed that it was possible for non users to send requests and post information, so I decided to put login checks on all information posts. I was wondering if it was a good way to keep a session id that is created by md5(uniqid()); in a session variable $_SESSION['id']=md5(uniqid()); f...

How do I continue a session from one page to another with PHP

Ok I set up a session... but now how do I make it work on my other pages? I tried doing @session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['$userName'])) { echo "Your session is running " . $_SESSION['$userName']; } ...

How to share sessions between PHP and application?

My company took some old php application over. Due to our preference to and to the lack of any documentation from the previous developer, we do not want to spend much resources on developing in PHP. For implementing new features, we will create an application that has the same look to the user. We want to develop a kind o...

How do php apps identify a user after the session has timed out?

I am trying to understand how PHP apps check to see if a user is logged in. I am specifically looking at mediawiki's code to try to help me understand, but these cases should be fairly common in all php apps. From what I gather, the main cases are: A user just logged in or was created, every time they visit the page PHP knows its them...

How do I properly unit test a Django session?

The behavior of Django sessions changes between "standard" views code and test code, making it unclear how test code is written for sessions. Googling this yields two relevant discussions about this issue: Easier manipulation of sessions by test client raises error for anonymous users I'm confused because b...