
Web test to edit a SharePoint pages properties using Visual Studio Test Suite

I am using visual Studio 2008 sp1 to try and create a web test that will allow me to edit a page using the EditForm.aspx. I am trying using fiddler and the recorder. I have managed to get some test to run, but they do not change the properties. Anyone have any tips on how to do this? ...

Only allow one entry per User in a List - ListReceiver "Feature" for a List?

Hello, I wonder if there is a way to create a Custom List in Sharepoint, but specify that each user may only create one item in the list. I am thinking of two approaches: Develop a ListReceiver that checks if the user already created an item. Problem: I did not see a way to enable a Feature on a specific list (the idea is that non-de...

How do I call a Sharepoint Webservice from a c# client using Kerberos authentication ?

Hi We have developed a webservice that sits and runs in the context of a sharepoint site. This works fine using normal windows authentication. We now have a client who wants to install this on a Kerberos enabled sharepoint site. What changes would we need to make to either the webserivce, the calling client (a windows service) or both...

Place to store user settings in Sharepoint besides profiles

Is user profiles an appropriate place to store things like number of items per page in a custom grid user selected? (I you can store it in the view, but it won't be per user this way). My first though was to store these settings in user profiles, but there are problems with access permissions for programmatically creating user profile p...

Creating Discussion under a Team Discussion in Sharepoint with a Workflow

Is it possible to create a workflow in Sharepoint designer that will create a new discussion thread in a team discussion after a file is added to a document library? I have tried using the "Create List Item" action and that does create a discussion but when you view it there are no messages and no means of adding a reply. Any ideas? I...

Migrating MOSS 2007 from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005

We have an installation of MOSS 2007 that is using MS SQL 2000 as the backend database. The web front end for MOSS is on one server and the database on a separate server. We would like to move the database to a MS SQL 2005 server. Is there a recommended approach for doing this? Does anyone know of any resources that offer tips, trick...

How to efficiently delete all files in a document library?

I am looking for a clear, complete example of programmatically deleting all documents from a specific document library, via the Sharepoint object model. The doclib does not contain folders. I am looking to delete the documents completely (ie I don't want them in the Recycle Bin). I know of SPWeb.ProcessBatchData, but somehow it never ...

What are your biggest complaints about Sharepoint?

I'm looking into using SharePoint (WSS 3.0, specifically) for the document library and discussion board functionalities. I'd like to ask those of you who have experience in SP (MOSS or WSS, since we might upgrade in the future) for a list of the items that ticked you off or required a difficult workaround. Here's one from me - I found ...

SharePoint Visual Studio document upload Web Test fails with Connot close stream until all bytes are written

I have created a Visual Studio 2008 sp1 test suite web test that uploads a document to a document library in SharePoint. The test is a lot like the one described here. All is fine until the test is converted to a coded web test. Then the upload post returns the response "Request failed: Connot close stream until all bytes are written"...

Check permission on item in list

In a list where items only can be changed by owner or admin how can I check by code if a user can edit the item. I try item.DoesUserHavePermissions(SPBasePermissions.EditListItems); it will return True as the user can add and edit items in list. ...

How to host a Silverlight app in a Sharepoint 2007 Web Part

There has been a flurry of updates released to Microsoft's Silverlight over the past couple of months (Silverlight 2 beta 2 runtime + dev tools, RC0 + dev tools which broke beta 2 apps), and recently Microsoft has released the RTM. I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to integrate Sharepoint 2007 and Silverlight. Many of the sharepoint/s...

SharePoint: Can I see the content of a document in the ItemAdding() event handler?

I'd like to inspect the content of a file before it is uploaded to the SharePoint doc library. I hooked up a handler to the ItemAdding() event but don't know how to get the content of the file. Note: I know that in the ItemAdded() I can use properties.ListItem.File but that's too late. Thanks in advance. ...

Sharepoint workflow remains "in progress" despite all actions being complete

We have several workflows, all are default Sharepoint workflows - approval / feedback etc. Once all actions have been completed (and marked as so), the status of the document workflow remains "In Progress". I have found several mentions of this on the web - but no solutions. Any assistance will be extremely helpful - thanks! ...

A user with Local Admin + NETWORK SERVICE permissions for Windows Sharepoint Timer Service

Is it possible to create a user with permissions of both a local administrator and NETWORK SERVICE? I've got a Sharepoint timer job which runs stsadm for which it needs local administrator permissions. On the other hand temer jobs are also used by other services which need NETWORK SERVICE permissions and those to sets of permissions onl...

RevNum field set to 2 by Word 2007 or SharePoint

After "checkin" of a .docx file to SharePoint and editing it the RevNum property is set to 2. Why? This does not make sense (imho) --hfr ...

Sharepoint 2007 NTLM issue with ASP.NET Web App hosted on Sharepoint server

I'm hosting an ASP.NET web application on a Sharepoint 2007 box, which makes a web service call to Sharepoint to retrieve a document location (specifically, the GetListItems method). The service is consumed with passed credentials of a valid Sharepoint account with appropriate permissions. ListServiceWrapper listService = new ListServi...

Adding a Web Reference for SharePoint in Visual Studio 2008

Whenever I add a web reference for any Sharepoint web service in VS 2008, the preview window while adding the web reference shows the proper method names: Note CreateFolder: Before: And after, the CreateFolder method is not there I looked over the documentation at MSDN but it appears I am using it properly. Can anybody point out my...

How to move documents and list items in Windows SharePoint Services?

I need to provide users with an easy way to move documents and lists items in WSS 3.0. They want to be able to move across lists, sites and site collections without loss of version history, metadata, and author/date info. This functionality is unfortunately not available OOB. Anyone know a good solution/product? ...

How do I check if a Sharepoint Document Library has the Require Approval flag set, using the Sharepoint API ?

Hi It would also be useful to be able to check the "Requires Checkout" flag as well. I thought it might be a property on the SPDocumentLibrary object, but I can't see it. Do I need to look in one of the admin namespaces...? Cheers Matt ...

FileNotFoundException with the SPSite constructor. What's the problem?

I try to instantiate a instance of SPSite on the farm server in a custom software (MyApp.exe) and I give in parameter the whole website (http://mysite:80/). I also made sure that the account running MyApp.exe is Site Collection Administrator. However, I can't make an instance of SPSite whatever I am trying to do. I always gives back "Fi...