
Behavior of object in set operations

I'm trying to create a custom object that behaves properly in set operations. I've generally got it working, but I want to make sure I fully understand the implications. In particular, I'm interested in the behavior when there is additional data in the object that is not included in the equal / hash methods. It seems that in the 'inters...

append set to another set

Hi Is there a better way of appending a set to another set than iterating through each element ? i have : set<string> foo ; set<string> bar ; ..... for (set<string>::const_iterator p = foo.begin( );p != foo.end( ); ++p) bar.insert(*p); Is there a more efficient way to do this ? ...

MySQL get list of unique items in a SET

I have a products table with a column of type SET (called especialidad), with these possible values. [0] => NADA [1] => Freestyle / BMX [2] => Street / Dirt [3] => XC / Rural Bike [4] => All Mountain [5] => Freeride / Downhill / Dual / 4x [6] => Ruta / Triathlon / Pista [7] => Comfort / City / Paseo [8] => Kids [9] => Playera / Chopper...

CSS set width to parentNode's width

Is there a way in CSS to set the width of any element to equal the width of its parentNode? I tried 'inherit' - sounds logic - but it didn't work. Thanks in advance. ...

How do I automatically reset a boolean when any method other is called in C#?

Hey everyone, Using C#, I need to do some extra work if function A() was called right before function C(). If any other function was called in between A() and C() then I don't want to do that extra work. Any ideas that would require the least amount of code duplication? I'm trying to avoid adding lines like flag = false; into every fun...

Sorting GridView Formed With Data Set

Following Code is for Sorting GridView Formed With DataSet Source: But it is not displaying any output. There is no problem in sql connection. I am unable to trace the error, please help me. Thank You. public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { privat...

A C# collection, which behaves like C++ set or priority_queue?

Hello, I have written the Dijkstra's algorithm many times in C++ - I need there set or priotity_queue, both give me possibility to add an element and find the least one (using specified comparator). Now, I've got a problem when trying to write Dijkstra in C# - is there any structure which could be useful for me? I need adding and findin...

C - How to implement Set data structure?

Is there any tricky way to implement a set data structure (a collection of unique values) in C? All elements in a set will be of the same type and there is a huge RAM memory. As I know, for integers it can be done really fast'N'easy using value-indexed arrays. But I'd like to have a very general Set data type. And it would be nice if a...

how to use database name as a value

I have more than 1000 access databases with the same table names.Each database has a unique name. In each database, I want to add column to one existing table and populate that new column (all rows in the table would be the same) with the database name. I found the example below - How can I alter this to give the new column the name of ...

Problem in java.util.Set.addAll() method

I have a java.util.Set<City> cities and I need to add cities to this set in 2 ways: By adding individual city (with the help of cities.add(city) method call) By adding another set of cities to this set (with the help of cities.addAll(anotherCitiesSet) method call) But the problem in second approach is that i don't know whether there ...

Mysql SET NAMES UTF8 - how to get rid of?

In a very busy PHP script we have a call at the beginning to "Set names utf8" which is setting the character set in which mysql should interpret and send the data back from the server to the client. I want to get rid of it so I set default-character-set=utf8 In our server...

Should xml represent a set or a list?

I always think of xml like a set data structure. Ie: <class> <person>john</person> <person>sarah</person> </class> Is equivalent to: <class> <person>sarah</person> <person>john</person> </class> Question One: Are these two things logicly equivalant? Are you allowed to make things like this in xml? <methodCall> <param>h...

Custom iterator for a class based on two sets

I have a class that contains two sets. They both contain the same key type but have different compare operations. I would like to provide an iterator for the class that iterates through the elements of both sets. I want to start with one set, then when I increment an iterator pointing to the last element of the first set, I want to go...

NHibernate MySQL Mapping Set Column Type

In my MySQL database, I have the following column type. Field | Type | Null | ---------------------------------- Column_priv | set('Select','Insert','Update','References') | No | And I cannot figure out what to map this to. Can anyone tell me how I can map this to something? ...

dynamically set the control template

hi, i am using dictionaries in WPF. i have two bitmap image in it with name something like image1 and image2 now in forms, i like to set them to single image control depending on condition, some times image1 and sometimes image2. so how i set the source dynamically, in dictonary i have UriSource="/wpf1;component/images...

Quickest algorithm for finding sets with high intersection

I have a large number of user IDs (integers), potentially millions. These users all belong to various groups (sets of integers), such that there are on the order of 10 million groups. To simplify my example and get to the essence of it, let's assume that all groups contain 20 user IDs. I want to find all pairs of integer sets that hav...

Is there a sorted_vector class, which supports insert() etc.?

Often, it is more efficient to use a sorted std::vector instead of a std::set. Does anyone know a library class sorted_vector, which basically has a similar interface to std::set, but inserts elements into the sorted vector (so that there are no duplicates), uses binary search to find elements, etc.? I know it's not hard to write, but p...

How to create custom get and set methods for Linq2SQL object

I have some objects which have been created automatically by linq2SQL. I would like to write some code which should be run whenever the properties on these objects are read or changed. Can I use typical get { //code } and set {//code } in my partial class file to add this functionality? Currently I get an error about this member alread...

Data Structures for hashMap, List and Set

Can any one please guide me to look in depth about the Data Structures used and how is it implemented in the List, Set and Maps of Util Collection page. In Interviews most of the questions will be on the Algorithms, but I never saw anywhere the implementation details, Can any one please share the information. ...

Using ETS Select To Form An Intersection

i have the following ets structure: SomeTable = ets:new(sometable, [bag]). ets:insert(SomeTable, [ {set1,item1}, {set1,item2}, {set1,item3}, {set2,item1}, {set2,item2}, {set2,item4}]). i want ...