
How can commenting be added to news articles in an existing Sharepoint 2007 news site?

A client is asking to incorporate commenting on their news articles. They're using the Sharepoint news site template for their news publishing, etc. They want a simple commenting system, much like what is available on most blog engines, only they want it at the bottom of each news article. I just thought I would ask around about an out ...

Sharepoint API - How to Upload files to Sharepoint Doc Library from ASP.NET Web Application

I am new to Sharepoint Server, Do we have any utility to upload files from ASP.NET application. Could you please provide your valuable answers? ...

Transparent generic exception handling for / MOSS2007 (with code)

Not exactly a question this, but something that might help out a few people I hope.. Some time ago, I wrote a general transparent exception handling module for use in a MOSS 2007 (Sharepoint) solution. The solution had many web parts, web parts that would often break, causing the entire page they were on to crash. This was causing our t...

How to create forms in Microsoft Sharepoint?

Hi I want to create form on my site, which is run using Micrsoft Sharepoint. ...

How can I validate within an InfoPath form whether a user exists within a SharePoint Portal?

I am creating a form within InfoPath which is to be integrated into a SharePoint 2007 Portal. Within this form there will be a textfield into which a user can enter the Name of a Person. How can I validate whether this Person exists or not? Instead of validating the user, is there a way to fill a dropdown List with all usernames of th...

How do modify the look and feel of a Sharepoint site?

I somehow got lumbered with deploying SharePoint at work. I hate it, even the simplest things seem to be unnecessarily difficult. I've seen a few resources scattered around, but they all seem to stop short of helping me really take control of the css. Can someone point me in the right direction? EDIT I'm not afraid of the css itself...

Why does my web part throw an error about "NT Authority/Anonymous User"?

My Sharepoint 2007 web part executes code to start a K2 workflow process. The workflow server resides on another server. When my code executes, I get the following error: "24408 K2:NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON from does not have rights to Start Process MyProject\MyProcessName" I'm sure this is a general IIS delegat...

How can I make an InfoPath textfield within an repeating table auto increment?

Within my InfoPath form (which has to be loaded within a SharePoint Portal by the browser)I have a repeating table containing multiple fields. Now I would like to make the first textfield autoincrement starting by 1. How exactly can I do this? I have already heard of a way by using the "count" function but this produces errors or in bes...

Sharepoint: SQL to find all documents created/edited by a user

I am looking for a query that will work on Sharepoint 2003 to show me all the documents created/touched by a given userID. I have found tables with the documents (Docs) and tables for users (UserInfo, UserData) but the relationship between seems a bit odd - there are 99,000 records in our userdata table, and 12,000 records in userinfo -...

Howto get SharePoint version using object model

With WSSv2 (SharePoint 2003) you could get the version of SharePoint you were working with e.g. SPGloablAdmin.Version gives you "" for WSSv3 SP1 However its now obsolete (although still works). Does anyone know the WSSv3 (SharePoint 2007) equivalent? You have things like SPWebService.ContentService.Version but that versio...

Whats the best way to create a Smart Part in SharePoint?

Hi, i kinda know how to create a Custom Web Part. But now i need to create a Smart Part. Any idea how it works or what a easy way is to create it? Maybe some nice links to articles? Please Help Regards Etienne ...

LinqToXML XElement to XmlNode

HI, Is there any 'correct' way to convert an XElement to an XmlNode in C# - LinqToXML makes it nice to build the required XML programmatically but SharePoint web services requires an XmlNode, so whats the best way to mix and match? ...

How does SharePoint Services 3.0 Search work ?

I understand the following elements : there is some sort of crawling (configured in central administration) when the crawling is done, there is a slight delay, after which you can have your search results displayed. But, in a document library with publishing enabled, documents that are not published don't appear in search results. Is...

Schedule an appointent from a SharePoint workflow

I need to get an appointment into someone's Outlook calendar based on requests from their employees. The application runs in SharePoint (WSS 3.0). My first impressions are to use iCal or send meeting requests, but I haven't done either before & I'm looking for a very quick & easy way to get it done. Any ideas? ...

MOSS SpNavigationNode.Children always empty

I'm trying to return all the child nodes of a set of navigation nodes in sharepoint, the SDK implies I should be doing something like this: NodeColl = objSite.Navigation.TopNavigationBar Dim Node as SPNavigationNode For Each Node In NodeColl if Node.IsVisible then Response.Write("<siteMapNode url=""" & Node.Url & """ title=""" &...

How to save a word template for a content type without filling in required fields.

I have a content type that has required fields. I have associated Word document with the content type as a template. I now want to edit the Word template, but word won't allow me to save the template without filling in the required fields. However, if I fill in the required fields and save the document, then those fields get populated...

Can MOSS 32 bit and 64 bit exist in the same farm?

I am trying to setup a failover location for MOSS. The current farm is built on 32 bit Windows 2003. The servers ar the failover location are all 64 bit Windows 2008. Is there any way to make these two environments talk and stay in sync? I have considered a "stretched" farm configuration, but that won't work unles the bit width of both ...

SharePoint list.items.GetDataTable column names not match field names

I am binding an SPGridView to a SPList. As code samples suggest, I am using the following code to create a dataview based on the list. dim data as DataView = myList.Items.GetDataTable.DefaultView grid.DataSource = data etc... What I am finding is that the column names in the resulting dataview do not always match the source fields de...

Is there any good replacement for SharePoint Designer?

If you've ever used SharePoint Designer, you'll know it's bad. Really bad. Is there any good replacement for that? Is there any consideration I must take account of if I want to build my own Visual Studio Add-in connector to connect to it? Anything you know that I should be aware of? I just hate the slowness and the way SPD (SharePoin...

I want to create a form in SharePoint that allows the booking of time on a timetable

Hello, I am currently working on the student association's website. The student's association owns a couple of rooms and we want to build an online form which allows a student to book the room for a specific time, and we want to have a timetable to show which times are currently booked. Thanks a lot! ...