
Help with CRON jobs?

How can i set up my crontab to execute X script at 11:59PM every day without emailing me or creating any logs? Right now my crontab looks something like this @daily /path/to/ ...

what's in your .bashrc ?

.bashrc modifications are like nesting for developers. All I have right now is a few aliases and some PATH modifications. What's in yours?...

Registry vs. INI file for storing user configurable application settings

I'm a new Windows programmer and I'm not sure where I should store user configurable application settings. I understand the need to provide a user friendly means for the user to change application settings, like an Edit | Settings form or similar. But where should I store the values after the user hits the Apply button on that form? ...

Visual Studio open files question

Is it possible to open a project in Visual Studio 2008 without opening all the files that were previously opened last time I had the project open. I have a habit of keeping many files open as I am working on them, so next time I open the project, it (very slowly) loads up a bunch of files into the editor that I may not even need open. I...

Property default values using Properties.Settings.Default

I am using .Net 2 and the normal way to store my settings. I store my custom object serialized to xml. I am trying to retrieve the default value of the property (but without reseting other properties). I use: ValuationInput valuationInput = (ValuationInput) Settings.Default.Properties["ValuationInput"].DefaultValue; But it seems to re...

Encrypting appSettings in web.config

I am developing a web app which requires a username and password to be stored in the web.Config, it also refers to some URLs which will be requested by the web app itself and never the client. I know the .Net framework will not allow a web.config file to be served, however I still think its bad practice to leave this sort of information...

Save and Restore Form Position and Size

In a WinForms 2.0 C# application, what is the typical method used for saving and restoring form position and size in an application? Related, is it possible to add new User scoped application settings AT RUNTIME? I totally see how to add settings at design time, that's not a problem. But what if I want to create one at runtime? More de...

Visual Studio color settings for better eye

Which Visual Studio color settings is more comfortable to reduce eye strain? Whether dark setting or default (black text on white background) is best for eyes? ...

How to record window position in WinForms application settings

It seems like a standard requirement: next time the user launches the app, open the window in the same position and state as it was before. Here's my wish list: Window position same as it was Unless the screen has resized and the old position is now off screen. Splitters should retain their position Tab containers should retain their...

Changing Vim indentation behavior by file type

I have done some googling and I'm surprised that I haven't found this. COuld someone explain to me simply the easiest way to change the indentation behavior of vim based on the file type? For instance if I open a python file it would indent with 2 spaces, but if I open powershell it would use 4 spaces. ...

Persisting Printer Settings

What is the best way to persist/save printer settings in .Net? There used to be a bug in .Net 1.1 in the serialization of the PrinterSetting object and there were some workarounds but I'm wondering if there isn't a better or easier way of doing this in the more recent versions of the framework. The main use case is to allow a user to de...

How to turn off warning for no xml comment in VS 2005

At some point in time I turned on a setting in Visual Studio 2005 that produces a warning when methods/classes don't have an xml comment associated with them. I would like to turn this off, but can't seem to find the setting again. Anyone know where this is? ...

How to store key-value pairs in application settings at runtime?

How can dynamic Key-value pairs of objects be stored in app.config in using the application settings api, at runtime? I've been trying to get my head around, and I can't find any meaningful example or documentation. I seems that .Net dictionary classes can't be serialized in XML to store them in app.config Is the only way to do it by ...

Reloading configuration without restarting application using ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection

Has anyone got this working in a web application? No matter what I do it seems that my appSettings section (redirected from web.config using appSettings file=".\Site\site.config") does not get reloaded. Am I doomed to the case of having to just restart the application? I was hoping this method would lead me to a more performant solut...

How to create an .INI file to store some settings in Java?

I want to create an ini file to store some settings for my application. Is it a good idea to find where the jar file is located and create an ini file there? If yes, then how can I find the location of the jar file? But if you know a better solution for something like this, I would like to hear some of them. EDIT: I'm using mac and I ...

What's the best way to store simple user settings in Python?

I'm programming (in Python) a website which will have users. These users will have a number of settings, such as their choice of colour scheme, etc. I'm happy to store these as plain text files, and security is not an issue. The way I currently see it is: there's a dictionary, where all the keys are users and the values are dictionaries...

Winforms - Dynamic Load / Save Settings

I have a "settings file" in my Winforms application called Settings.settings with a partial class for custom methods, etc. Is there a way to load / save dynamic settings based on arbitrary keys? For example, I have some ListViews in my application in which I want to save / load the column widths; Instead of creating a width setting for ...

Change overview ruler color in Eclipse

How to change overview rule background color in Eclipse 3.4.0.I20080617-2000 (vertical bar on right of editing window with some annotations) ? General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations allows only to change colors of marks itself not background of whole bar. It looks like my web searching skills are getting weaker since I cannot ...

Application Settings

What is a fairly standard way for storing application settings, mainly for windows but also easy to move over to other platforms. There's basically 4 groups of settings I want to have: Global settings, affects all users, and may be moved between machines Global system settings, affects all users, but specific to that system (eg defaul...

Netbeans - Turn off - wavy red underlines - How?

How can I turn off the wavy red underlines in Netbeans? I don't want to be interrupted while I'm typing, and told that a half finished line of code is wrong. ...