
Sharepoint Forms authentication Run with different account

Hi, I a console application that creates a sub sites under a site collection The site collection accepts only forms based user. Now, when i run the console application, its with windows credentials. I need some way to run the code in console app that creates sub site to run under forms user who is admin to that site collection. Pleas...

Automating Site Collection Creation in SharePoint

UPDATE I can now perform succesful UI impersonation. This was an issue with the code I was using and after viewing Jay Nathan's article I have reverted to his code and all is working great. In response to a comment this is the code I am using to create a new site collection: Dim newSite As SPSite = webApp.Sites.Add( _ txtWebApp....

Anonymous target audience in sharepoint

The biggest problem I have faced so far in sharepoint, is to be able to make a certain webparts invisible or hide if the user is not logged in, basically to be able to make an audience for anonymous user. If anyone knows how to do that, please help. ...

Sharepoint: display plain text field as html.

I have a Sharepoint list, where one of the columns is plain text - Description. When you edit a list item, Description field is normally a TextArea. I have it programmed that this TextArea is extended with JavaScript to accept rich text (html really), so I have my custom rich text field. The problem is that when I input the rich data eve...

How to display list item in a workflow approval task form for the list item?

We are customizing workflow approval form to display the associated list item fields. This will help the approver to verify the list item, he is approving. ...

SPJobDefinition.Execute running but not showing it ran in Central Admin

I'm using SPJobDefinition.Execute to explicitly force a timer job to run for a bit of testing. The job runs but the time it last ran hasn't changed in either 'Timer job status' or 'Timer job definitions'. As this hasn't run before, forcing it doesn't even appear in 'Timer job status'. I recall that it did update the last run time inside ...

Getting permissions of a user in SharePoint 2K3 List

Hi, I have been using SharePoint server 2003. I need to retrieve the list of permissions using SPList.Permissions.Xml. But I dont find the permissions given to the user anywhere in the Xml returned. Say I have a user 'A' whose Login name comes as an attribute in the Xml. But the permissions (such as View, View&Insert, View&Insert&Delet...

SharePoint - Invalid Field Name Error

UPDATE Worth noting that this is only happening when the site definition is called from SPWebApplication.Sites.Add, if I use the UI then this works fine. My code is impersonating the system account when calling this code. Am I right in thinking that the ApplyWebTemplate() method of SPSite is asynchronous? If this is the case then my ...

Restore NewForm.aspx file

How do i restore a deleted NewForm.aspx file? I dont want it back through the recycle bin, since i made a mess of it, i just want to recreate the original file. Sharepoint 2003 was able to do this. ...

Sharepoint : Prevent a feature from activating on a condition..

I made a feature that creates a list with some default data (with a list definition and all required XML) I observed that when the list already exists, the data will be inserted again in the list... So I tried to make a "FeatureReceiver" to prevent the feature from creating the list if it already exists, but the base class of FeatureRece...

Sharepoint XSLT Data View: Get all items that were created in the last 30 days

I know you can create a basic view to do this, but what I really need is a query in the XSLT Data View that will show all the records where @Status = 'Open' and @Created < 30 days ago. I intend on displaying a chart that shows the count of how long tasks have been sitting in the pipe without being worked on. So, what I did was created...

SSRS Report viewer in sharepoint with document.domain set.

I'm presently working on a large intranet mashup that uses sharepoint to aggregate content from several other internal servers such as: moss.myapp.internalserver.local - The MOSS portal ssrs.myapp.internalserver.local - SQL Server reporting services reports app.myapp.internalserver.local - Custom ASP.NET MVC forms The moss portal inv...

SharePoint Pivot Upload

Every morning at 2:00am (or when ever all the pivots finish building) I run a program to upload all the pivots to a specified shared documents folder inside of SharePoint. Sunday through Friday the script runs perfectly but on Saturday morning it fails to connect via webdav. "The specified network name is no longer available" T...

Correctly opening sharepoint urls to document library items

When I add a link to a document library word document from a publishing page and then click the link, I get prompted with a dialog enabling me to Open, Save or Cancel. Can I prevent this prompt and open the document directly in word? All the best ...

Sharepoint File FieldType

I am implementing a few SharePoint lists that require a file upload, putting the file in the list directory under a folder called /Lists/{ListName}/{RecordId}/filename.ext How can I achive this using a fieldType, It get the FileUpload WebControl to render but am not receiving a file (FileUpload.HasFile always returns false) on Page Load...

Sharepoint with ASP.Net Web Application

What I need to do is create a web application that can run inside SharePoint. It needs to be more involved then a web part and include many pages and a database. I know you can create a SharePoint application that goes under the Action bar, but I would like to create something that is run like how a site is. I would want a few tabs to...

Sharepoint: Crawled properties not getting mapped to managed properties

I have created three managed proerties (SiteId,ListId and ItemId) in sharepoint which are mapped to ows_SiteId,ows_ListId and ows_Id respectively. After mapping i have cleared all the index and have done full crawling in order to generate fresh indexes. Using SiteData web service i am able to retreive values for this mapped cralwed pr...

Sharepoint 2007 Userlist custom property

I have a custom event handler on a wiki page, which should add a Tag to a custom coloumn which I attached to the Users List. The problem is how can I obtain a reference to the List in a event. It doesn't seem to be in the Profile of the profile manager and accessing it with Spweb.Lists["Userinformationlist"] gives me an error for non Adm...

How to know the ContentTypeId of a content type made with the Sharepoint interface?

I am working on a workflow in VS which creates a task with content type. The content type I want to use is a custom content type made with the SharePoint interface. Is there a way to know this content type's Id so I can use it in my workflow? If not; is there an alternative how to initiate a task containing this content type with my w...

Sharepoint 2007: Good tutorial for creating a document library by feature?

I am looking for a good tutorial with sample code to create a custom document library by using a feature. I don't need to create a whole custom template, all I want is a new document library instance of the base document library , when the feature is activated. Thanks in advance ...