
How to force Sgen to create .net 3.5 serializers assembly

I have a sgen build step in my .NET 3.5 library. In VS2010 this generates .NET 4 MyLib.XmlSerializers.dll, which cannot be loaded from .NET 3.5 apps. Does anyone know how to change build step to get correct version of the assembly? Is it possible to IL merge serializers assembly and library into single dll? This is my sgen build step: ...

SQL Server "version, culture or public key mismatch" during "create assembly" when loading XMLSerializers created with sgen utility

I'm trying to create a CLR function in SQLServer that calls a web service. When I create the first assembly, the AssemblyVersion in AssemblyInfo.cs is 1.0.*. I'll run sgen to create the accompanying XMLSerializers assembly, and I don't see any problems there. >"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Bin\sgen.exe" /force /assembl...

Can VS.NET 2010/MSBUILD produce XmlSerializers for .NET 3.5 SP1?

I just upgraded a VS 2008 solution containing WinForms, general use libraries, and a web app to VS 2010, but all projects still target .NET 3.5 SP 1. I use this technique to generate XmlSerializers for my general use libraries. The WinForms app runs fine. When my web app tries to run using these libraries that reference the same XmlSeria...

Even using sgen on my service class still results in agonizingly slow constructor

Hi all. So I'm trying to speed up our applications startup times -- and I've identified a major bottleneck to work on. Each of our webservice client classes takes forever and a day to instantiate. Some investigation revealed this is entirely due to the SoapHttpClientProtocol running GenerateXMLMappings. I started searching for inform...

WPF error CS0433

Hi, I'm getting this error in my WPF application. I get this error not always. If I make Clean and then Rebuild everything is ok. SGEN (0,0): error: Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1). SGEN (0,0): errorCS0433: The type 'XamlGeneratedNamespace.GeneratedInternalTypeHelper' exists...

SGEN error "Strong name validation failed."

Hi, I've been trying to use sgen.exe to genererate serialization assembly for my strong name signed assembly. I tried various set of parameters for sgen, but all my attempts ended with this error: SGEN: error SGEN1: Could not load file or assembly MyLibrary, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' or one of i...