
SharePoint: programmatically move documents between document libraries

What's the best way to move a document from one doc library to another? I don't care about version history or preserving CreatedBy and ModifiedBy metadata... SPList lib1 = (SPDocumentLibrary) web.Lists["lib1"]; SPList lib2 = (SPDocumentLibrary) web.Lists["lib2"]; SPItem item1 = lib1.Items[0]; //insert code to move item1 to lib2 I'm cu...

Sharepoint: How to programmatically manage SPFolder and SPListItem permissions

I want to know if I'm missing something. Here's how I would do it: For SPFolder I would change the associtaed item's permissions (SPFolder.Item). So I suppose managing SPFolder permissions boils down to managing SPListItem permissions. For SPListItem I would frist break role inheritance with SPListItem.BreakRoleInheritance() and then wor...

Serialization in C# without using file system

I have a simple 2D array of strings and I would like to stuff it into an SPFieldMultiLineText in MOSS. This maps to an ntext database field. I know I can serialize to XML and store to the file system, but I would like to serialize without touching the filesystem. public override void ItemAdding(SPItemEventProperties properties) { ...

Display separator in Sharepoint AspMenu control

All I'm trying to do is display a separator (I've tried images & stylesheets) between the primary navigation menu items in Sharepoint. Here is what I want it to look like: Home | Menu1 | Menu2 | Menu3 When I attempt to use the StaticTopSeparatorImageUrl (using a bar image) it results in the following: Home | Menu1 | Menu2 | Menu3 | ...

Adding an extra column in the sharepoint list preview viewstyle

I am using the Out-Of-The-Box preview viewstyle for displaying a list. My requirement is to display and extra column on the left side of the the view, along with the title column. How can I do this? ...

Creating Sharepoint lists declaratively or programatically?

Is it best to create sharepoint lists in a feature using xml (schema.xml) or using custom code which create the list using the API? I ask because I would expect the declarative approach to be the easiest, but according to all tutorials I have found it seems I have to create an enormous schema.xml file by copying and modifying an existi...

Why Does the Infopath 2007 Form Shows Error Message When Saving Repeating Table With More Than 60 Records?

We are currently creating an InfoPath 2007 form is deployed in SharePoint 2007. In the form we populate the repeating tables with more than 60 records. However, when we're submitting the form, an error message appears. Does the number of records in the repeating table affects the submitting of the form? Also provide some workaround to re...

Setting up Alerts in SharePoint

Hi, i am running MOSS 2007 on a Windows 2003 box. I need to know what configuration must be done to get Alerts to work. SMTP and that stuff. What am i missing because when i create my alert it creates it but it does not send the email to show me that something changed in my document library or on any document it self. I did install the...

What is the difference between these two methods of accessing the SharePoint model?

Out of the several ways of accessing the SharePoint model of a SharePoint Services 3.0 site from an ASP.NET application, two seem to be very similar: SPWeb site = SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context); SPWeb site = SPContext.Current.Web; It is my understanding that both of these methods need to be executed from within an ASP.NET applicati...

SharePoint column default values - add 10 working days

In SharePoint MOSS 2007, I have created a custom content type that I will be applying to a document library. One of the required fields is "Incoming Date" and another is the "Due Date". The Due Date is always 10 working days from the Incoming Date. The Incoming Date is when the mail room received the letter, not necessarily when the...

Representing parent-child relationships in SharePoint lists

I need to create some functionality in our SharePoint app that populates a list or lists with some simple hierarchical data. Each parent record will represent a "submission" and each child record will be a "submission item." There's a 1-to-n relationship between submissions and submission items. Is this practical to do in SharePoint? ...

Easiest way to extract SharePoint list data to a separate SQL Server table?

Edited: What is the easiest way to scrape extract SharePoint list data to a separate SQL Server table? One condition: you're in a work environment where you don't control the SQL Server behind the SharePoint Server, so you can't just pull from the UserData table. Is there there any utilities that you can use to schedule a nightly ext...

Authenticate Sharepoint with Active Directory?

Just need to use find a simple way to have AD authenticate as the login for a Sharepoint site. This fairly quick and simple to get going ? Thanks! ...

what is RowOrdinal property in Sharepoint FieldType Definition

In Sharepoint it is not possible to add more than 16 Lookup-Fields to a single list. This limit is explained here: I found a workaround for it: The RowOrdinal-Property in FieldDefinition in schema.xml is default setted to = "0". You cann add more fields of one fieldt...

Why does tracing only work from time to time?

ASP.NET tracing seems very erratic. Sometimes it traces and sometimes it doesn't. I trace from my ASCX using... Trace.Write("etc. etc."); My web.config looks as follows... (in WSS3) I first ensure that SharePoint allows the page level tracing... <SafeMode MaxControls="200" CallStack="true" DirectFileDependencies="10" TotalFileDepende...

SharePoint: What is the max size of the multi line text field? Can I set it?

What is the max size of the multi line text field? Can I set it? ...

Evidence that SharePoint has no SQL injection vulnerabilities?

My company has a requirement that all production sites pass an AppScan security scan. Sometimes, when we scan a SharePoint installation, the software detects a blind SQL injection vulnerability. I'm pretty sure this is a false positive--AppScan is probably interpreting some other activity in the HTTP response as success of the blind inje...

Sharepoint web services to edit existing list from desktop

Perhaps I am not asking or searching for this correctly: I want to have a desktop script (currently using python) that will update a list on a sharepoint site. The current script reads various file shares, ftp sites and a ArcGIS database to determine which metadata files have been updated and published. The script then writes all thes...

UI's in Sharepoint

Our web team has been asked to build some user interfaces in Sharepoint. The UI's would primarily be forms that would need to write to a SQL Server database. Is ASP.NET the best way to do this? If so what's the best way to integrate the ASP.NET application into Sharepoint? ...

MOSS'07 - Page View Web Part Slows Menu Hovers

Hello everyone, In our MOSS '07 site we have a page that contains just a Page Viewer web part in it that points to a site on another server. However, I've noticed that on that page (and any others that have a Page Viewer web part on it) our drop down menus and hover effects are SUPER SLOW and completely max out the CPU on the visitor's...