
How to upload a file to a folder using webdav?

I have this webdav code thats creating folders in SharePoint: HttpWebRequest request = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(folderAddress); request.Credentials = wsLists.Credentials; // CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; request.Method = "MKCOL"; response = (System.Net.HttpWeb...

Copying with webclient to sharepoint document library question

When I copy to a sharepoint document library using webclient, should the URL contain the destination filename or not? For example: client.UploadFile("http://site/projects/project/documentLibrary/subfolder/" , "PUT", attachmentFileName ); or client.UploadFile("http://site/projects/project/documentLibrary/subfolder/" + attachmentFileN...

sharepoint development concept issue -- about site and application

Hello everyone, I am developing on SharePoint Service 3.0/SharePoint Server 2007. I always read document says create an application or create a site (collection). The term application and site always make me confused. Could anyone help to clarify what is the relationship between a SharePoint application and a site (collection)? For exa...

Converting a JSP to a SharePoint webpart

We have a large number of Java based servlets/portlets running in a BEA portal that we want to convert into SharePoint 2007 webparts. Many of the portlets use user preferences but the implementations are split between preferences being handled by the portlet directly and stored in a separate database from the portal. Others are using th...

An unhandled access exception has occurred, msmq, Sharepoint error

I have an issue that is occurring after my server reboots. I have some features in SharePoint, for doing various things. One thing they do is add items into a couple of different MSMQ queues. Immediately after a server reboot, if I try to log in to SharePoint and I go to a custom page of mine, and click on a button within that page (whic...

SharePoint List Items with Lookup Fields - moving/copying to different site collection

Here is the scenario. Our SharePoint custom job archives list items (based on ceratin crteria) and copies/moves the items to a different site collection. In this scenario, if the list item has some lookup fields, how do preserve these when I copy/mpve to different site collection?. Thanks, Durga ...

Using AspCompat in a SharePoint web part page

I'm in the process of creating a SharePoint web part that needs to use a single-threaded COM component. I've discovered that in order to make this work well, I need to add the AspCompat="true" directive to the page where the web part will live. The problem is I can't seem to set up such a page. I created a new blank web part page via th...

LoadControl on control with assembly reference

I'm trying to use System.Web.UI.TemplateControl.LoadControl to build a templated web part for a SharePoint application, and I'm having trouble with a control that references an external assembly. I have a user control with the first few lines like this: <%@ Control Language="C#" ClassName="MyControl" %> <%@ Assembly Name="AjaxControlTo...

Allowing users to choose an approval workflow to start in MOSS

When using MOSS approval workflow on publishing pages I would like the users to be able to select a workflow to start rather than it just starting one? That is, when they click approve on a document I want a choice of approval workflows for them to select from i.e. Approval for the design team or Approval for the Corporate board etc. Is...

Relative URLs in Sharepoint master page

I have a master page with tabs. The tabs are defined by the following sitemap file: <siteMap> <siteMapNode title="Home" url="~/" > <siteMapNode title="Schedule" url="~/Pages/Tab2.aspx"/> <siteMapNode title="Deliverables" url="~/Pages/Tab3.aspx"/> <siteMapNode title="My Items" url="~/Pages/Tab4.aspx"/> ...

SharePoint user/group role concept issue

Hello everyone, I am programming with SharePoint Service 3.0/SharePoint Server 2007. SharePoint has some built-in roles like contributor, visitor, designer, administrator. I am wondering if I use Forms Authentication, how to define roles in Forms Authentication Roles in order to map the Forms Authentication roles to SharePoint built-in...

sharepoint content are not searchable...why?

I create a form form infopath. on that form i took the text boxes with corresponding fields. then i embed the form in sharepoint. then in my document library , clicked "new", filled up data. then i can see the data columns wise in my document library. let say i fill data as "Lalit" when i tried to search it , it gave me message . "No re...

Sharepoint Wiki Recent Changes : Update number of entries shown

By default only 5 recent wiki page entries are displayed in left navigation.Also rejected wikis are also shown. I need to increase it to 10 and also want to show only approved wiki pages only. Please help on this. ...

SharePoint CAML search on Modified By

What do I use in the value to return results using the following CAML query in MOSS2007? The query is currently not returning any results. I have tried using the Account Name and the name displayed in the list but to now avail. <Eq><FieldRef Name='Modified_x0020_By' /><Value Type='User'>domain\someusername</Value></Eq> ...

Sharepoint Timer Job and log4net

Hi mates I'm developing a custom SharePoint solution which consist of a feature and a timer job (which is created by the feature in FeatureActivated). In my solution I want to use log4net for logging (I know about ULS). Everything is fine with log4net in the feature itself (just placed log4net.config near web.config and all is fine), ...

Deploy a feature to a single sharepoint site / How to select a single sharepoint site

I'm trying to deploy a selection of features and to do this I need to select the target site and then use: objWeb.Features.Add(new Guid({guid of feature})); my question is how would I select this site, all the help i've found creates the site using its constructor and then keeps track of it, where as I want to open an existing one. Th...

SPDataSource for update and delete

Hi All, Has any now tried out working with Delete and update command of SPDataSource used in conjuction with SPGridView? If yes, can you share a working example? Thanks, Taha ...

Resources for SharePoint Development

I have to develop an appliction (Asp.Net - maybe MVC) that would be integrated into SharePoint 3.0. This is the first time I have anything to do with SharePoint and I'd like to pick up the basics quickly. I haven't found any reasonable online resources - do you know any? Unfortunately, I don't have time to buy and read a book. Thanks. ...

Integrating an existing ASP.NET application into SharePoint

What do I need to do to integrate an existing ASP.NET application into SharePoint? Are there any pitfalls, difficulties or is it a relatively easy process? I'm completely new to SharePoint. The version of the ASP.NET app is 3.5 The version of SharePoint is 3.0 (2007) running on IIS 6. Thanks ...

What kinds of problems have there been using Access databases with SharePoint?

Just curious what the experience has been in uploading MS Access tables to SharePoint 2007 list. We've been planning on doing so, but I seem to recall issues with SharePoint mangling Access tables in the resulting lists and generally the migrations not going so well. Your experiences? Best practices and recommendations? I'm particular...