
.NET Settings File Available Types

When modifying a .NET settings file, I'm given a choice of types for a setting. However, not all of the types accessible by my project appear, even in the 'Browse' window. What determines if a type can be used for a setting file setting? I have a type I created that I would like to be able to save, and I want to know what I need to cha...

WPF Properties.Settings throws exception on launch and close

When my Wpf app starts up I get a BindingFailureException in Settings.Designer.cs [global::System.Configuration.UserScopedSettingAttribute()] [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()] public global::System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection Projects { get { return ((global::System.Coll...

Can you store a generic dictionary in Properties.Settings in 4.0?

The new Dictionary<Tkey,TValue> in .net 4.0 is serializable, so... can I now somehow use this in the Settings.Settings or Settings.Designer.cs? ...

.Net Settings file, complex types and serialization

Hi I have the following types [Serializable, XmlType(Namespace="http://mycompany/foo"] public sealed class Limit { [XmlElement(ElementName="Value1")] public double Value1 {get;set;} [XmlElement(ElementName="ComplexValue1")] public ComplexValue ComplexValue1 {get;set;} } [Serializable, XmlType(Namespace="http://mycomp...

In Settings.settings, default Provider does not support user-specific settings?

I have this project in VS2010, MVC2 written in C#. My problem is that it doesn't seem like I can have user-specific settings, only application-specific, which I then can't update from code which is sort of useless to me at the moment.. Any ideas on this? I mean, I don't get any errors or anything like that. In the Settings-dialog I can ...

Modifying application settings in unit tests

I have a class library I want to unit test using Microsofts unit test framework. Some of the classes I want to test are configured using application settings. These settings are defined inside the Settings.settings file having application scope and suitable default values. When the library is used by the application these settings can be...

<userSettings> in app.config Could not find schema information for the element 'userSettings'

Hello when I try to add parameters to the settings table I get multiple messages for each parameter I add. e.g.: Could not find schema information for the element 'userSettings' Could not find schema information for the element 'setting' Could not find schema information for the attribute 'serializeAs' In the app.config I get: <pr...

User config settings get trumped by Application.exe.config settings file

Hi all I have an application 'App.exe' which has an 'App.exe.config' file alongside with it. If I make a change to the user.config file that gets copied to my Local Settings folder, that change gets trumped with the values on App.exe.config at runtime. My previous understanding is that the user.config file would have the latest value s...

update Android provider.Settings.System value

it seen i can't write to settings in LG-P500 (Android 2.2). This is my code: android.provider.Settings.System.putInt(getContentResolver(), android.provider.Settings.System.AUTO_TIME, 1); Value to specify if the user prefers the date, time and time zone to be automatically fetched from the network (NITZ). 1=yes, 0=no It work fine in my...