
Sharepoint 2007 on Windows 2008

I wanted to get some feedback about the problems we might face if we deploy Sharepoint 2007 on Windows 2008 instead on windows 2003 ...

Sharepoint Rich Content Editor munging HTML added from custom toolbar button

Summary: What I'm trying to ask - are we going about this the completely wrong way, or, is there a way to stop Sharepoint, or its rich editor, from munging the HTML which gets added? I've been 'dropped' into a project revolving around Sharepoint 2007 (trust me, I'm not entirely pleased about it), and one of the things that is sought aft...

Custom SharePoint Form that displays data from another List

I have a SharePoint task list. Each task in the task list is for a Client, and there is a drop-down on the task entry form to select the client. The drop down is populated from a Clients list. Each client has a tier. Tier is a field in the Client list. What I want to do, is when a Client is selected in a New/Edit/View form from within...

One query at a time on a SharePoint list

I have a small application that uses a SharePoint list as the data source. This application has to be used by many users at the same time. There may occur a situation when more than one user woult want to edit the same list item of the SharePoint list. And that's not the way the application is intended to work. I need to modify the way ...

Place javascript files in 12 Hive or in Document Library?

Besides the obvious benefit of placing the custom javascript files (or any other resource files) in a document library, such as: versioning, history, tracking easy to change/edit Is there any other benefits? Performance? Page Load time? Are there any cons? PS. This is not meant as a question on number of files / resources has a ge...

SharePoint Date And Time Column

This is probably a very simple problem to correct but I have a Date Time column in SharePoint. However when the user enters the date it only accepts dates in American format. I need to change this to use UK format. How do I do this? ...

Content Deployment and AllowUnsafeUpdates

I have this bit of code... using (SPSite sitecollection = new SPSite(siteUrl)) { using (SPWeb web = sitecollection.OpenWeb(webUrl)) { try { web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; ContentDeploymentJob.AddQuickDeployObject(web, Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SPDeploymentObjectType.L...

Save a Site Collection As A Site Template (.stp) File

Hi, I would like to be able to save a SharePoint 2007 site collection as a site template (.stp) file. Is this possible? Thanks, MagicAndi ...

Dynamically setting the ListId in the <SharePoint:ListView> control

Is there a way to dynamically set the ListId field in the ListView control. We cannot guarantee that the list we are interested in has a consistent GUID between installations (The list is deployed as part of a site template that we do not control). I've tried using the PreInit event to set a variable (see the list guid: section. If I ...

Sharepoint 2007: Possible to change document library folder permissions inside a workflow?

I would like to know if its possible to change permissions on a folder (and I guess all its child objects) and I need to do this in a workflow. Any ideas how this is done. I can program the functionality if required? Thanks ...

Change Extensions of FBA / AD Authentication Zones in SharePoint?

I have a SharePoint site that is configured with FBA and AD authentication. Currently, the Forms Site is extended by the AD site. Due to various factors, I need to reverse this, so the forms based site is an extension of the AD site. How would I go about doing this? The side is full of content, so there is no margin for error. Will un-...

What is the biggest new feature/improvement in SharePoint 2010?

This is really a question for the 7400 people (!) at the SharePoint Conference 2009. Of all the new features and improvements in SharePoint 2010, which one (or area or feature set) do you think will have the biggest impact on the world of SharePoint development? ...

How do access a secure website within a sharepoint webpart?


SharePoint migrating domains

I need to migrate our SharePoint farm to a new domain. Until everything is moved we have full trust set up between the domains. Farm Hardware One WFE/Index Server Two SQL DB Servers (clustered) I know how to do this using all new hardware from production to a dev environment but doing an in place migration seems more daunting. To...

Can I create a lookup field that only returns "Current" list items?

I'm working with Sharepoint 2.0 (WSS2) and need to create a lookup field that draws the name of an Issue from an Issue List. The trouble is, it does not appear that I can filter this lookup so that only the current version of the Issue is pulled up. The result is that I have several selections for the same Issue that appear in the look...

How to restore a SharePoint 2007 backup on a SharePoint 2010 server

I have a backup of a SharePoint 2007 site. Is it possible to restore this backup on a SharePoint 2010 server? ...

Document Library : Sub folder --> target audience

Hello Sharepoint GURU, I have a following requirement. I have a document structure where I would like to grant read only permission to specific group on sub folder within document library. I am using Sharepoint 2007 Example. Folder : Business <--- Document Library under business I have two sub folder. ---> 2009 --> Sub F...

Parse HTML meta tags on upload to SharePoint

SharePoint parses and synchronizes custom document properties with SharePoint properties for MS Office documents "out of the box". I need to configure MOSS 2007 to parse HTML meta tags and synchronize them to custom SharePoint properties in a similar fashion when HTML documents are uploaded to a library. Meta tags in the following for...

View Page (DispForm.aspx) not associated properly for SharePoint list views

I've customized NewForm, EditForm and DispForm to allow users to create new, edit (with certain permission) and display service requests. The forms work fine except in my views (e.g. Createbyme.aspx which shows all requests owned by me). Instead of pointing to my custom DispForm /[site]/Lists/[list_name]/DispForm_custom.aspx?ID=[request...

Filter a sharepoint list dynamically

I have a task list which contains tasks which are submitted on the end date of every project phase. I need a list view which displays the submissions for the most recent project phase. Currently, this is implemented by specifying the most recent project phase end date as a filter condition. Whenever the tasks for the new project phase ...